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导读: I?remember?meeting?all?of?you?in?Grade,7 sectionB教学设计(共5篇)...


Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 教学设计 教案


1. 教学目标

(一) 知识与技能

1. To learn how to describe unforgettable people and things

2. To understand the pasage on Page 107.

3. To learn the following expressions: in a row, shall, overcome 等

(二) 过程和方法

4. To know how to talk about the past by practising and role-play.

5. To look back on your last three years.

(三) 情感态度和价值观

6. After learning this part, every student will be have a sweet memory of his/her own past three years and will remember these unforgettabl e memories.

2. 教学重点/难点


1. How to use the following words and expressions: in a row, shall, overcome…

2. to understand the passage on Page 107.

3. How to talk about the past.


1. How to use the following words and expressions: in a row, shall, overcome…

2. to understand the passage on Page 107.

3. How to talk about the past.

3. 教学用具


4. 标签



Step 1 Lead-in

1) Show some pictures about your life in the past three years.

Discuss what’s your special memories in your junior high school.

At junior high school, I remember:

I once won a prize.

I once was a volunteer.

I did a school survey.

2) Role-play a conversation in your group andtalk about your unforgettable people or things. For example:

A: Do you remember Mr.Hunt?

B: Of course! Heis a great teacher. He gave really clear instructions during P.E. class.

C. Yeah, he …


Step 2. Reading

1) Fast-reading

Now turn to page 107 and skim the page quickly to find an swers to the questions.

1. What kind of writing is this?

2. What's the main subject of the writing?

3. Who do you think the writer is?

Possible answers: 1. a poem 2. memories 3.a student who will graduate soon

2) careful-reading


Raed the passage again and write out therhyme.

things _________

year __________

class _________

land __________

school ____________

flowers _________

Answers: rings, fear, pass, understand, cool, ours

3) Write your own answers to the following questions.

1. What do ypou remember about Grade 7?

2. What happed in Grade 8 thatwas special?

3. What did you use to do thatyou don't do now?

4. How have you changed since you started junior high school?

5. How do you think things will be different in senior high school?

6. What are your plans for nextyear?

7. What are you looking forward to?

4) Studying useful words and expressions.

1. in a row 成一行;连续;

If I'm inside for three days in a row, I go crazy.


How do you account for losing five games in a row?

你如何解释一连输了五场比赛 呢 ?

Ten footballer stood in a row on the sport ground.


2. shall

(1) Shall作为助动词,一般用于第一人称Ⅰ和We,表示一个将来的动作,构成将来时态。Shall后面接动词原形。

I shall think it over and Let you know my idea.


We shall have a good time in the park.


(2) Shall用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。 Shall we begin our lesson?

When shall he be able to leave the hospital?

(3) Shall用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人给对方命令、警告、允诺或威胁。 You shall fail if you don't work harder. (警告)

He shall have the book when I finish reading. (允诺)

He shall be punished. (威胁)

3. overcome 战胜;克服

There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot overcome.



4. look forward to: 期待,盼望后面接名词或者动名词

I look forward to your good news.我等待你的好消息。

Look forward to hearing from you.等待你的来信。/等待你的消息。

5. remember to do 意思是记住去做某事,表示这件事情还没有做.

remember doing 意思是记得做过某事,表示这件事情还已经做了

Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.


I remembered tuning off the lights when I left the room.



Step 3 Exercises

Translate the following phrases:

1. 回顾

2. 及时,按时

3. 记着做过某事

4. 交朋友

5. 弄的一团糟

6. 玩的高兴

7. 盼望着

8. 连续的

9. 克服困难

10. 对……有耐心

Possible answers: look back, on time, remember doing, make friends, makea mess, have fun, look forward to, ina row, overcome difficulties, be patient with

Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 教学设计 教案


1. 教学目标



2. 教学重点/难点


3. 教学用具

4. 标签


Step 1 Lead in

T: Time goes by! You have studied at our school for three years. Looking back at the past three years, I think you should have many special memories. Would you like to share them with us?

S1: I remember„

S2: I remember„

[设计意图: 创造真实的语言环境,师生互动交流,围绕“school days”谈论初中三年的记忆和经历,导入新课。]

Step 2 Practice (1a)

Get the students to check (√) the things they remember doing at junior high school in 1a. And then ask them to add more to the list. And check their work with several students.

[设计意图: 在情境中呈现和操练生词和短语,在具体的活动中进行巩固和练习,提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效率。]

Step 3 Listening activities (1b)

1.Listen and find the general idea.

