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导读: 石家庄小学六年级英语下册课本(共5篇)...




Unit1 How tall are you?.

Let’s talk:

Zhang Peng: Look!That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall?

Mike: Yes,it is.How tall is it?

Zhang Peng: Maybe 4 kilometers.

Mike: Wow!It’s taller than both of us together.

Zhang Peng: look!There are more dinosaurs over there.

Mike: They’re all so big and tall.

Zhang Peng: Hey!This dinosaur isn’t tall!I’am taller than this one.

Mike: Oh,yes.How tall are you?

Zhang Peng:I’m 1.65 meters.

Let’s learn:

Zhang Peng:How tall are you?

Jone: I’m 1.61 meters.

Zhang Peng: Oh! I’m taller.

Jone:You’re older than me too..

单词:younger older taller shorter longer

Let’s talk:

Mike:Those shoes in the window are nice! Let’s have a look.

Wu Yifan:What size are your shoes,Mike?


Wu Yifan: Size7? That’s so small.

Mike:In China I wear size 38 shoes.


Wu Yifan:Oh your feet are bigger than mine.My shoes are size37.

Mike:Really? You look taller than me.

Wu Yifan:But I thind you are heavier.How heavy are you?

Mike:I’m 48 kilograms.

Wu Yifan:Yes,you are heavier. I’m 46 kilograms.

Let’s learn:

Smaller bigger stronger heavier stronger

John: How heavy are you?

Jim: I’m 52 kilograms.

John:You are heavier than me.

Read and write:


Little duck is watching the sun go down.It is getting lower and lower, but his shadow is getting longer and longer.

“Why is that?” Little Duck asks his old friend Old Tree.“You are older and smarter than me.Tell me----Why is my shadow longer and longer when the sun gets lower?” Old Tree says “That’s easy, Little Duck.The sun goes down every day.Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller.You are becoming a big beautiful bird!”


一:Read and Circle

Choose a title for the story.

A Little Duck’s shadow B Old Tree’s shadow

2.Who is younger?

A The tree B The duck

3.When is the duck’s shadow longer?

A In the morning B In the afternoon.

二:Read the story again and finish the dialogue.

Little Duck: Old Tree,the sun gets ________, but my shadow gets ________.Why?

Old Tree:That’s easy. Your shadow gets longer because you are getting _______and growing____every day.

三:Think and discuss.

Do you agree with old tree? Why?

Can you answer Little Duck’question?What’s your answer?

Please circle the words with“er”.Than talk about the changes in your friends.

Unit 2 Last Weekend.

Let’s talk:

Mike:Hi,Grandpa.How are you?How was your weekend?

Grandpa:I’m fine,Mike.It was good,thank you.

Mike:What did you do?

Grandpa:Well,I stayed at home with your grandma.We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.

Mike:I watched TV, too. I watched some children’s shows on TV

Grandpa:That’s nice.Did you do anything else?

Mike:Yes,I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.

Grandpa:You are a good boy.

Let’s learn:

短语:cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV 对话:

Mike:How was your weekend?

Chen Jie:It was fine,thanks.

Mike:What did you do?

Chen Jie:I stayed at home and wtched TV.

Let’s talk:

John:Hey,Amy.Let’s go to the bookstore.I want to buy the new film magazine.

Amy:Oh,I read it last weekend.

John:Was it interesting?

Amy:Yes,it talked about a lot of new films.What did you do last weekend?Did you see a film?

John:No,I had a cold.I stayed at home all weekend and slept.

Amy:Oh,I’m sorry.I,m happy you feel better now.

John:Thanks.Let’s go by bus.It’s faster than walking.

Let’s learn:【石家庄小学六年级英语下册课本

短语:last weekend last night last Monday the day before yesterday read a book Saw a film had a cold


John:What did you do last weekend?

Amy:I saw a film.【石家庄小学六年级英语下册课本

John:Did you like it?

Amy:Yes,I did.It was great.

Read and write:


Dear Sir:

Our weekend at your hotel was bad. Our room was big but everything was very old.Our friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair.

