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2016-07-29 12:14:03 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: The,night,of,the,horse,mp3下载(共5篇)The night of the horseThe night of the horseThe night of the horseThe soliderdown the stairs Captain,theyve gone,he All of them Before the solider...

The night of the horse

The night of the horse

The night of the horse

The soliderdown the stairs.'Captain,they've gone,'he .'All of them...'Before the solider could finish , the captain of the guards quickly up the stairs .

later,the captainon the high wall of thecity of Troy ,and looked at the empty plain.‘The Greeks havefor ten years to our city . Now They've goneand we've won !'he said.

'But they've left their wooden horse outside the gates ,’ the solider said.

‘Well, it was too big for them to take away. Pull it into citynow .It's on ,'the captain . And so the Trojans it into the city with .

That night ,all the of Troy celebrated.They sang and danced around the horse,and make aboutthe stupid Greeks.Then they all the gates of the cityand all went to sleep, the gates guards.

By ,the square was empty, for the giant horse.The six Greeksoliders waited for another hour,to be .Then,they opened the door inside the horse and outvery quietly. They opened the main gates.Outside stood the Greek .

The entered the city, the captain and dragged him away.For ten years,they could not capture the city of Troy by .In one night,they

in capturing it by a.

The night of the horse教案

The Night of the Horse

Warming up

1.Do you know any other historical place in the world?

Such as…

e.g. The Great Wall is a famous historical place of interest in China.

1) _______ are in ______.

2) _________ is in ________.

3) ________ is in ________.


Have you ever heard of Troy?A famous took place in the city long ago… The ancient city of 3. Look at the map and find out the two places: Greece, Troy

Teaching procedure

1.Pre-reading New words:

1)In the war, a 诡计) of ended the war. Finally, who won the war? 攻占5) 绳子n.; 市民n.; 广场n.; 拉v.; (使劲)拉v.; celebrate庆祝v.

2.While-reading :


Divide the story into 3 parts

 Part 1: Trojans found the wooden horse.

Part 2:Trojans pulled the wooden horse into the city.

Part 3: Greeks won the war with the trick of a wooden horse.

Detail-reading: activity 1:

Book A P51 A3 : Read the story again and choose the right answer and tell me why.

1). The soldier was probably feeling _________ when he came down the stairs.

A. frightened B. excited C. angry

2 ).According to the captain, the Greek army left because the Trojans _________.

A. won the war B .fooled them C. felt afraid

3).According to the captain, the Greeks had left the horse behind because_________.

A. it was too big to take with them

B. they did not want it any more

C. it really contained some Greek soldiers

4). What do you think the soldier was going to say when the captain interrupted him? He was probably going to say “Maybe the Greeks want us to _________.”

A. return the horse to them

B. pull the horse into the city

C. push the horse into the sea

5). The Greek soldiers inside the wooden horse waited for another hour because they wanted to be sure that _________.

A. the Greek army opened the gates

B. all of the Trojans were asleep

C. the Greek army entered the city

6). The Greeks were not able to win the Trojan War for ten years because _________.

A. the Greeks could not get inside the gates of Troy

B. the Trojans had a wooden horse

C. the Trojans had a lot more soldiers

Detail-reading: activity 2:

Read paragraph 1-2 .

 1. How many years have the Greeks tried to capture Troy?

 2. Where did the story happen?

Read paragraph 3-6

 3. Why did the Greeks leave a huge wooden horse outside the main gates?  They wanted the Trojans to pull the horse into the city.

Read paragraph 7-9.

 4. When did the Greek soldiers climb out of the wooden horse?

 5. Finally, who won the war?【The,night,of,the,horse,mp3下载】

3.Post-reading: activity 1:

Match the new words and the meanings.

1).main a. a cunning action

2). capture b. chief, the most important

3). trick c. foolish

4). obey d. catch, get sth under control

5). celebrate e. sth you do to show your happiness, like holding a party

6). stupid f. listen to and follow

Post-reading: Activity 2

Summary of the story

The captain of the g______ ran up the stairs and saw that the p_____ was empty, and the Greeks had all gone, leaving a huge wooden horse outside the m______ gates. The captain o______ the soldier to p_____ it into the city. The Trojans d______ it into the city with r_____. All the c______ of Troy c________ for winning the war. By midnight, when the s______ was empty, the Greek soldiers inside the horse climbed out and opened the main gates… The Greeks s______ the Trojan captain and s_________ in capturing Troy with a t______ instead of by fighting.

4.Retell the story.