The general idea of the conversation is about________.

A. grades B. friends C.school memories

[答案] C

2.Listen to the conversation more carefully and find the specific ideas.

Ask the students to listen and match the memory with the person in 1b individually. Check their work with several students.

[答案] __b__ Mary __d__ Frank __c__ Sarah __a__ Peter

[设计意图:围绕校园生活,展开听力训练,培养听取大意和关键、有效细节信息的能力,通过听力训练进行语言输入,为接下来的语言输出训练奠定基础。] Step 4 Postlistening activities

1.Have the students listen to the tape of 1b and repeat.

2.Get the students to list some memories and experiences from junior high school according to the information in 1c. Share their lists with their partner.

3.Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the whole class.

[设计意图: 用口语回忆初中生活记忆和经历,锻炼学生英语交际能力。] Step 5 Listening activities (2a-2b)

1.T: Do you remember your teachers or classmates? Someone didn't like P.E. Someone joined the school band„

Get the students to listen to the conversation and check (√) the facts they hear in 2a individually. And then check their work with some students.

[答案] Someone didn't like P.E.

Someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher. Someone liked Mr. Hunt's teaching methods.

2.Listen for the specific ideas of 2b.

Have the students listen and match each question with the name of the person in 2b individually. And then check their work with several students.

[答案] 1.d 2. c 3. b 4. a

[设计意图: 通过选择所听到的事实和问题的答案的形式来训练,完成听力任务,理解和巩固所学的目标语言,实现目标语言的输入,为接下来的口语训练奠定基础。]

Step 6 Postlistening activities

1.Have the students listen and repeat after the tape of 2a or 2b.

2.Get the students to roleplay the conversation in their group using the information in 2a and 2b. e.g.

A: Do you remember Mr. „?

B: Of course! He's a„teacher. He gave really„

C: Yeah, he„

3.Ask some groups to present their work to the class.


Step 7 Roleplay the conversation (2d)

1.Read for the main idea of 2d.

The main idea of 2d is ________.

A. the memories about study B. the memories about teachers

C.the memories about classmates

[答案] B

2.Read for the specific ideas of 2d.

Read the conversation in 2d and fill in the following chart. Students Teachers Memories


________ ________

________ ________

Judy ________ ________


Student Teacher What subject Why

Clara Ms. Lee math patient, helped her to work out the answers herself

Mr. Brown science took the time to explain things clearly

Judy Ms. Griffin English encouraged her

3.Read after the tape.

4.Read the conversation aloud in pairs.

5.Roleplay the conversation in pairs. Then go to the front of the classroom and perform it to the whole class.

[设计意图:通过阅读训练,培养获取主旨大意和利用关键信息处理细节问题的能力。分角色表演对话,深刻理解对话内容,提高口语表达能力。] Step 8 Language points (详见P229课堂互动探究)

survey; shall; help sb.(to) do sth.; whenever; take time to do sth. Step 9 The endofclass test


1.We are doing a s________ about how to study for a test.

2.If you put in more effort, your exam scores will d________.

3.Helen got two goals in a r________ during the basketball match.

4.Take the medicine three times a day according to the i________.

5.I learned to play the k________ in music class.

6.The students do homework carefully to meet the s________ of the teachers.

[答案] 1.survey 2. double 3. row 4. instructions 5. keyboard 6. standards



Please ________ ________ ________ about every student's favorite festival.


I told him to come back ________ ________ ________ to.


Could you ________ the question ________ me?


Mr. Liu ________ ________ ________ ________ the students in math class.


The sports meeting was ________ ________ ________ ________ the terrible weather.


We do our homework carefully ________ ________ ________ ________ ________a strict teacher.

[答案] 1.make a survey 2. whenever he wanted 3. explain; to

4. is always patient with 5. put off because of 6. to meet the standards of


1. I almost forget the worst thing that _______ me last year.

Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 教学设计 教案


1. 教学目标


2 技能目标:能谈论过去和未来的生活.

3 情感目标:珍惜初中生活的点滴,培养对高中、未来生活的憧憬。树立远大人生目标。

2. 教学重点/难点


词汇: survey, standard, row, keyboard, method, instruction, text, level, degree, manager, gentleman, task, wing, double, shall, overcome, congratulate, caring, senior, thirsty, thankful, separate, ours, ahead

短语: in a row, look back at, make a mess, keep one’s cool, senior high, go by, believe in, first of all, be thirsty for, be thankful to sb., ahead of, along with, be responsible for, set out, separate from

句子: She helped you to worked out the answers yourself no matter how difficulty they were. How have you changed since you started junior high school?

