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2016-03-31 10:54:14 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 总而言之的近义词(共3篇)语境中的近义词语境中的近义词一、给下面句子中划线的词语换上另一个词语,使该句子的意思不变。1 只要有什么东西响了一声,母鸡立刻警戒起来。( ) ( )2 母鸡有时候欺侮最忠厚的鸭子。( ) ( )3 猫决定要出去玩玩,就会出走一天一夜,...





1.只要有什么东西响了一声,母鸡立刻警戒起来。( ) ( )

2.母鸡有时候欺侮最忠厚的鸭子。( ) ( )

3. 猫决定要出去玩玩,就会出走一天一夜,任凭谁怎么呼唤,它也不肯回来。( )

4.说猫老实吧,它的确有时候很乖。( )

( )

5.城墙顶上铺着方砖,十分平整。 ( )


田。 ( )


烟。 ( )


( )

9.恐龙的一支经过漫长的演化,最终变成了凌空翱翔的鸟儿。 ( )

10.我讨厌自私自利的行为。( )( )

11.小明进步这么快,我惊奇极了。( )

12. 今年自然灾害很多,由于农民发挥了冲天的干劲,庄稼居然丰收了。( )

13.我们应该蔑视困难、战胜困难。( )

14.冬天到了,我就希望下雪。( )

15.这次考试时我格外仔细,得了100分。( )

( )


( )

17. 我走了,我不能耽搁你的学习。( )

18.越是紧张的时刻,越是要保持冷静。( )


( ) ( )

20.他不是普通的浏览,而是一边看一边在思索。( )



粗糙 肮脏 谨慎 憧憬 简陋 能工巧匠

宽阔 疏忽 精致 污浊 陶醉 理直气壮总而言之的近义词



二. 写出下列句子中的几对反义词。


( )——( ) ( )——( )

2)这人反应灵敏,那人却很迟钝。( )——

( )


( )——( ) ( )——( )


( )——( ) ( )——( )



①生_ 死别 _ 吞活剥 心_ 气和

②___小异 大智若_ 不_ 则退 以攻为_ _为用 化险为_



1. 刚才:a moment ago,just now

2.到达:arrive in/at,get to,reach

3. 立刻、马上:at once,right now,right away,immediately

4.有时:at times,sometimes

5.最后:at last,in the end=finally

6. 在那个时候:at that moment,at that time,just then,

7.在诊所:at the doctor's,in the doctor's office

8.全世界:all over the world,across the world,around the world,in the world

9.总是:always ,all the time

10.为……而着急:be anxious about=be worried about

11.身体好: be fine,be well,be OK

12.来自:be from,come from

13.在家:be in,be at home

14.不在家: be not at home ,be out

15. 能……:be able to,can

16. 应该:be supposed to , should

17. 装满了……:be full of,be filled with

18. 忙着干……:be busy doing sth.,be busy with sth

19. 高兴:be pleased,be glad,be happy能……:be able to,can

20. 给某人...: give sbsth. = give sth to sb, offer sbsth.= offer sth. to sb.……

21. 有信心干某事:be confident of doing=have confidence in doing总而言之的近义词

22. 对……感到惊奇:be surprised at,be amazed at

23. 对……生气:be angry with=be mad at

24. 偶然、意外地:by accident=by chance总而言之的近义词

25. 赶上:catch up with,keep up with

26.考虑做......:consider doing, think about doing, think of doing

27: 继续做......:continue doing..., go on doing..., go on with...

28. 感冒:catch/get a cold,have a cold

29. 在……做得好: do well in,be good at

30.(去)购物:do the shopping,go shopping

31. 把……捐赠给……:donate...to=give away...to

32. 喜欢做......:enjoy doing sth.,like doing sth.

33. 希望某人做..…:expect sb. to do=wish sb.to do

34. 即使、尽管:even thought,even if

35. 过的愉快:have a good time,enjoy oneself

36. 和……相处的好:get on/along well with sb.