The captain of …and the Greeks … leaving a huge wooden horse … The captain … The Trojans … All the citizens of Troy …

By midnight…, the Greek soldiers inside the horse… The Greeks …capturing Troy with a trick instead of by fighting.


• Finish the exercises in Book B of U4 R.A.

• Review the new words.

The night of the horse 学案


Unit 1

II. 词组 三.

Speaking、More practice


①all of/both of 后跟谓语动词___________形式

②either of、any of、neither of后跟谓语动词的___________形式


③none of后的谓语动词既可以是___________形式也可以是___________形式。 e.g. ___________ of my parents want me to be a doctor.

___________of the twins is fond of watching TV.


Mr. Wang has three sons. ___________ of them is a doctor. (3)相关并列连词:

①两个都、既…又…__________________ ②既不……也不…__________________ ③不但…而且…__________________ ④要么…要么…__________________

e.g. ___________ William ___________ Frank like the iPad because it has various functions and easy to operate.

I enjoy the popular dance “hip-hop”, but ___________ my father _________ my mother likes it. We can go to the museum ___________ by bus __________ by underground. It’s convenient. (4)相关并列连词和谓语动词


②_________________、 _________________ 、_________________连接主语时,谓语动词则“就近原则”

e.g. Not only his parents but also he _________________ Beijing Opera. (like)

Both Mary and Helen have been to the Great Wall. (改同义句)

Not only Mary _________ also Helen __________ been to the Great Wall.

2. no longer中文解释为__________________,同义词组为__________________。 e.g. The captain was no longer listening.

= The captain ______________ listening __________________ __________________. e.g. 他不将再依赖他的父母。

_______________________________ 或_____________________________________

3. He looked down at the empty plain.在此句中look down at解释为__________________。 与look相关的短语:

①照顾__________________ ②寻找__________________ ③看__________________ ④期待__________________ ⑤看上去像__________________ ⑥注意__________________ ⑦查询、抬头看______________⑧环视__________________

4. It’s so big that they couldn’t take it with them.

句中so…that意思是______________________________. So是______词(“如此,那么”),后接形容词或副词。 So…that…的用法如下:

① so+adj/ adv+that句子

e.g. He was so tired that he couldn’t go on working. = He was _______ tired _______ go on working. The ice was thin. I couldn’t walk on it.

= The ice was _______ thin _______ I couldn’t walk on it. = The ice was _______ thin _______ me to walk on. = The ice wasn’t _______ _______ _______ me to walk on. ②so many/ few+Cn (复数)+that 句子

e.g.There are ________________ on the 10th Shanghai Book Fair__________________________. (第十届上海书展上有如此多的书,以至于我不知道该选哪一些) ③ so much/ little(少)+Un+that句子

e.g. 冰箱里的牛奶很少了,我们必须要再买一些。

________________________________________________________________________ ④ so+adj. +a/an +Cn (单数)+that

e.g. This is __________________________that I want to watch it again. (如此棒的一部电影) ⑤试比较:so 和such(形容词,“如此的,这样的”) So +adj.+a/an +Cn (单数)= such+a/an+adj. +Cn(单数)

e.g. so wonderful a film =____________________________ such a good boy=____________________________ _______ terrible weather

5. make jokes about 中文解释为_____________________


play a joke on sb _____________________

6. Then the Trojans made sure all the gates of the city were securely locked.

句中的make sure解释为____________________________ sure(adj.)的中文解释为______________ 与sure相关的短语

①make sure that 使确信、保证

e.g. 请你确信房间是锁上的。__________________________________________ ②be sure to do 一定会

e.g. He will certainly win the contest. = He is _______ _______ win the contest.

7. They all went to sleep, including the gate guards.


e.g. Three people died in Anyang knife attack on bus, ____________________________.(包括一个10个月大的婴儿)


e.g. The United Kingdom ______________ Northern Ireland and Wales.(联合王国包括北爱尔兰和威尔士)

8. The square was empty, except for the giant horse.

此句中except for解释为______________ 辨析 except, besides, except for, except that ①“除…之外“(从同类的人或事物中排除其中一部分)______________________ ②除…之外” (除去的并非同类事物)________________________ ③“除…之外”(后面跟句子) _____________________

(用于介词前只能用_____________, 用于句首则要使用_____________) ④“除…之外还有”_______________相当于_________________ e.g. The composition is perfect _____________ one spelling mistake. He goes to school every day _____________ Saturday and Sunday. _____________ English, I also likes Maths and Physics.

He is a good student _____________ he is sometimes careless. _____________ Tom, we all had a good time.

