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导读: 贤妻良母反义词(共3篇)Unit 2 Book 5 单词讲解Unit 2 Book 5 单词讲解1 unitevt 1 使联合;使结合;使合并: Several firms were united to form one company 把几家商行合并成一个公司。2 使团结;使统一: The crisis of w...


篇一:《Unit 2 Book 5 单词讲解》

Unit 2 Book 5 单词讲解

1. unite

vt. 1. 使联合;使结合;使合并: Several firms were united to form one company.把几家商行合并成一个公司。

2. 使团结;使统一: The crisis of war united the whole country.战争的危机使全国团结起来。

3. 使结合;使结婚: to unite two families by marriage两家联姻

4. 使接合;使粘合: They united the two pipes.他们把两条管子连接在一起。

5. 使兼备,使同时具有(各种性质等): She unites the best qualities of a good wife and a tender mother.


vi. 1. 团结;联合 2. 接合;粘合;混合: Oxygen unites with hydrogen to form water.氧与氢结合而成水。

2. consist vi. 在于,存在于,组成,构成,一致,适合

习惯搭配:consist of 由…组成,由…构成,包括 (注意:不能用于被动语态和进行时态)=be made up of Coal consists mostly of carbon.煤大部分由碳组成。

This club consists of more than 200 members.这个俱乐部由200位以上的会员构成。

consist in 基于,在于,存在…之中 如:Consist In Your Consciousness在于你意识 Faith Consist in Desire渴望中诞生希望。 The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings. 这个城市的美在于它的雄伟的建筑

3. divide

divide 意为“把一个整体分成若干个部分” 常与 into,among, between 搭配

divide into 把…分成 divide sth. among sb.在…分配 divide sth. with sb. 与…分担 divide… by…用…除以 辨析:divide, separate

divide 划分;把整体分成若干部分,破坏了宾语的完整性.

separate 分隔;把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来,没有破坏宾语的完整性,只是将宾语分开.

The world is divided into five continents. Let’s divide the cake into three.

He separated the big eggs from the small ones. The grinding machine(碾谷机) separates the grain from the husk(糠).

4. clarify ['klærifai]

vt. 1. 澄清;说明,阐明,讲清楚: Can you clarify this long sentence?你能把这个长句子解释清楚吗?

He issued a statement to clarify the situation.他发表了一项声明以澄清形势。

2. 使净化,使(液体等)澄清: You can clarify the water by adding a little alum.你在水里加一点明矾就能使水净化。贤妻良母反义词

3. 使(头脑、神智等)清醒: The cool autumn wind clarified my mind.凉爽的秋风使我的头脑清醒过来。

vi. 1. (液体)变得澄清,净化: The cloudy solution clarified quickly.混浊的溶液很快就澄清了。

2. 变得清楚;清醒; He left the matter to clarify gradually by itself.他任凭此事逐渐自行大白于天下。贤妻良母反义词

His mind suddenly clarified.他的脑子突然清醒过来

拓展:clarification[,klærəfə'keʃən] n. 澄清,说明;净化 词根:clear

5. accomplish [ə'kʌmpliʃ; ə'kɔm-]

vt. 1. 达到(目的);完成(任务、使命、计划、事业等);实现(诺言、计划等):贤妻良母反义词

This task is ccomplished by great effort.这项任务是经过巨大努力才完成的。

2. 做到,做成,做成功: She seems to accomplish nothing.她似乎没有任何建树。

3. 走完(路程、距离等),行过: It took us a month to accomplish the journey.我们花了一个月才行完旅程。

4. 度完(时间等): My grandpa has accomplished 90 years of his life.我爷爷已达90岁高龄。

5. 使完美,使圆满,使完善;使完全;使变得优雅;改善:

There is nothing accomplishes a person more than learning没什么比知识更会使人充实。

注意accomplish, complete和finish这三个词的区别:


1) accomplish一般后接“任务”、“使命”、“目标”、“航程”或其他抽象名词;

I think our scientists and engineers can accomplish the task.我认为我们的科学家和工程人员能完成这项任务。

The explorers accomplished the difficult voyage from Shanghai to the Antarctic Continent in four weeks.


