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导读: we,have,not,found,life,on,any,other,planets,yet教学设计(共2篇)...


Module3U2 We have not found life on any other planets yet教案

Module3U2 We have not found life on any other

planets yet.教案

第 节

外研版新标准八年级下册教学设计M3 Unit2 We haven't found life on any other planets yet.

Module 3 Journey to space

Unit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet. 上口一中 李敏


本节课是外研版八年级英语下 Module 3 Unit 2, 是一节科普阅读课。本节课主要介绍太空的基本知识和人类探索太空所付出的努力。从描述人类最紧密的太阳系开始,逐渐过渡到太阳系以外的星系,在陈述人类探索太空所取得的成就的同时也提出了困惑:地球之外是否还存在着其他的生命呢?课文对于现在完成时的运用非常恰当,因为人类对于太空的探索是一个自古至今持续不断地行为。本课能够帮助学生充分理解现在完成时的语境。 学习目标


1. 能够听说读写下列单词:

none, environment, that, solar, system, group, universe, light, impossible, out, communicate

2. 能够听懂关于太空探索的话题并提取信息。

3. 能够简单介绍人类在太空探索领域取得的成就,能够根据图片简单的描述图片中有关太空探索的内容。

4. 能够读懂以太空为主题的简单文章并能识别细节,做出正误判断。

5. 能够根据图片去完成与主题相关的写作任务。






教学重点:能够运用现在完成时描述人类已经实施的太空探索,正确使用already, yet和just等。





none, environment, that, solar, system, group, universe, light, impossible, out, communicate

2. 由动画视频神州5号入手,了解中国的第一颗载人宇宙飞船,再由图片引出其他的载人



3. 由Scientists have sent the astronauts to the moons. 引出问题:Have the astronauts been to the other planets? Is there life out there in space?从而导入课文:We haven’t found life on other planets.

Step2 多层次阅读

1. Fast reading

Read the passage and choose the best title for it.

a. Anyone out there?

b. Life on Earth

c. The sun and other stars

d. The stars at night


2. Careful reading

a) Read again and check (√) the true sentences.

1) The Earth is a star.

2) The Sun is a star.【we,have,not,found,life,on,any,other,planets,yet教学设计】


3)There is more than one galaxy.

4) Our galaxy is part of the Milky Way.

5) The light from stars has taken a long way to reach us.

6) Scientists have found life on other planets.

7) They ’ve received many messages from space.

8) They ’ve visited most of the universe.

(设计意图:通过第二遍的细读课文,能够加深学生对太空的了解,增强好奇心。) b) 再次仔细阅读课文

找出自己不懂得地方,小组进行讨论,尝试解决问题,如果还不明白的记录下来。 (设计意图:仔细阅读,弄懂课文,提出疑问,解决问题。)

Step 4知识点拨

1. Scientists think that there has been life on the earth for hundreds of millions of years.

科学家们认为地球上的生命已经有上亿年的历史。 hundred前加基数词,表示“一百、二百、百„ „”,hundred要用单数形式;hundred与of连用表示“数百”时,hundred要用复数形式,即hundreds of。hundreds of millions of表示“数亿,上亿”。

2. None of them has an environment like that of the earth…没有一颗拥有和地球一样的环境……【we,have,not,found,life,on,any,other,planets,yet教学设计】

Why has no one communicated with us? 为什么没有人和我们联系呢?

none 指三个或三个以上的人或物中“没有一个”,其后常接“of + 名词 / 代词”,后面动词单复数形式均可。

no one表示“没有人”,作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。

3. However, no spaceship has travelled far enough to reach other stars in our Galaxy.



He is not old enough to join the army.


We have enough time to finish the work.

我们有充足的时间完成这项工作。 宇宙中有这么多星球,我们是孤独的吗?抑或太空中还有其他生命存在呢?

这里with so many stars in the universe是介词短语,在句中作状语。类似的例子还有: The woman stood there with her hands in the pockets.那个女士站在那里,手插在口袋里。 (设计意图:通过知识点拨,学生能够掌握自己和小组内不能解决的问题。)

Step 4 复述课文


Step 5 小结

Step 6: 情感升华:

What can we learn from the passage?

Step 7: 学以致用:

Is there life on other planets? There are seven other planets in our (1)___________, but (2)__________ of them has a(n) (3)__________ like that of the earth. Spaceships from the earth have done surveys of the other planets, but they have not found any life there. Why has no one from other planets tried to (4)____________ with us? It is true that scientists have not discovered life on other planets in the (5)________ yet, but some scientists believe that they will find it some day.

Step 8: 拓展提升:


1.数百万 ___________________

2.运转 _____________________

3.太阳系 _________________________

4.遥远 _________________________

5.足够远 __________________________



7.他们中没有一个人 ______________________


1.This city ________(call) Hangzhou.

2. The boy is old enough _______(look) after himself

3. It is impossible _________ (finish ) work today.

4. None of them ______(come) from China.

5. China has ________(billion) of people.

Step 9 作业

Write a passage to describe the picture. Use your answers to the questions in Activity 5 to help you.

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