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导读: How,could,we,become,good,learners课文听力(共5篇)...


Unit1 How can we become good learners 课文翻译

Unit1 How can we become good learners?




How can you become a successful learner?

每个人天生就拥有学习的能力。但是你能否学习的好取决于你的学习习惯。研究显示成功的学习者有一些共同的好习惯。 1.培养他们对所学方面的兴趣

研究显示,如果你对某事物感兴趣,你的大脑会更活跃,而且对你来说也会更长时间地关注那个事物。善于学习的人经常把他们所学的事物与一些有趣的事物联系起来。比如,如果他们需要学习英语,而且他们喜欢音乐或者体育,他们就可以听英文歌曲或者看英文版的体育节目,这样的话他们就不会感到乏味了。 2.练习并从错误中学习

善于学习的人思考他们擅长什么,以及他们需要更多的练习什么。记住:“不用即失”即使你学某事物学的很好,如果你不使用,你也会忘记它。“熟能生巧”善于学习的人会一直练习他们所学到的东西,而且他们从不怕犯错误。亚历山大-格雷厄姆-贝尔不是一夜之间发明了电话的。他是通过许多次的尝试以及从他的错误中学习 取得成功的。 3.提高他们的技能

仅仅努力学习是不够的。善于学习的人知道他们能够学习的最佳方式。例如,他们可以通过写下关键词或者画思维导图来记笔记。他们还会寻找各种方式来复习他们所学到的东西。他们可以通过每天读他们的笔记或者向另一名学生说明信息的方式来复习。 4.问问题



一.(单词) 表达(方式) ;表示

教科书;课本 交谈;谈话 大声地;出声地 发音;读音 句子

有耐心的 n. 病人


秘密;adj. 秘密的; 爱上;与⋯⋯相爱 语法 重复;重做

笔记;记录 v. 注意;指出

朋友;伙伴 模式;方式 物理;物理学 化学 搭档;同伴 发音 增加;增长 速度 v.加速 能力;才能 大脑 活跃的;积极的 注意;关注

注意;关注(词组) (使)连接;与⋯⋯有联系 把⋯⋯和⋯⋯连接或联系起来一夜之间;在夜间 回顾;复习 知识;学问 明智地;聪明地


请求某人的帮助 读课文

提髙某人说的能力 英语口语 抓住主题 制作单词卡片 听磁带 逐字逐句地读

耐心点儿 语言学习的诀转 不敢做某事 爱上 肢体语言

在词典里查阅它们 记笔记 记句型 犯语法错误 学习习惯 有.......共同,点 注意

把.......与.......联系起来 变得无聊 摘抄重点词 课后 对.......感兴趣 独立做某事 慢慢地做某事 一遍又一遍地做某事 为.......而担忧 依赖;取决于



UNIT 1 How can we become good learners检测题听力原文及参考答案

UNIT 1 How can we become good learners?检测题听力原文及




1. M: What did you have for lunch today?

W: Noodles.

2. M: Where will you go tomorrow?

W: I want to go to the Great Wall. I haven’t been there for a long time.

3. M: What’s the weather like today?

W: It’s sunny. I’ll go to see my grandparents.

4. M: Can I park my car here?

W: Sorry you can’t. Look at that sign.

5. M: What do you like doing in your free time, Helen?

W: I like playing the violin.


6. How do you learn English?

7. Have you ever learned English by making word cards?

8. What about practicing the pronunciation?

9. Do you learn English by listening to tapes?

10. Can you spell the English word?


Li Hong is a 16-year-old girl. She is good at English. However, four years ago she was very shy and her English was poor, especially her spoken English. She was afraid to answer the teacher’s questions in the English classes.

After she went to middle school, things were different. Her English teacher Mr. Gao taught very well and she liked him very much. She began to show interest in English. She listened carefully in class and took part in after-class activities. In her free time, she read many English stories and watched lots of English movies.

Now she is working hard and hopes to study abroad one day.