2) complete后接名词往往更具体些,如“建筑物”、“工程”、“书籍”等;如:

The building will be completed by the end of the month.这座大楼将于月底竣工。

3) finish后面可接名词或动名词,往往带有反面的意味,如“用完”、“吃完”等。例如:

After we had finished eating, we set out immediately.

6. conflict [kən'flikt; 'kɔnflikt]

vi. 1. 冲突,抵触;矛盾,对立,分歧: The hours of those two exams conflict.那两门测验的钟点互有抵触。

Their political views conflicts with ours.他们的政治观点与我们的不一致。

2. 争斗,冲突;战斗

n. 1. 战斗,斗争;冲突 2. 争执;争吵 3. (利益、思想、意见等的)对立,抵触,冲突 4. 相互干扰,互不相容 近义词: fight .. contention . contest .

反义词: accord .符合,一致 harmony . 和睦,融洽 和…冲突 (n.) 冲突;与…抵触 (v.) 利益冲突;公职人员对公众义务与其本身利益相冲突 武装冲突 文化冲突 阶级冲突;阶级斗争 种族冲突 精神矛盾;心理冲突

7. unwilling n. unwillingness

1) 不愿意的The government was unwilling to accept the defeat. 政府不愿意接受失败。

2) .不情愿的 As a youthful teacher, he finds himself an unwilling participant (参与者)in school politics.


He accepted his orders very unwillingly.他非常不情愿地接受了他的命令。贤妻良母反义词

8. break away (from) 挣脱, 逃脱;脱离, break v. (broke, broken)

习惯搭配: break away挣脱, 逃脱;脱离, 背叛 break down 抛锚, 出故障,身体跨了 break into 闯入, 突然发出

break out (战争、瘟疫、火灾) 爆发 break off 中断 break the rules 违反规则 break the records 打破记录

9. union 欧洲联盟,欧盟 1922-1991,首都莫斯科Moscow,位于欧、亚洲) 工会 美]工会

10. the union jack: 从诞生那天起,米字旗就是一面航海旗帜,军民皆用。在理论上,米字旗是英国王室的旗帜,到今天也还是这样。 和大多数国家不同的是,英国并没有正式用法律确认米字旗为英国的国旗。 只有在1908年英国议会开会时,曾宣布"米字旗应该被认为是英国的国旗"。1933年,英国内政大臣宣布"米字旗就是英国国旗"。

英国国旗,俗称“米字旗”,正式称呼是“the Union Flag",也常常称为“the Union Jack"。因为Jack是海军用语,指悬挂在舰首的旗帜,英国军舰舰首都悬挂国旗,因而得名,称为“the Union Jack"。

Union Flag是意为“联合旗帜”。它是深蓝底色的红白米字旗。这面旗帜由英格兰的白底红色正十字旗,苏格兰的蓝底白色斜十字旗和爱尔兰的白底红色斜十字旗合一而成。后来爱尔兰岛的一部分脱离了英国,国旗也未再改变。国旗上没有代表威尔士地区的形象,因为设计时,威尔士早已与英格兰合并了。英国国旗上的十字分别代表英格兰守护神圣乔治、苏格兰守护神圣安德鲁以及爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克。

11. credit 主要有以下用法

1.) 赊购例:The group can't get credit to buy farming machinery.该集团无法以赊购方式购买农业机械。

2) 赞扬:例:We don't mind who gets the credit so long as we don't get the blame.只要我们不挨批评,谁受到表扬我们都不在乎。

例:It would be wrong for us to take all the credit.我们把所有的功劳都揽到自己身上就不对了。

3) 存入例:She noticed that only $80,000 had been credited to her account.她注意到只有$80000存入了她的账户。

4) 归功于例:The 74-year-old mayor is credited with helping make Los Angeles the financial capital of the West Coast.


5) 信贷例: The statement of total debits and credits is known as a balance.总的借贷报表称作借贷平衡表。

6)学分 例:Through this program students can earn college credits in high school.