9. By midnight, the square was empty.


e.g. 我五点之前会到这里。__________________________________________。

到去年年底,他已经住在这里20年了。_______________________, he _______________ here for twenty years.


①_____________________. e.g. 我每天乘地铁到学校。________________________________________ ② _____________________ e.g. 特洛伊长官被希腊人抓住了。________________________________________ ③_____________________ e.g. 你能用信用卡支付吗?_________________________________ credit card?

④_____________________ e.g. 他正在河边散步。__________________________________________。

10. 成功(v.)______________, 成功(n.)______________, 成功的(adj.)______________

成功地做某事 succeed ______________, be successful ______________

e.g. 这个小偷成功地逃跑了。_________________________________________________

The night of the horse

The night of the horse

A newspaper ran a short story competition on famous tales from history.【The,night,of,the,horse,mp3下载】

This is a story one of the students sent in.

The soldier came down the stairs—two at a time. “Captain, they’ve gone,” he cried. “They’ve disappeared—all of them. The plain is…” But the captain of the guards was no longer listening. He was going up the stairs—three at atime.

Seconds later, the captain stood on the high wall of the city of Troy. He looked down at the empty plain and, beyond it, at the empty sea. “They’ve gone and we’ve won,” he said. “The Greeks have tried for ten years to capture our city. Now they’ve sailed away. And they’ve taken everything with them.”

“Not everything, sir,” the soldier said. “They’ve left their horse.” Outside the main gates of the city stood a huge horse made of wood.

“Ah, yes,” the captain said, “that wooden horse. It’s so big that they couldn’t take it with them. Well, it’s ours now. Get some help and pull it into the city. That won’t be difficult. It’s on wheels.”

“But why is it on wheels?” the soldier asked. “I think that maybe the Greeks want us to…”

The captain interrupted him. “You’re a soldier,” he said. “You don’t have to think. You have to obey orders, and I’m giving you one now. Move that horse.” And so the Trojans dragged it into the city with ropes.

That night, in the main square of the city, all the citizens of Troy celebrated. They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about their enemies, the stupid Greeks. Then the Trojans made sure all the gates of the city were securely locked, and they all went to sleep, including the gate guards.

By midnight, the square was empty, except for the giant horse. The six Greek soldiers waited for another hour, to be sure. Then, very quietly, they opened the secret door in the side of the horse and climbed out.

No guards stopped them as they opened the main gates. Outside stood the Greek army. It had returned in the darkness when the citizens celebrated inside.

Now the army entered the city. The Greeks seized the captain and dragged him away. For ten years, they could not capture the city by fighting. In one night, they succeeded in capturing it by a trick.

Exercise A: Choose the best meanings of the following words.

1. disappeared A. could no longer be touched B. could no longer be heard

C. could no longer be seen

2. capture (our city) A. make (our city) their prisoner B. make (our city) stronger

C. destroy (our city)

3. main A. open B. strongest C. most important

4. securely A. quickly B. safely C. quietly

5. including A. and also B. before C. but not

6. army A. a strange group of soldiers B. a small group of soldiers

C. a large group of soldiers

7. seized A. took hold of somebody roughly

B. took hold of somebody carefully


C. took hold of somebody gently

8. succeeded in A. was unable to B. was successful in C. tried to

Exercise B: Match the words in Column A with the meanings in Column B.


1. the plain a. on the far side of

2. beyond b. open area in a city

3. gates c. enjoyed themselves by singing, dancing, eating, etc.

4. wooden d. the big, flat piece of land

5. square e. pulled roughly

6. celebrated f. made of wood

7. dragged g. big doors

Exercise C: Choose the right answers.

1. The soldier was probably feeling _____ when he came down the stairs.

A. frightened B. excited C. angry

2. The Greek army disappeared because they were _____ the Trojans.

A. beaten by B. playing a trick C. frightened by

3. The captain thought that the Greeks had left the horse behind because _____.

A. it was too big to go on the Greek ships B. they did not want it any more

C. it really contained some Greek soldiers

4. What do you think the soldier was going to say when the captain interrupted him? He was probably going to say “ I think that maybe the Greeks want us to _____.”

A. return the horse to them B. take the horse into the city

C. push the horse into the sea

5. The six Greek soldiers waited for another hour because they wanted to be sure that _____.

A. the Greek army had opened the gates B. all of the Trojans were asleep

C. the Greek army had entered the city

6. The Greeks had not been able to defeat the Trojans for ten years because _____.

A. the Greeks could not get inside the gates of Troy

B. the Trojans had a wooden horse C. the Trojans had a lot more soldiers

The,night,of,the,horse,mp3下载相关热词搜索:the night of music of the night

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