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导读: UNIT1,,FESTIVALS,AROUND,THE,WORLD英文说课稿(共5篇)Unit1 Festivals around the World说课稿Unit1 Festivals around the WorldGood afternoon, distinguished teachers:First of all, I would like to say that it’s...

Unit1 Festivals around the World说课稿

Unit1 Festivals around the World

Good afternoon, distinguished teachers:

First of all, I would like to say that it’s my honor to present my teaching ideas to you. Now, let's come to my topic “Festivals around the world” (世界各地的节日). It is Unit 1 in Book 3. I choose warming up and pre-reading as my presentation. I will deal with it through 7 parts.

Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material

This unit talks about many kinds of festivals in different part of the world. The warming up is the first teaching period of this unit. It is intended to have students start thinking about the variety of events and festivals that are celebrated in China.

The Pre-reading is a continuation of the Warming Up and it moves the discussion to a more personal level. It directs their attention to many events and activities those festivals include.

Part Two Analysis of the Students

This unit will be the first lesson after the Spring Festival, so students will be familiar with and interested in the topic of festivals and eager to explore more. However, this lesson is related to something about western culture. May be it is difficult for students to learn and understand.

Part three: Teaching aims, Key points and difficult points

a. Knowledge aim:

1. Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.

2. Let students learn about history and basic knowledge of festivals both in and out of China.

b. Ability aim:

Enable students to talk about festivals and celebrations in English.

c. Emotional aim:

Stimulate students’ love for our national culture and customs. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning.

Teaching important points

1. Get students to learn and master the words and sentences in the lesson.

2. Let students have a general idea about many kinds of festivals.

Teaching difficult points

Enable students to express their idea about festival and celebrations.

Part four: Teaching methods and aids

Teaching methods: Task-based teaching method, Multi-media aided teaching, Cooperative learning activity

Teaching Aids: Multimedia facilities, the blackboard

Part five: Teaching procedures

Step 1: Leading in (2 minutes)

Star the class with asking the students what about their winter holidays. Whether did their have a good time and what they did in during the Spring Festival. And then lead them to discuss how Chinese people celebrate the New Year.

Purpose: Get them to be interested in what is going.

Step 2: Talking in groups (about 5 minutes)

After a chatting about the Spring Festival, I will ask what Chinese festivals they know and let them talk about when those festivals they take place, what they celebrate and what people do at that time. Let them work in groups and try their best to list more and more Chinese festivals.

Purpose: practice students’ speaking skills and thinking ability

Step 3:Warming up (15 minutes)

After a group discussion, we will back to book, page 1. I will ask students to fill in the following form and explain some useful expressions. Then I will show them some pictures about celebrating the festivals to help them remember better.

Purpose: train the students’ ability of understanding and using language.

Step 4:Expanding (6 minutes)

After discussing the Chinese festivals, ask the students what foreign festivals they know. Let them talk about them and tell their classmates how people celebrate them. Here I will show some short films and pictures.

Purpose: Open the students’ mind.

Step 5: Pre-reading (8 minutes)

After discussion, I will ask them what festivals they like best and tell the reasons. Some students will be asked to share their opinions. Then summarize the whole festivals at the end of the talking.

Purpose: practice students’ speaking skills expressive ability

Part six: Blackboard design (7 minutes)

In this part, I will draw a blank to show related information of Chinese and Foreign festivals. It includes what festivals, when does them take place why celebrate and how to celebrate. Next, it is words and usefully expressions.

Part seven: Assessment and reflection (2 minute)

Then I will finish this lesson by giving homework. Let students describe a festival and writer a passage (more than 200 words). Preview the Part 3 “Reading” to get the main idea.

Reflection: after class, I will think about what need to be improved and communicate with other teachers.

Thank you very much and welcome your valuable suggestions!