My mother wanted to read a book but the lamp was too small. My dad got some hambugers from the hotel kitchen,but they were cold and tasted bad.

I wanted to watch TV but the TV didn’t work.The people in Room 301 listened to loud music.I didn’t sleep all night.

I’m sorry,but we didn’t enjoy our stay very much.

Wu Yifan and family

1. Circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table.



2. Read and finish the letter:

Dear Manager:

Last weekend,the Wu family were not very happy with their room.

The people in Room 301_________________________all night.It was very noise.The father ___________________________________________from the kitchen but ______________________________.Also,the mother________________________but the lamp______________________________________.The TV didn’t work either.

It wasn’t a good day.Maybe we can write an email and say sorry to them.

Mrs Broom


I (cook)________ dinner last Monday.

I (play)________ football last weekend.

I (like)________ the food yesterday.

I (visit)________ my grandparents last weekend.

I (stop)________ to look at the flower.

I (study)________ English last night..

Unit 3: Where did you go?

Let’s talk:

Amy:What happened?

John:I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.

Amy:That’s too bad!Are you all right?

John:I’m OK now. Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday.

Amy:Where did you go?

John:Mt.Tianshan,Xinjiang. I rode a horse. Look,It’s very small!

Amy:Oh,yes. It looks like a mule!Did you go to Turpan?

John:Yes,we did. We saw lots of grapes there,but we couldn’t eat them.They won’t be ready till August.

Let’s learn:

rode a horse rode a bike went camping hurt my foot went fishing

Where did you go last Saturday?

I went to a forest park.

What did you do there?

I rode a bike.

Let’s talk:

Sarah: Where did you go over the winter vacation?

Amy: My family and I went to Sanya.

Wu Yifan: Really ? Did you like it?

Amy: Yes, It was so warm.

Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there?

Amy: We went there by plane.

Wu Yifan: How was the beach? What did you do there?

Amy: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime?

Amy: Sure.

Let’s learn:

ate fresh food went swimming took pictures bought gifts

Amy:How was your summer holiday, Yifan?

WU Yifan:It was good. I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures.

Read and write.

Today was a sunny day. In the morning, we rode a bike for three people.Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. That was fun! We took pictures of the beautiful countryside.We bought some gifts and ate some delicious food.

In the afternoon,Mum ate some bad fruit and didn’t feel well.So we stayed in the hotel.Dad and I wanted to make her happy. We dressed up and made a funny play. Robin played the part of the dog. He was so cute. Max liked him so much. He jumped on him and licked him. Of course,Robin didn’t like it. We laughed and laughed.

1.What happened to Wu Yifan’s family?



Unit 4: Then and now.

Let’s talk:

Grandpa:Wow,a library! There was no library in my old school.

Sarah:Tell us about your school, please.

Grandpa:There was only one small building on a hill.

Wu Yifan:Could you see stars at night?

Grandpa:Yes,I like the stars.

Sarah:Me too.one day I’m going to visit the moon.

Wu Yifan:The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969.

Sarah:How do you know that?

Wu Yifan:Easy,I looked it up on the Internet.

Grandpa:There were no computers or Internet in my time.

Let’s learn:

Dining hall grass gym …years ago …months ago

Last year last month

Let’s talk:

Chen Jie:John,come and look at Mike’s photos!


John: That’s funny,Mike! You’re wearing a pink T-shirt.

Mike:Yes,but I don’t like pink now.

Chen Jie:We are all different now!【石家庄小学六年级英语下册课本】

Mike:Right.Before,I was quiet.Now I’m very active in class.How about you ?

John:Well,I was short,so I couldn’t ride my bike well! Now I go cycling every day.I like it very much.

Chen Jie:That’s good exercise.

Let’s learn:

Go cycling ice-skate play badminton

Wu Yifan:I didn’t like winter before. I thought it was too cold,and I couldn’t go cycling. Mike:How about now?

Wu Yifan:Now I love to ice-skate,so I like winter.





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