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2016-05-11 11:24:50 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 迈克杰克逊造句(共3篇)迈克杰克逊班级:工程管理本101 学号:2010111449 姓名:韦志孟迈克尔·杰克逊他独特的音色、声音、唱腔、舞蹈,向世界各地延伸,打破了文化、种族、音乐受当代音乐人如Little Richard,James Brown, Diana Ross,大卫鲁芬,Fred Astaire和...


班级:工程管理本101 学号:2010111449 姓名:韦志孟



音乐受当代音乐人如Little Richard,James Brown, Diana Ross,大卫鲁芬,Fred Astaire和Bee Gees的作品影响。其中对他产生最大影响的是James Brown。


迈克尔杰克逊的一生制作了很多的歌曲他的歌曲反映的都是真实的问题,除以上的歌曲外还有《Man in the mirror》、《The lost children》、《We‘ve had enough》、《Someone in dark》等等呼吁人们内心向善的绝世之作![4]


Black Or White 是黑是白

I Took My Baby On A Saturday Bang 我带着宝贝在周末开车兜风

Boy Is That Girl With You 小伙子,这是你的姑娘?

Yes We're One And The Same 是的,我们心心相印,合二为一【迈克杰克逊造句】

Now I Believe In Miracles 现在我相信奇迹

And A Miracle Has Happened Tonight 而今夜奇迹已经显现

But, If You're Thinkin' About My Baby 但如果你在意我的姑娘

It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系

They Print My Message In The Saturday Sun 他们把我的消息印在周末《太阳报》上

I Had To Tell Them I Ain't Second To None 我不得不告诉他们我不是王 And I Told About Equality And It's True 我坚信人人平等

Either You're Wrong Or You're Right 无论你是对是错都改变不了这个真理 But, If You're Thinkin' About My Baby 但如果你在意我的姑娘

It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系

I Am Tired Of This Devil 我厌倦了这样的谬误

I Am Tired Of This Stuff 我厌倦了这样的素材

I Am Tired Of This Business 我厌倦了这些事情

Sew When The Going Gets Rough只到亡羊才去补牢


I Ain't Scared Of Your Brother 我不怕你的哥们

I Ain't Scared Of No Sheets 我不怕小报绯闻

I Ain't Scared Of Anybody 我不怕任何人

Girl When The Goin' Gets Mean 宝贝,只要一切有意义 [L. T. B.说唱] Protection For Gangs, Clubs And Nations 帮派、社团、民族各自为政 Causing Grief In Human Relations 人际关系不断遭到创伤

It's A Turf War On A Global Scale这是世界级别的区域大战

I'd Rather Hear Both Sides Of The Tale 我宁可兼听双方

See, It's Not About Races 无关于种族

Just Places Faces 只关于面孔和地方

Where Your Blood Comes From 要知道你的血缘

Is Where Your Space Is 要清楚你的位置

I've Seen The Bright Get Duller 我看见光明正在黯淡

I'm Not Going To Spend My Life Being A Color 我这辈子不是为了某种肤色而活

[Michael] Don't Tell Me You Agree With Me 不要说你同意我的言论 When I Saw You Kicking Dirt In My Eye 当你还在我的面前恶意中伤 But, If You're Thinkin' About My Baby 但如果你在意我的姑娘

It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系

I Said If You're Thinkin' Of Being My Baby 我说如果你想成为我的宝贝 It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系

I Said If You're Thinkin' Of Being My Brother 我说如果你想成为我的兄弟 It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系

All right 好吧 Come on 来吧 Ooh Ooh 噢噢 All right 好吧 Yeah Yeah Yeah 是啊 All right 好吧 Come on 来吧 Yeah

Yeah Yeah 是啊 All right 好吧 It's Black,it's White 这是黑,这是白 It's Tough For you to be 这你很难决定 Yeah Yeah Yeah 是啊 It's Black,it's White 这是黑,这是白 All right 好吧

It's Black,it's White 这是黑,这是白

It's Tough For you to be 这你很难决定

Yeah Yeah Yeah 是啊

It's Black,it's White 这是黑,这是白

they Don't Care About Us 他们不在乎我们

skin head 人面兽心

dead head 行尸走肉

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变坏

situation 见风使舵

speculation 投机倒把

everybody 所有人

allegation 起诉

in the suite 在庭上

on the news 新闻里

everybody 所有人

dog food 一文不值

Bang bang 嗙嗙

shock dead 吓死【迈克杰克逊造句】

Everybody's 所有人

gone mad 愤怒了

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们


beat me 打击我

hate me 憎恨我

you can never 你永远无法

break me 击垮我

will me 利诱我

thrill me 威胁我

you can never 你永远无法

kill me 杀死我【迈克杰克逊造句】

jew me 我是犹太人

sue me 你就要告我

everybody 一个不剩

do me 都想整我

kick me 踢我

kike me 我是犹太人

don't you black or white me 你颠倒是非黑白

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

tell me what has become of my life 告诉我我的生活变成了什么

i have a wife and two children who love me 我有个爱着我的妻子和两个孩子 i'm a victim of police brutality, now 我现在是个警察暴力的受害者了 i'm tired of bein' the victim of hate, 我已厌倦作为厌恶的受害者