Hello, everyone!Now, let me introduce my friends. This is my best friend Lily. She is wearing a red skirt. You will like her,because she is friendly and funny. She likes drawing. This is Sam. He is wearing a blue T-shirt. He is handsome and clever. He likes collecting stamps. Oh, that is Mary. She is wearing a white dress. She is active and outgoing. She likes playing tennis. I love my friends. 参考答案:

一、1~5 CBABC 6~10 CBAAB 11~15 ABCAB

16. friendly 17. T-shirt 18. handsome 19. a white dress 20. playing tennis

二、1.B quietly意为“安静地”;loudly意为“大声地”;noisily意为“吵闹地”。根据关键词deaf(聋的)可知选B。句意:奶奶耳朵很聋,因此你必须清楚地并且大声地跟她说话。

2. B “the+比较级,the+比较级”为固定句式,意为“越„„,就越„„”,故选B。句意:书是我们的好朋友,因为我们读书越多,我们的将来就会越好。

3. A by表示方式,意为“通过;经由”;with“用;和„„在一起”;of“关于;属于„„的”;in“在„„里;用”。由句意“你可以通过多练习来提高你的英语水平”可知A项正确。

4.B softly副词,意为“柔和地; 柔软地”;friendly形容词,意为“友好的,亲密的”;gently副词,意为“轻轻地 温柔地”;seriously副词,意为“认真地; 严肃地”。sound是连系动词,后多跟形容词作表语。故选B。句意:经理在电话中听起来很友好。他主动提出要领我们参观这家公司。

5. C practice doing sth.意为“练习做某事”,动名词作宾语,为固定搭配。故选C。

6. A how often “多久一次”,对频率提问; how long “多长”,对时间段或物体长度提问; how many “多少”,对可数名词的数量提问; how much “多少,多少钱”,对不可数名词的数量或物品的价格提问。由答语Hardly ever.(几乎从不。)可知问句提问频率,故选A。

7. D 由上句句意“我经常骑自行车去上学”可推知,下句句意为“为什么不试着乘公共汽车呢?”。try doing sth.意为“试着做某事”;try to do sth.意为“尽力做某事”。故选D。

8. B 由when you leave the room(当你离开房间时)可知,此处表示的动作尚未发生,故用remember to do sth.“记得去做某事”。

9. D if意为“如果”;since意为“自从;既然”;unless意为“除非”;although意为“尽管;虽然”。空格前It is very clean and beautiful意为“它很干净、美丽”,空格后it is a bit small意为“它有点儿小”。此处应用although引导让步状语从句。句意:“凯特,你觉得你的新学校怎么样?” “它虽然有点儿小,但是很干净、美丽。”

10. C be excited about意为“对„„感到激动”,为固定搭配;由第二个空后的movie可知,此处修饰物,故用exciting。

三、1. A 四个选项中只有need可用作实义动词,其后能跟to do sth.,其他三项都是情态动词,其后用动词原形。故选A。

2. D 修饰动词learn,应用副词,排除A、B两项;此处句意为“当你有好的学习习惯时,你会更容易地学东西”,可排除C项,故选D。

3. C 该词代指上一句中的things。故选C。

4. D “在”起居室用介词in。

5. A 句意为“这不是个好地方,因为它通常太吵闹”。because(因为)符合文意。

6. B 结合选项及常识可知安静的地方应该是卧室。故选B。

7. A 句意为“安静的地方将有助于你仅考虑一件事情”。故选A。

8. B 句意为“当你学习的时候,不要同时考虑其他事情”。空格后有名词things,应用形容词,而不是代词,排除C、D两项。不考虑学习之外的任何事情,不是特定的事物,故选B。

9. C quickly的比较级是more quickly,意为“更快”;much可修饰比较级,much more quickly意为“快得多”。

10. D 此处句意为“你将会犯更少的错误”,mistake是可数名词,故选fewer。

四、1. C 细节理解题。由第六段中的Chinglish usually means English vocabulary with Chinese grammar...可知选C。【How,could,we,become,good,learners课文听力】