37. 放弃做......:give up doing , stop doing

38. 用完:use up, run out of

39. 继续:continue, go on总而言之的近义词

40. 担心……:worry about....=be worried about....

41. 研究:research, study

42. 认为:think, guess, believe, suppose

43. 主题:topic, main idea

44. 原因:reason, cause

45. 导致:result in, lead to, cause, bring about

46. 目的:aim, purpose

47. 阻止:stop, prevent

48.破坏,损坏:harm, damage, do harm to, destroy, ruin

49. 表明:show, indicate

50. 几乎:nearly, almost

51. 大多数:most, a majority of

52. 反对:argue against, be against, oppose, object to

53. 发现:find, discover

54. 开始:begin, start, set out

55. 问题: problem, challenge,issue

56. 困难的:difficult, hard

57. 足够的:enough, adequate

58. 能够:can, could, may, might, be able to

59. 可能:possible, likely

60. 灭绝:die out, extinct

61. 疾病:disease, disorder

62. 告诉:tell, inform

63. 因为:because, because of, due to, for, since, owing to

64. 减少:reduce, decrease

65. 增加:increase, on the increase, rise

66. 令人吃惊的:surprising, amazing, shocking

67. 相同的:same, identical

68. 发生:happen, occur, take place

69. 患(病):catch, suffer, have

70. 影响:effect, influence, affect



解决(动词):Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, settle, resolve, address, tackle 问题(名词): problem, matter, issue

事件(名词): incident, affair, event

教育(名词): education, schooling

经济上的(形容词): economic, financial

释放(动词): relieve,emancipate

压力(名词): stress, pressure, strain,

强调(动词): lay stress on, lay emphasis on, emphasize, accentuate, put the accent on 忽略(有意)(动词): ignore, turn a deaf ear to

忽略(无意)(动词): neglect

意识(名词): awareness(外界信号所产生的), consciousness(自我的)

提高(动词): raise, facilitate, promote, boost up, enhance

完善(动词): better, improve

基本的(形容词): basic, fundamental,

损害(动词):Damage, hurt, injure, harm, undermine,spoil

给与(动词):Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford

培养(动词):Develop, cultivate, foster

优势(名词):Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, strength, edge

缺陷(名词):Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness

大于,胜于(动词):outweigh, overshadow

利弊兼有(名词):pros and cons

使迷惑(动词):Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle

重要的(形容词):Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative

认为(动词): believe, insist, maintain, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced

保护(动词):Protect, conserve, preserve

确保(动词):Assure, ensure, guarantee

有害的(形容词):harmful, detrimental

有益的(形容词):Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous 帮助(名词): help, assistance

要求(名词):Request, demand, needs, requisition

消除(动词):Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away

导致(动词):Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, generate, trigger, give rise to

因此(连词):therefore, thus, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, 宣称(动词):Allege, assert, declare, claim

发生(动词):Happen, occur, take place

原因(名词):Reason, factor, cause

发展(名词):Development, advance, progress

影响(名词):Influence, impact, effect

强加(动词): impose…on, exert …on, put …on, place…on

明显的(形容词):Clear, obvious, evident, manifest, apparent

事实上:in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that 换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle

比如: such as(A, B and so on), say (A), as it did in the case of,

拥有: enjoy, possess, have

不可否认的是/毫无疑问的是: undoubtedly, there is no doubt that…, there is no denying that…, undeniably

据说: it is said that…, it is reported that…

责任(名词): responsibility, obligation

承担(动词): undertake, bear, shoulder, take

容易受到影响: be exposed to…, be vulnerable to…

心理上的/精神上的(形容词): psychological, mental

事实上(副词): indeed, actually

总而言之: to sum up, in summary, to conclude

展示(动词):Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe 增长至(动词):Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to

降低至(动词):fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,

保持稳定(动词):remain stable,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,stay constant, level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out



占(动词):Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose

与…相比:Compared with,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with 对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conversely 大约(副词):Approximately,almost,about,around,nearly,roughly

波动(动词):Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation

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