12. to one's credit 值得赞扬

To his credit, he has admitted his mistakes.值得表扬的是他认了自己的错误。

It is greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you found; your honesty does you credit


13. currency 外币 单一货币;统一货币 本国货币 纸币,钞票 货币升值 电子货币 外币兑换

14. institution 社会制度;社会机构;社会建制;社会机制 公共管理 金融机构 经]金融机构 社会制度 学术机构;研究所;学院 精神病院(等于mental asylum(asylum收容所,救济院)

15. convenience n. 方便, 便利 adj. convenient

I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience. 为了图方便,我把参考书放在书桌前.

习惯搭配 at one’s convenience 在方便的时候 for (the sake of) convenience 为了方便起见= for convenience’s sake make a convenience of sb. (乘机)利用某人

convenient adj. 适合需要的,方便的 a convenient place/ time . I can’t see him now; it’s not convenient.

Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?

注意:汉语里常说:当你方便的时候,而英语不能说:when you are convenient. 只能说:when it is convenient for you inconvenient adj. 不便的,打扰的 It is an inconvenient time to come.

16. rough adj.

1. 粗糙的 His hands were rough and callused, from years of hard work他的双手由于多年的空手道练习,粗糙而布满老茧。

2. 粗暴的; 粗野的 例:Football's a rough game.足球是一项粗野的运动。

3. (治安) 乱的 例:It was quite a rough part of our town.那是我们镇上相当乱的一个地方。

4. 艰难的 例:All women have a rough time in our society.我们社会所有妇女都过着艰难的日子。

5. 粗略的 We were only able to make a rough estimate of the fuel. 我们只能对燃料作一个粗略估计。

I've got a rough idea of what he looks like. 我对他的样子有了个大致的概念。

6. 风浪大的 例:A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas. 一艘渔船与一艘货轮在风大浪急的海上相撞了。

rough·ly adv. 粗略地 例:Tourism pay roughly half the entire state budget.旅游业为整个国家预算提供大致一半的资金来源。

He knew roughly what was about to be said.他大致知道该说些什么。

rough·lyadv. 粗糙地 例:Roughly chop the tomatoes and add them to the pot.把这些西红柿粗切一下,添到那个锅里。

7. roughly adv. 粗暴地; 粗野地 例:They roughly pushed her forward. 他们粗暴地向前推她。

rough·ness n. (U) 粗暴; 粗野 例:He regretted his roughness.他为自己的粗暴而感到懊悔。

反义词 smooth 顺利的;光滑的;平稳的

8. 1) attract vt. 吸引;引起注意

What first attracted me to her was her sense of humour. 她首先吸引我的是她的幽默。

I had always been attracted by the idea of working abroad. 我总是向往去国外工作。

The light always attracts a lot of insects亮光总是招引来很多昆虫

搭配:atttact A to B 把A吸引到B上,吸引A关注B attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力,引起某人的注意 attraction / attractions n. 1) 吸引,引力; 2) 吸引人的东西; 喜闻乐见的东西; 精彩节目 观光胜地 对…的吸引力 性吸引力;性诱惑,性引诱 ;致命的诱惑(电影名称) 引力;吸引力规定

attractive adj. 有吸引力,诱人的

attraction of gravity 重力

He can’t resist the attraction of the sea on hot day. 酷热的夏天他经不住海的诱惑。

attractions n. 旅游景点;景区景点;景点;旅游吸引物 景点推介 主要景点 国内景点

9. architecture n. 建筑学 architect n.建筑师 v. 设计,建造

10. collection 一批,一些;许多的;集…为一体的 数据收集;资料收集 v. collect

11. administration 管理;行政;实施;行政机构 administrator 管理员,行政官 行政部;行政部门;行政科;行政组 健康管理;卫生健康管理;医务管理; 企业管理;经营管理 公共管理;行政管理 食品和药物管理局 民政 医]口服 行政办公楼

12. leave out 遗漏 酌情删减 leave out 省去 得啦;别吵啦;停止 离开我 leave about 乱扔 leave aside 不考虑 leave behind 忘带,丢下, leave for 动身去 leave off 中断 leave off talking

13. description 详细描述;详细说明 工作说明 无法形容,难以形容 生动的描述;生动的报导 v. describe v. 搭配: 如: She describes herself as“ordinary.” 她自称自己“很平凡”。 …描述 He described a circle on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.他用粉笔在黑板上画出一个圈。 拓展 描写的,叙述的;描写性的 可记述的;可描写的 叙述地 描述,描写;类型;说明书描写主义;描述主义;描述论