2. A 细节理解题。由Chinglish的表达习惯可知它的意思是“人山人海”。

3. D 细节理解题。由第六段中汤姆的话可知D项正确。

4. D 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的to correct Chinglish within five years可知答案。

5. B 细节理解题。由文章最后一段可知,喜欢中式英语的人认为到了英语向汉语“借”东西的时候了。

6. A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要是告诉我们关于做听力测试题的建议。

7. B 细节理解题。由第二段中的Before you start to listen, you need to relax.可知,B项为正确答案。

8. C 细节理解题。由第三段中的It usually tells you the main idea of the passage.可知,C项为正确答案。

9. B 细节理解题。由第三段及最后一段可知正确答案。

10. D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,D项为正确答案。

五、1.A 题干意为:当学习东西时你最好先制订一个计划。由文中第一句话An important part of learning something is making sure you plan your time and use it well.(学习东西的一个重要组成部分是确保你计划你的时间并很好地利用它。)可知,此句表述正确。

2.B 题干意为:务必每次尽可能多地复习。由文中作者建议做的事情一栏中的句子Review little and often.(要少复习、勤复习。)可知,此句表述错误。

3.B 题干意为:学习时45分钟的休息之后你会感到更清醒。由文中作者建议做的事情一栏中的句子A short break every 45 minutes is a good idea. Stand up and walk around—you will feel more awake.(每45分钟休息片刻是个好主意。站起来走一走,你会感到更清醒。)可知,是每45分钟休息片刻而不是休息45分钟,由此判断此句表述错误。

4.A 题干意为:如果你担心太多,你是不会学好的。由文中作者建议不要做的事情一栏中的句子(DON’T)Worry too much. If you feel nervous,you won’t learn as well as if you’re relaxed.“(不要)担心太多。如果你感到紧张,你学得就会不如放松时好。”可知,此句表述正确。

5.B 题干意为:在考试前的一晚你应该熬夜。由文中作者建议不要做的事情一栏中的句子(DON’T)Study for hours every night a week before your exam! Studying for hours the night before will make you tired and your brain won’t work well.“在考试前的一周(不要)每天晚上都学习几个小时!考试前的一晚学习几个小时会使你很累,并且大脑也不会很好工作。”可知,此句表述错误。

六、1. invented 2. having conversations 3. more practice 4. to learn 5. To memorize 七、1. discovers 2. memorizing 3. review 4. interested 5. more active

八、1. What about 2. what to do 3. unless you start early 4. how to increase

5. How long have, learnt

九、One possible version:

My English Study

When I entered middle school, I had so many difficulties in learning English. I was not able to understand the teacher in class, and I couldn’t master the words and phrases. For a time I wanted to give it up. Later, with the help of the teacher and my classmates,I gradually took an interest in English. I listened to the teacher carefully in class, kept on reading English every day and spoke English as much as possible. Step by step, I made great progress in English.

In a word, only when you develop an interest in studying English can you learn it well.

新版人教版九年级英语课文Unit1:How can we become good learners

Unit1:How can we become good learners?

2d Role-play the conversation.

Jack: Annie, I’m a little nervous. I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday. Annie: That doesn’t sound too bad.

Jack: But I’m a very slow reader.

Annie: For the first time, just read quickly to get the main ideas. Don’t read word by word, read word groups.

Jack: But I don’t understand many of the words. I have to use a dictionary.

Annie: Try to guess a word’s meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You probably understand more than you think.

Jack: That sounds difficult!

Annie: Well, be patient. It takes time. You can become better by reading something you enjoy every day. The more you read, the faster you’ll be.


3a Read the passage about Wei Fen and answer the questions. How I Learned to Learn English

Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke too quickly. But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad. So I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything.Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie! So then I began to watch other English movies as well.Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning. I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. My pronunciation also improved by listening to the interesting conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I did not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked up the words in a dictionary. Now I really enjoy my English class. I want to learn new words and more grammar. Then I can have a better understanding of English movies.

2b Read the passage quickly. Which four habits of successful learners are mentioned?

How Can You Become a Successful Learner?

Everyone is born with the ability to learn.But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in common.

Creating an interest in what they learn

Studies show that if you are interested in something, your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time. Good learners often connect what they need to

learn with something they are interested in. For example,if they need to learn English and they like music or sports, they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English. This way they will not get bored.

