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2016-09-22 13:58:34 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 小学四年级英语冀教版课文听力材料(共6篇)四年级英语听力原文四年级英语下册单元达标题参考答案M1听力原文:一、听辨单词1 curl 2 friends 3 naughty 4 England 5 pupil 6 pencil 7 cute 8 bit 9 shy 10 parrot 二、听音选出你听到词的...







1. curl 2. friends 3. naughty 4. England 5. pupil 6. pencil 7. cute 8. bit 9. shy 10. parrot 二、听音选出你听到词的反义词或对应词。

1. bad 2. cool 3. these 4. fat 5. little 三、你将听到一个单词,选出和它搭配最合适的一项。 1. those 2. clever 3. much 4. from 5. very 四、听音,选词补全句子.

1. Hello! These are my friends. They are nice. 2. Parrot is a very naughty bird.

3. This is Xiaoyong. He is a clever pupil. 4. The girl is a bit shy.

5. Ms Smart is a nice teacher. 五、听音,按听到的顺序排序.

1. Look at the picture. 2. This is my good friend. 3. Her name is Lucy.

4. She’s very nice and clever. 5. But she’s a little shy. 六、听问句,选择合适的答语.

1. Are you a bit shy?

2. Has he got a good friend?

3. Is he very clever?

4. Will you go to Beijing? 5、Do you want some rice?


听力原文: 一、听辨单词。

1. capital 2. letter 3. bridge 4. palace 5. London Bridge


1. these 2.young 3. this 4. short 5. up

三、听音,判断你听到的内容与下列内容是否相符,相符的在括号中请打“√ ” , 反之 打“ × ” 。

1.It’s a book about London. 2.Beijing is the capital of China. 3.It’s very small but beautiful. 4.We are from London. 5.This is the Queen’s house. 四、听问句,选择合适的答语。

1. What’s this?

2. Which park is very beautiful? 3. Is Tower Bridge very famous? 4. Is Sam going to school by bus? 5. What’s the capital of England? 五、听音,补全句子。

1.It’s a book about London. 2.Beijing is the capital of China . 3.There are many boats on the river. 4.Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s house.. 5、The River Thames is long and wide. 6、Tower Bridge is very beautiful. 7、London Bridge is falling down . 8、Big Ben is very old and very tall.




1. say 2. ball 3. lake 4. wide 5. Saturday




1. park 2. Saturday 3. cake 4. tomorrow 5. watching 三、听音,选择正确答案。(10分)

1.On Saturday we’re going to have a picnic. 2.Will you take your ball tomorrow? 3.Because tomorrow is Friday.

4.We’re going to have a picnic on Saturday. 5.So I will take my kite and ball my on Saturday.

四、听句子,判断下列句子与所听句子是否相符,是写T,否写F。(10分) 1. On Saturday we’re going to have a picnic. 2. I will take my kite tomorrow. 3. On Saturday I will help my mother. 4. What will she do on Sunday? 5. Next week is a holiday.

五、听句子,给听到的问句选择合适的答语。(10分) 1. Will he visit his grandma? 2. Will you go to school tomorrow?

3. Today is Wednesday, what day is tomorrow? 4. Will she go to the park on Saturday? 5. What will she do?

六、听音,选词完成句子。(10分) 1、We are going to have a picnic. 2、Will you take your kite tomorrow? 3、On Sunday I’ll read my books. 4、On Monday I will go swimming. 5、I will play with my friends.


听力原文: 一、听音排序。

1. housework work homework

2. robot road robots 3. everything something thing 4. letter little let 5. where what weather

二、听音,选出与你所听单词搭配最合理的一项。 1.help 2. make 3. do 4. write 5. from 三、听音排序。(10分)

It will be windy in Sanya. It will be sunny in Suzhou. It will rain in Tianjin. It will snow in Shenyang. It will be hot in Guangzhou. 四、听音选词填空。(10分)

1. It will be windy in Beijing tomorrow. 2. It will be cold in Zhengzhou tomorrow. 3. It will be sunny in Hangzhou tomorrow. 4. It will rain in Qingdao tomorrow.