your rapin' me of my pride 你在掠夺我的自豪

oh for god's sake 噢 究竟为了什么

i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... 我这是想把人间变为天堂…… set me free 放过我

skin head 人面兽心

dead head 行尸走肉

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变坏了

trepidation 恐慌

speculation 投机

everybody 所有人

allegation 指控

in the suite 在庭上

on the news 新闻里

everybody 所有人

dog food 一文不值

black man 小人

black mail 告密

throw the brother 患难同胞

in jail 投入监狱

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

tell me what has become of my rights 告诉我什么是我的权力

am i invisible 'cause you ignore me? 你对我视而不见我就不存在了吗? your proclamation promised me free liberty, now. 你曾向我承诺自由 i'm tired of bein' the victim of shame 我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者

they're throwin' me in a class with a bad name 他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤 i can't believe this is the land from which i came


you know i really do hate to say it 你知道我真的不想这么说

the government don't wanna see 政府也不想看到这

but it Roosevelt was livin', he wouldn't let this be, no no.


skin head 人面兽心

dead head 行尸走肉

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变坏了

situation 见风使舵

speculation 投机倒把

everybody 所有人

litigation 互相告

beat me 打击我

bash me 怒殴我

you can never 你永远无法

trash me 击废我

hit me 袭击我

kick me 践踏我

you can never 你永远无法

get me 打垮我

some things in life they just don't wanna see 生命中有些事是他们不想看到的 but if Martin Luther was livin' 但如果马丁路德金活着的话

he wouldn't let this be 他绝不会允许它发生

skinhead 人面兽心

deadhead 行尸走肉

everybody 每一个人

gone bad 变坏

situation 见风使舵

segregation 种族隔离

allegation 告来告去

everybody 所有人


litigation 都来起诉

in the suite 在公堂上

on the news 在新闻里

everybody 所有人

dog food 分文不值

kick me 绊倒我

kike me 毁谤我

don't you wrong or right me 你指手画脚

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

(注: 1. “Jew me、Kick me”:皆为“我是犹太人”之意;本曲最大的争议,几乎遭禁


Michael Jackson, known as the King of Pop, died suddenly Thursday in Los Angeles at the age of

50. Entertainment stars and fans are offering condolences over the death of pop singer.

The call went out to paramedics shortly after noon that Michael Jackson had suffered an apparent cardiac arrest at his rented home in the Holmby Hills section of the city. He was rushed to the University of California, Los Angeles medical centre. His brother Jermaine later said that doctors were unable to revive him.

A shot time later, a helicopter was seen taking the singer’s body to a waiting ambulance. Los Angeles Police Department Lieutenant Gregg Strenk told reporters an autopsy is planned.

As news got out, hundreds on Hollywood Boulevard at the singer’s star on the Walk of Fame. Michael Jackson was born in 1958, the seventh of nine children, and he first found fame as a singer and dancer on the family pop group. The Jackson 5. He outshone his siblings and by age 8, was the star of the group, thrilling audiences with favorites like “ABC”.

In his later solo career, Jackson became a superstar. His 1982 album “Thriller”, with its blockbuster hits “Beat it”, “Billie Jean” and “Thriller”, was the biggest-selling album of all time. That year, he first performed his trademark moonwalk dance, gliding backwards while appearing to walk forward. The singer pioneered the music video genre, and arguable became the world’s top musical performer.

Advancing Women a Top Clinton Goal

When Hillary Rodham Clinton heard that an 8-year-old Saudi girl had been sold to a man in his 50s to pay off her father’s debt, the U.S. secretary of state telephoned the Saudi foreign minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, to protest.

“There is nothing that has been more important to me over the course of my lifetime than advancing the rights of women and girls,” she said in a Washington speech Nov.6. “And it is now a cornerstone of American foreign policy.”

Mrs. Clinton, 62, has been pushing the cause from remote Congolese villages to the U.N. General Assembly. She appointed Melanne Verveer, 65, her former chief of staff, as the first U.S. ambassador for global women’s issues. On every foreign trip, Mrs. Clinton schedules an event with local women.

She visited a Cape Town community built by homeless women and consoled rape victims in the war-racked eastern Congo during an August tour of Africa. Her brow furrowed as she asked a volunteer at a refugee camp why women were venturing alone into a nearby forest to gather firewood, exposing them to attacks from militiamen.

迈克杰克逊造句相关热词搜索:迈克杰克逊演唱会 迈克杰克逊太空步


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