Practicing and learning from mistakes

Good learners think about what they are good at and what they need to practice more. Remember, “use it or lose it”! Even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it. Practice makes perfect. Good learners are also not afraid of making mistakes. Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone overnight.He succeeded by trying many times and learning from his mistakes.

Developing their study skills

It is not enough to just study hard. You have to know how to study. Good learners find out the best ways to learn well. For example, they may take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps. Good learners also look for ways to review what they have learned. They may do this by reading their notes every day or by explaining the information to another student. Asking questions

Good learners often ask questions during or after class.They even ask each other and try to find out the answers.Knowledge comes from questioning.Learning is a life-long journey because every day brings something new. Everything that you learn becomes apart of you and changes you, so learn wisely and learn well.


Unit 1 How can we become good learners?

1. by 【解析】watch/read/see/look at “看” 法不同

(1)看电视、看比赛、看表演用watch; watch TV 看电视

(2)看书、看报、看杂志用read read the book看书

(3)看电影、看医生用see see the doctor 看医生

(4) 看黑板、看地图用look at look at the blackboard 看黑板

【记】______the picture. Can you see the man in the picture? He isn’t ________ the book.

He is ______TV.

2. by the teacher for help

【解析】ask for 请求,要某物

(1)ask sb. for help 向某人请求帮助 请求某人做某事

【2013北京中考】Our teacher often asks us _____ questions in groups.

A. discuss B. to discuss C. discussing D. discussed

3.I study with a group. 我通过小组学习。

【解析】by/with/in/on “用” 法不同


通过…方式 by studying with a group

【注】介词短语作方式状语,回答以How开头的问句, 表示“怎样做”。

①I study English by ___________(listen) to the tapes


②Tom learns Chinese by ____________(watch) Chinese movies.

③ -- ____ did you get there? — By ___ a taxi.

A. How; taking B. How ; take C. How; took D. What; taking

(2) by+ 交通工具(交通工具前不能加限定词) by bike by train


by the way 顺便问一下 by accident= by chance 偶然地 by mistake 错误地 one by one 一个接一个 step by step 一步一步地 little by little 逐渐地 by the time 到……为止 by oneself 独自地

by and by 不久之后 by hand 用手 by the end of 到….... 末尾 ◆with 的用法:表示用某种工具

(1) with +工具 We like to write with a pen.

(2)with+人体部位 We see with our eyes.

◆in 的用法:通常与“衣着、声音、书写材料”等名称连用

in+语言 in English 用英语 speak in a soft voice

◆on 的用法: on +电器或媒介 on TV /radio/Internet

( ) The boy was cutting a branch of a tree ____ a knife.

A. in B. by C. with D. use

4. Do you 【解析】 learn →learned/learnt→learned/learnt v 学习

①We should _________ ________ the hard- working students.(向……学习)

5.reading to ?

【解析1】用于提建议的句型有: ….怎么样?

(2)Why don’为什么不呢?

(3)Let’让我们一起做某事吧。 我们做…好吗? 最好做/不做某事 请你做…好吗? 你想去做某事吗? ?你介意做某事吗?


(1). 同意对方的建议时,一般用:

◆ Good idea./ That’s good idea. 好主意 ◆OK/ All right./ Great 好/ 行/太好了 ◆ Yes, please ./ I’d love to 是的/ 我愿意 ◆ I agree with you 我同意你的看法 ◆ No problem 没问题 ◆Sure/ Of course/ Certainly 当然可以 ◆Yes, I think so 对,我也这样想


◆ I don’t think so 我认为不是这样 ◆Sorry, I can’t 对不起,我不能

◆I’d love to, but… ◆ I’m afraid…我愿意,但恐怕……

① –What about _______(listen) to some English songs? -- It’s great .


(1) aloud adv “出声” ,指出声能让人听见,但声音不大

(2) loud adj./adv 作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh等连用。多用于比较级,须放在动词后。

Speak louder, please. I can’t hear you clearly.

(3)loudly adv 与loud 同义,有时两者可替换使用,但往往含有令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思,


He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public.

① What about ____________(大声读) to practice your spoken English?

【解析3】practice v 练习 practice doing sth 练习做某事

【拓展】finish doing sth ,enjoy doing sth , mind doing sth ,

can’①We often practice _______English among English.(speak)

②This term I enjoy __________(watch) English movies.