5. It will snow in Yinchuan tomorrow.

五、听句子,判读下列句子与所听到得内容是否相符,相符写T不符写F. 1. Robots can walk.

2. Robots will help children learn. 3. Robots will not do our homework. 4. It will be windy in Guangzhou. 5.It will be cold in Sanya. 六、听音选答语。(10分) 1. Can he run fast? 2. Will they do housework? 3.Will it sing songs?


4. Do you like apples? 5. What will it do?



1、A、than 2、B、older 3、 B、tall 4、B、strong5、A、cool 6、 B、tall 7、B、make 8、A、Tuesday 9、A、wide 10、 B、cool 二、听音,选出与你所听单词同类的单词。(5分)


1、 younger 2、 noodles3.Thursday 4.cold 5 . taller 三、听音,完成句子。(10分)

1、Look!Amy is taller than Lingling. 2、 Daming is stronger than Sam.

3、The Yellow River is shorter than the Changjiang River. 4、Tianjin is smaller than Beijing.

5、The Summer Palace is newer than the Great Wall. 四、听音,为下面的句子标号(10) ( 1)I’m older than Daming.

( 2 )Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai. ( 3 )Polly’s hair is long and black. ( 4 )Molly’s feet are smaller.- ( 5 )Daming is younger than Amy.

五、听音,判断。与你所听内容相符的打钩,否则打叉。(5) 1、It will be sunny in Beijing. 2、I’m younger than lingling.

3、The snake is shorter than the chameleon. 4、The tree is taller than the flower. 5、The cat is bigger than the dog.


1.I am from China.

2.Beijing is the capital of China. 3.On Sunday I’ll go swimming. 4.My mother is thinner than my father. 5.One day ,robots will do the housework.




1、cool 2、high 3、little 4、talk 5、Thursday 二、听音,给下列单词排序。(5分) 1、nice rice capital about 2、picnic river wide homework 3、homework robbot housework take 4、many because cute clever 5、 stop help learn fine 三、听音,完成句子。(10分) 1、It's a book about London. 2、Beijing is the capital of China. 3、Ms Smart is a nice teacher. 4、Tower Bridge is very famous . 5、On Saturday I will help my mother. 四、听音,为下面的句子标号(10)

( 1 )On Sarurday ,I will read my books. ( 2 )Will your take your ball? ( 3 )It's a book about animals.


( 4 )Maomao is very naughty.

( 5 )The River Thames is long and wide. ( 6)Beijing is the capital of China. ( 7 )Will they do our homework? ( 8 )Xiaoyong is a clever girl. ( 9)Ms Liu is a nice teacher. ( 10 )It will be hot in Gaomi. 五、听音写出你所听到句子的汉语意思。 1、Daming is stronger than Sam. 2、One day ,robots will do everything 3、It will be cloudy in Sichuan.

4、On Thusday,I will play with my friends. 5、On Sarurday,we are going to have a picnic.

六、听音判断你多听到的句子是否与所给句子一致,一致的写T,否则写F.(10分) 1.Next week is a holiday.What will you do ,Shanshan? 2.The robot can’t walk. 3.Will you take your kite ? 4.On Monday ,I 'll go swimming. 5.It will be sunny in Beijing.



一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分) 1、worse 2、fatter 3、first 4、thanks


二、听音,为你所听到的单词的中文排序。(10分) A ( 3 )be quite ( 5 )Chinese music ( 1 )play the guitar ( 2 )pop music ( 4 )play the drums


( 4 )play the zither ( 1 )the first girl ( 5 )her voice ( 3 )play the erhu ( 2 )I agree.


a) This lesson is easier than that one. b) The two girls , I see Amy taller. 3、The box is lighter than that one. 4、My friend is younger than I.

5、I have three books in my little bag . 四、听音,填入所缺的比较级单词。(10分)

1. Lanlan’sister is two years older than Lanlan. 2. Lanlan is fatter than her sister. 3.Lanlan’s hair is shorter than her sister. 4. Who is thinner ,Lanlan or her sister? Her sister. 5. Lanlan’s sister is taller than Lanlan. 五、听音,完成句子。(10分) 1、They can play the guitar.