I’ve become much better at speaking English.

What are you looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to going to senior high school.


3. 教学用具

4. 标签


九年级英语教学设计 Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 2015年

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 教案

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 教学目标:


2 技能目标:能谈论过去和未来的生活.

3 情感目标:珍惜初中生活的点滴,培养对高中、未来生活的憧憬。树立远



词汇: survey, standard, row, keyboard, method, instruction, text, level, degree,

manager, gentleman, task, wing, double, shall, overcome, congratulate, caring, senior, thirsty, thankful, separate, ours, ahead

短语: in a row, look back at, make a mess, keep one’s cool, senior high, go by,

believe in, first of all, be thirsty for, be thankful to sb., ahead of, along with, be responsible for, set out, separate from

句子: She helped you to worked out the answers yourself no matter how difficulty

they were.

How have you changed since you started junior high school?

I’ve become much better at speaking English.

What are you looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to going to senior high school.



Period 1 Section A 1 1a – 2d

Period 2 Section A 2 3a-3c

Period 3 Section A 3 Grammar Focus-4b

Period 4 Section B 1 1a-2e

Period 5 Section B 2 3a-Self Check

Section A 1 (1a – 2d)

I. Warming up

1. Do you have any special memories of junior high school?

2. Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school?

II. Work on 1a.

Check the things you remember doing at junior high school. Add more to the list. Practice in pairs using the information in 1a.

At junior high school,

I remember:

_____winning a prize

_____being a volunteer

_____doing a school survey

_____a friend helping me with a problem

Learn the new word: survey

III. Listening

1. Work on 1b. Listen and match the memory with the person.

First, let Ss understand the meaning of these sentences. Then play the record. Check the answer with the Ss.

Learn the new word: standard

2. Listen again and answer the questions.

1) What did Mary lose in Grade 7?

2) Who helped her find it?

3) What kind of person is Mr. Brown? Is he strict with students?

4) What did Peter do to meet Mr. Brown’s standards?

3. Work on 1c. List some memories and experiences from junior high school. Share your lists with your partner.

Possible answers:

I remember...

scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.

winning a basketball competition.

putting a plastic snake into a classmate's desk.

getting a wish card in Christmas Day.

I have...

learned to play the keyboard in music class.

learned to sing many English songs.

learned to play basketball with my friends.

Learn some new words.

4. Work on 2a. Listen to the conversation. Check(√) the facts you hear.

First, let Ss read the sentences. Then play the record and check the answer. ______Someone didn’t like P.E.

______Someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher.

______Someone had a health problem.

______Someone joined the school band.

______Someone liked Mr. Hunt’s teaching methods.

5. Work on 2b. Listen again. Match each question with the name of the person.

6. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Lisa remembers they had a great _____ teacher. He gave clear ___________ and he

was ______, too. Luke remembers when That’s life _______ at school. They wrote a _____ to the band _______ to come.

Junior high has been ______, but it has been a lot of __________.

IV. Practice

1. Work on 2c. Role-play a conversation in your group using the information in 2a and 2b.

A: Do you remember Mr. Hunt?

B: Of course! He is a great teacher. He gave really clear instructions during the P.E. class.

C: Yeah, he was kind when I hurt my knee. He told me to take a break from running.

Learn the new word: instruction.

2. Work on 2d. Role-play the conversation.

Let Ss read the text and answer the questions.

1) Which teachers will they miss?

2) What subjects do the teachers teach?

3) Why will they miss them?

4) What will they do to thank them?

V. Language points

1. I remember scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.

in a row 连续几次地

e.g. This is the third Sunday in a row that it's rained.


2. … I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.

double v. 加倍; 是……的两倍

adj. 两倍的; 加倍的

e.g. They bought a double bed.


I think we can double our marks in one year.


3. Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?

shall modal v. 将要; 将会

e.g. Shall we all go to the film tonight?


Everything shall be in good order.


I shall follow all your instructions.


VI. Homework

1. Recite the conversation in 2d.

2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.

Section A 2 (3a–3b)

I. Revision

学校调查 school survey

连续几次地 in a row

达标 meet the standard

休息 take a break

清楚地指示 clear instructions

对某人有耐心的 be patient with sb

解决 work out

指导某人做事 guide sb to do

投入更多的努力 put in more effort

II. Warming up

What activities can the writer remember about his or her life in junior high? I remember…

III. Reading

1. Work on 3a. Read the passage and answer the questions.

1) What kind of writing is this?

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