【解析4】pronounce v 发音 → pronunciation n 发音

① Please tell me how to __________________(pronunciation) the word.

② What’s the ___________________(pronounce) of the word “text”?

6. It my

【解析1】improve v =make …better →improvement n 提高

【解析2】speaking skills 口语技巧

10. I do that 【解析】some time /sometime/some times/sometimes

【口诀】:分开是一段, 合起是某时; 分开s 是倍次,合起s是有时

Mr. Green went to Sanya some times last summer.

11. it’s the

【解析1】too…to… 太….而不能….

【解析2】voice/noise /sound

(1)voice 多指人说话、唱歌、鸟的叫声。

(2)noise n → noisy adj. 吵闹的 指不悦耳的吵闹声 如嘈杂声、噪音等

make a noise制造噪音

(3)sound ①n 泛指人听到的任何声音。② v 听起来

【记】There was a loud ________ outside the classroom. The physics teacher had to raise his

__________: “ Light travels much faster than __________”.

12. I’ve learned that way

【解析】(1) a lot 很多,做副词短语,修饰动词,放在动词之后。

( ) He knows ____ about this event.

A. a lot of B. lots of C. many D. a lot

【解析】for the first time 第一次 you’ll be.

【解析】the +比较级, the+ 比较级” “ 越……,就越……”

The harder you study, the better result you will get

( ) ____ you eat, ____ you will get.

A. The much ; the fat B. The more ; fatter

C. The more ; the fatter D. More; the fatte

15. Why did Wei Fen English?

【解析】find → found →found v寻找

◆find it difficult/ hard to do sth 发现做某事很困难

16.But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad.

【解析】be afraid to 害怕去做某事

【记】The girl was afraid to go across the bridge, for she was afraid of falling

down from it.

17.Then one day I watched an English movie 【解析】call v叫做

①That’s the girl named/called Lily.

= That’s the girl ___ ____ ____ Lily.

18.I 【解析1】

【拓展】fall → fell→ fallen v 落下

(1) 不及物v , “落下,跌落 fall into 跌进……

(2) 系动词 “变成 fall asleep 入睡 fall ill 生病

(3) n, “秋天” = autumn

【短语】:fall into 落入 fall off 跌落 fall down 倒下

fall behind 落后 fall asleep 入睡 fall in love with 爱上

【解析2】excite→ exciting/excited 兴奋的

be excited about对…感到兴奋


① interest→interesting/interested 有趣的 be interested in 对…感兴趣

The students are __________in these ______books.( interest)

② surprise→surprising/surprised 吃惊的 be surprise at 对…感到吃惊

They are __________at the ___________news.( surprise)

③ relax →relaxed /relaxing adj. 令人放松的 be relaxed about 对……感到放松 ④ bore → bored/boring adj. 令人厌烦的

【注】 以—ing结尾的adj. 常用来作定语或表语,修饰物。


①We are _____ about the ________news .(excite)

19. I discovered thatto something you are interested in is the secret to language learning.

【解析】listen v 听 →listener n 收听者 listen to 听……

①My father is a good ________(listen).

②Tom is a good _______(listen) ,many students like to make friends with him. 注:动词+er =名词

teach— teacher work— worker clean— cleaner farm—farmer

play—player sing— singer wait— waiter own— owner

【拓展】listen to/hear


20.I also learned useful sentences like “ or “It serves you right.”

【解析】It’s a piece of cake 一件小事【How,could,we,become,good,learners课文听力】

21.I did not understand these sentences 【解析1】(1) at first = at the beginning 最初,开始 【强调在时间顺序或做某事过程等开始之初】

22. But because I wanted to understand the story, I the words in a dictionary

【解析】look up 查找(跟代词作宾语,代词放中间)

【拓展】 look after 照顾 look like 看起来像 look out 当心,小心

23.It helps my【解析】pronounce v 发音 → pronunciation n 发音

① Please tell me how to __________________(pronunciation) the word.

② What’s the ___________________(pronounce) of the word “text”?