2、Lingling is better than Daming. 3、Tom.Be quite,please.

4、I think the girl is worse than the first girl. 5、I can play the drums but I can’t play the zither. 6、What music do you like? 7、I like Amy’s voice. 8、I think he is the winner. 六、听音,选出合适的答语。(10分) 1、Do you agree?. 2、Who is Sam’s sister? 3、Who is the winner? 4、Will you go to the park? 5、What music do you like?【小学四年级英语冀教版课文听力材料】




( ) 1. England ( ) 2. speak

( ) 3. capital ( ) 4. north ( ) 5. the USA ( ) 6. very

( ) 7. hooray ( ) 8. pink ( ) 9. cousin

( ) 10. worse


( 5 )Beijing is in the north of China. ( 3 )Sanya is a very famous city in China. ( 8 )Washington D.C. is in the east of America. ( 1 )people sprak Chinese in China. ( 6 )America is a very big country. ( 4 )Beijing is the capital of China ( 2 )I want to visit England. ( 7 )My cousin lives there.

三、听音,圈出与所听内容相符的图片。仔细听,你肯定做得又快又好!(6分) 1.New york is a very famous city.【小学四年级英语冀教版课文听力材料】

2.Washington D.C is the capital of the USA. 3.I think the taller girl is good. 4.I want to visit Big Ben. 5.Shanghai is in the east of China. 6.San francisco is a nice city.


( ) 1.Do people speak English in America?

Yes,they do.

( ) 2.Is New York the capital of the USA?

No,it isn’t.

( ) 3.Where is Sanya?

It’s in the south.

( ) 4.What’s that?

It’s a robot.

( ) 5.Will they do our homework?

No, they won’t.

( ) 6.What’s the capital of England?





1. — Touch this. How does it feel? — It’s soft.

2. — Is it strawberry juice or water melon juice? — It’s strawberry juice.

3. They’re small and round. They’re purple or green. They’re sweet and sour. They’re grapes.

4. It’s big and round. It’s green. It’s red inside. It’s sweet and juicy. It’s a watermelon.

5. Don’t touch the cup. It’s hot.

6. There is a new football club in our school. Let’s join the club.


1. How does the toy bear feel?

2. Smell this. Is it an apple or a lemon?

3. Taste it. How does it taste?

4. What subject do you like?

5. What does Kate like doing?


The sun rises in the morning. The shadow is long. The sun is high in the sky at noon. The shadow is short. In the evening, the sun goes down. We cannot see the sun in the sky at night, but the moon is high in the sky.


1. Kitty gets up at seven o’clock.

2. Kitty brushes her teeth at a quarter past seven.

3. Kitty and her mother have breakfast at 7:30.

4. Kitty goes to school at a quarter to eight.

5. Kitty has lunch at a quarter to twelve.

6. Kitty has dinner at six o’clock.


1. Give me a bag of gold.

3. They have dinner at 6:30.

4. They go to bed in the morning.

5. Whose guitar is it?【小学四年级英语冀教版课文听力材料】


1. I can play the guitar. Can you play the guitar?

2. — Whose violin is it? — It’s Bob’s violin.

3. — Whose football is it? — It’s Peter’s football.

4. — Can you play the piano? — Yes, I can.


1. song 2. also 3. garden 4. cinema 5. museum 6. plant


1. — It’s half past eight. Tom, go to bed.

— No, Mum. This book is fun.

2. In the morning, Tom looks at his clock. It’s half past eight. He gets up quickly.

3. Tom runs out. He doesn’t have breakfast.

4. Tom is not late for school. It is Saturday.


Peter likes reading. He goes to the school library on Monday afternoon. Peter likes playing basketball too. He plays basketball with his friends on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday and Thursday, Peter plays chess after school. On Friday evening, Peter plays games at home. At the weekend, Peter goes to the park with his family.