14. furnished 提供,备有 有家具的公寓 furnish ['fə:niʃ]


1. 供给,供应,提供;送给,给予: to furnish information提供情报

2. 装备,配备;尤指(用家具等)陈设,布置(房间、公寓等): The house is well furnished. 这间房屋内布置得很好。 搭配:furnish A with B 将B提供给A 即用B装备A 如 they furnished John with a list 他们将一个名单提供给John. Furniture (U) 家具(可移动的)furnishings n. 家具,室内陈设

熟记 furniture家具---furnish 装备,布置(房间等)

15. possibility n.

搭配 possibility of doing 做某事的可能性 there is a possibility that… …的可能性

There was no possibility of their team winning the game

possible adj. Possibly adv. likely/possible/probable区别


1) sb/sth. is likely to do sth. He is likely to come.他可能要来。 It isn’t likely to rain.不大像要下雨。

2) It is likely + that clause : It is likely that he will succeed. 他有可能成功。

2. possible 常用于以下结构中: It is possible (for sb.) to do sth. It is possible for the train to be late.

It is possible that… It is possible that the train is late. 火车有可能晚点。

3. probable用法:同样不用人做主语。只用于下列句型:

It’s probable that clause… It is probable that it will rain today. Bring your umbrella with you. 今天极有可能要下雨。带上雨伞吧。 注意:possible,与probable都一般不用人做主语。

例如:我们可以说: It is possible for him to lend us the car. It is possible /probable that he will lend us the car.

但是我们不说: He is possible / probable to lend us the car.

16.quarrel 抱怨;不同意;拒绝接受;跟…吵架 争论;为…争吵 和我的表妹争吵因某事与某人争吵

词根:quarrel adj. quarrelsome 喜欢吵架的;好争论的 n. quarreler 争吵者;喜欢埋怨的人

同意词组: argue with „ argue with sb about与…争吵

17. alike like as as if 用法

1.as 和like 在谈到人,事物或动作彼此有相同点或共同点时 两者皆可

like 是介词 用于名词和代词之前 Like me, she enjoys all kings of music.他和我一样 各种音乐都喜爱。

as是连词 用于分句之前 如She enjoys all kinds of music,as I do.她各种音乐都喜爱 和我一样

在口语中 like 往往用作连词,当作AS 和AS IF 使用 如No nody understands him like/as I do.没有人能象我这样理解他。 It looks like / as if he won't arrive in time.看来他好象不能按时到达了

2.比较AS和LIKE 用于职业或作用方面的用法

She worked as a teacher for many years.她当了许多年的教师。

Our doctor always talks to me like a teacher talking to a child.给我们看病的医生对我说话总是象教师对小学生说话一样。

3.as if 是好象、似乎、仿佛的意思

4.alike 是形容词 作表语 相同、一样、相似的意思 The twins don't look at all alike.这对双胞胎一点都不象

也可作副词 表示同样的 The climate here is always hot,summer and winter alike.这里的气候总是那么热,夏季和冬季都一样

18. take the place of… 代替 表示“代替”的还有以下表达法

1)replace…by/with… 2)substitute… for… 3)…instead 4)instead of … 5) in place of…

如: 1) take the place of… Who will take the place of Mr. Smith this time? 这次谁代替斯密斯先生?

2) replace…by/with… replace steel by /with plastics用塑料代替钢材

3) substitute… for… substitute plastics for steel用塑料代替钢材

4) …instead If there is no coal, oil can be used instead. 如果没有煤, 可以用石油来代替。

5) instead of … If you cannot go, he'll go instead of you. 如果你不能去, 他愿替你去。

6) in place of… Mary will go in place of Jane.玛丽将代珍妮去。

注意:1) take the place of sb.=take sb.’s place 替代某人的位置 2) take place 发生 3) take your place 就位

4) take a place as 担任...职位 5) in place 在合适的位置 6) in sb.’s place 处于某人的位置

7) in the first place 首先,第一 8) out of place 不合适

19. break down

1) (机器等)损坏,坏掉,出故障the printing machine are always breaking down印刷机老是出故障 The car broke down 汽车坏了。



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