1.I can’t understand 【解析】 speak→ spoke → spoken v 说 【注】部分动词的过去分词也可做该词的形容词:

Reading aloud is good for your _____________(speak) English.

spoken English 英语口语 written English 书面英语

speaking skills 口语技巧 an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家

(1) 说某种语言用speak speak English 说英语

(2) 与某人交谈用talk talk with sb.= talk to sb. 与某人交谈

(3) 强调说话内容用say say it in English 用英语说

(4) 告诉某人用tell tell sb. to do sth 告诉某人做某事

【记】He wants to improve his __________ English, by ________English with

native ____________.(speak)

①Can you understand ________(speak) English?

2.I don’t know how

2014年秋九年级英语新目标Unit 1 How can we become good learners?电子课本


How can we become good learners?

1a Check (✔) the ways you study English. Then add

other ways you sometimes study.

a. by working with friends b. by making word cards c. by reading the textbook d. by listening to tapes

I study by making word cards.

e. by asking the teacher for help

1b Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above.

1. Meiping

2. Peter 3. Tony

1c Make conversations about how you study for a test.

A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by working with a group.




Do you learn English by watching videos? Do you ever practice conversations with friends?【How,could,we,become,good,learners课文听力】

What about listening to tapes? What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?

Have you ever studied with a group?


Listen and check (✔) the questions


you hear.


3. 4. 5.

2b Listen again. Match each answer below with a question above.

a. Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way. b. Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills. c. I do that sometimes. I think it helps.

d. No. It’s too hard to understand the voices.

2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.

A: Have you ever studied with a group? B: Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way.

2d Role-play the conversation.

Jack: Annie, I’m a little nervous. I have

to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday.

Annie: That doesn’t sound too bad. Jack: But I’m a very slow reader.

Annie: For the first time, just read quickly to

get the main ideas. Don’t read word by word, read word groups.

Jack: But I don’t understand many of the words. I have to use a dictionary. Annie: Try to guess a word’s meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You probably understand more than you think. Jack: That sounds difficult!

Annie: Well, be patient. It takes time. You can become better by reading

something you enjoy every day. The more you read, the faster you’ll be.

How can we become good learners?


3a Read the passage about Wei Fen and answer the questions.

1. Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English? 2. What did she do in English class? 3. What is the secret to language learning?

How I Learned to Learn English

Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke too quickly. But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad. So I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything.

Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie! So then I began to watch other English movies as well.

Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning. I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. My pronunciation also improved by listening to the interesting conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I did

not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked up the words in a dictionary.

Now I really enjoy my English class. I want to learn new words and more grammar. Then I can have a better understanding of English movies.

3b Complete the sentences with what Wei Fen learned from watching

movies. Use words and phrases from the passage.

1. I can understand the meaning by watching their

on their faces.

and the

2. I can get the meaning by listening for just the 3. My pronunciation improved by listening to the in English movies. 4. I learned sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” by watching the movies.

5. I can get the meaning of the new words by looking them up in a



F o c u s

How do you learn English?

Do you learn English by reading aloud? How can I read faster?

How can I improve my pronunciation?

4a Match the questions and answers.

I learn by studying with a group. Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation.

You can read faster by reading word groups. One way is by listening to tapes.

How do you practice speaking? By watching English programs. How do you learn new words? By listening to a tape and repeating out loud. How do you improve your writing? By having conversations with friends. How do you practice listening? By taking notes, doing exercises and reading a lot. How do you improve your pronunciation? By making word cards. How do you learn grammar? By writing e-mails to my pen pals.

4b Complete these statements. Use information that is true for you. a. I like to practice my English by taking notes / reading books and newspapers /

speaking English with my classmates / memorizing sentence patterns

b. I like to learn math by

c. I like to practice my physics by d. I like to improve my chemistry by e. I like to practice my Chinese by

f. I like to improve my history and geography by

4c Check (✔) what A: Do you learn English by doing grammar exercises?

B: Yes, I do. you

do to learn English. A: How often do you do them? Then interview your B: ... partner.

I learn English by ... yes

doing grammar exercises. taking notes in English. reading English books/magazines. writing in an English diary. using an English dictionary.


how often



how often

My partner

learns English by ...

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