1. grape 2. Science 3. sport 4. email 5.game 6. cinema


1. How does it feel?

2. The sun is high in the sky.

3. Kitty has lunch at a quarter past twelve.

4. Mother Duck sits on the eggs.

5. They are happy.


1. In China, Children’s Day is in June.

2. In Canada, Children’s Day is in November.

3. In India, Children’s Day is also in November.

4. In Thailand, Children’s Day is in January.


1.Welcome back to school!

2.You can call me Mr.Wood.

3.My name is +名字。Her name is..... His name is....

4.Whose pencil is this? It’s Danny’s pencil.

5.Danny is between the desk and the chair.(in front of. behind)

6.Jenny is beside Kim. Kim is beside Jenny.(on in under)

7.How many books are there?

8.Let’s put one book on the one book.

9.Can you say the numbers from thirty to forty?

10.He’s in the classroom. He’s reading a book.

11.She’s on the playground. They’re playing a game.

12.There are the twelve months of the year .

13.Whose birthday is in July?

My birthday is in July.

14.The boy in red shorts is the third.

15.January is the first month of the year. February is the second month of the year. March is the third month. April is the fourth month. May is the fifth month of the year.................

16.January the first is New Year’s Day.

17.When is the Spring Festival? It is in January or February.

18.International Workers’ Day is May the first.

19.Teachers’ Day is September the tenth.

20.When is National Day? October the first.

21.When is Children’s Day? It is June the first.

22.When is your birthday? My

birthday is ......

23.Do you see the cloud and the rain?

24.Snow is cold and white.

25.What day is it? It is Tuesday.

26.How’s the weather today? It’s warm and windy.

27.How’s the weather in December? It’s cold and snowy.

28.How’s the weather in July? It’s hot and sunny.

29.We are the best!

30.How old are you? I’m eleven years old.

31.How tall are you? I’m 1.4 metres tall.

32.Are you short or tall?

33.Where do you live? I live in a house beside the park.

34.What’s your address? My address is 135 Ninth Street.


35.How do you go to school? I go to school on foot.

36.Do you walk to school?

37.What do you like to do ? I like to play with my toys.

38.What’s your favourite colour. My favourite colour is blue. Blue is my favourite colour.

39.Our favourite clothes are shirts. Their favourite clothes are shorts.


40.What’s your favourite food for lunch? My favourite food is noodles.

41.I have breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.( lunch dinner afternoon evening)

42.What’s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is English.(PE math art music Chinese science)

43.What’s your favourite school work?


四年级听力原文 每小题读两遍


1. Fourteen is red. 2. Eighteen is yellow. 3.Twenty is purple.

4. Seventeen is pink. 5.Thirteen is orange.


1.Eighteen is red. 2. She’s swimming. 3.Go straight on.

4.He’s playing table tennis. 5.He’s taking pictures.

6.Turn left. 7.I want some fish.

8.She’s watching TV.


1. I’ve got fourteen points.

2. She’s listening to music.

3. They’re rowing a boat.

4. He’s writing a letter.

5. I’m reading a book.


1. Look, my mother is making dumplings.

2. I’ve got 21 points.

3. They’re drinking milk.

4. She’s playing with a doll.

5. Turn right.

6. She’s running.



Ⅰ 听句子,选图片。

1、 This is my sister. She can run.

2、 My father is a cook.

3、 What shape is it? It’s a circle.

4、 I’ve got some milk.

5、 There are two sheep on the farm.

Ⅱ 听句子,判断下列图片是否正确,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。

1、I can play football.

2、There are two triamsles.

3、What’s this? It’s a butterfly.

4、What do horses like? They like hay.

5、How dose he feel? He is tired.

Ⅲ 听问句,选答语。

1、What’s your name ?

2、What do you do ?

3、Do you like jump ?

4、Have a biscuit ,Ben?

5、Can you swim?

Ⅳ 听短文,圈出正确单词。

This is my classroom. Look! There are twenty chairs and a teacher’s desk in my classroom.There are two shetch-books on the teacher’s desk. And there are some ropes under it. Count! There are thirteen.We can see a round clock and some pictures on the wall. I like my classroom.




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