【2】Unit1 festivals around the world说课稿

Unit 1 Festivals around the world

一、 说教材


本课是人民教育出版社高二英语必修3第一单元第一课时的内容。本单元的中心话题是“Festivals Around the World”,主要介绍了世界各地一些传统节日内容,历史由来以及节日的庆祝方式。本课是本单元的第一课时,主要讲述some festivals about the dead,harvest, spring and to honor people。它为第二课时festival origin“a sad love story”的学习作铺垫。本课时的学习不但能使学生学习掌握新单词和短语,以及moral verb用法,还能帮助学生熟悉各国不同的节日,开拓视野,激发学生深入了解各国节日传统的兴趣,引导积极主动探索更多的相关知识。 (二)教学目标:

根据《课程标准》,本单元要求依据高二年级学生特点确定以下目标: 1、知识与技能

(1) 学生能理解和掌握新单词短语,如:take place, hunters, religious, ancestors, in memory of, day and night等;


(3)提高学生的阅读能力以及语言表达能力 2、过程与方法

(1) 通过引导学生根据文章猜测生词含义及呈现相关例句来使学生掌握新单词与短语; (2) 通过列表对比讲解及呈现巩固练习来使学生正确区分四组情态动词的用法; (3) 通过阅读训练提高学生的阅读能力和抓取有效信息的能力





重点:1、学生能理解和掌握新单词短语,如:take place, hunters, religious, ancestors, in memory

of, day and night等;



二、 说学情


三、 说教法学法


教学有法,教无定法,贵在设计,贵在创新。新课标倡导教师地位转变,是课程的倡导者与参与者。本课时的主要内容有学习新词汇,重点单词和短语,能掌握情态动词的用法,正确区分can-could,may-might,shall-should,will-would及其之间的区别。我将灵活运用PWP阅读法,问答法,讨论法,情景演绎法, 等多种方法逐步引导,层层深入,尽可能多挖掘学生潜力。使师生、生生极好配合。 (二)说学法


四、 说教学过程

(一)Warming-up & Leading-in.(7~10min.) 1 Greeting

Daily greet. Communicate with the students with some simple question, such as “how are you today” “how was your weekend” and so on.


2 Checking Homework

Get a pair of students to sum up the knowledge we learned in the last period and check the homework together.

设计意图:了解学生上一堂课的知识掌握情况,并通过学生学习结果自评的方式提高学生学习的主体参与性,发挥其能动性。 (二)Presentation and Practices 1 Pre-reading

Present 3 pictures and ask the students if they know what are the festivals and get them to say anything they know about the 3 festivals. Meanwhile, enable the students to predict the content of

the context.


多时,能激起最佳兴趣水平。通过学生自由表达观点激发学生兴趣同时有利于语言表达能力的提升。 2 while-reading

(1)Ask the students the read the whole passage on their own and get the main idea. And complete the exercise 1 in page3.


(2)Raise the new words and phrases to help students to understand this article and guide the students to guess the meaning according the passage. Such as presenting sentences “It is the hunter that contributes to the distinguish of many animal species.” “Hunters are always equipped with gun.” and guide the students to guess the meaning of “hunters”


(3)explain the usage of “can-could,may-might,shall-should,will-would” and the difference between them, and make a conclusion chart. And then, ask the students to complete the exercise 2 in page5.

设计意图:利用组织策略中画图表的方法帮助学生更加牢固的掌握该知识点,并通过练习对知识点加以巩固以突破本课难点。 3 Post-reading

Get the students to work in pairs and talk about the festival in passage and ask some representatives of the groups to act out their conversations.


利于学生口语表达能力的习得还能提高其社会交往能力。 (三)Summery

Get one student to act as an assistant teacher to guide the whole class to make a conclusion about the knowledge we learn in this lesson.



1 complete the rest exercises on textbook

2 write a short passage about the traditional festivals of one country that you are interested in and show it to the whole class in the next lesson.




Unit 1 Festivals around the world说课稿定稿

Unit 1 Festivals around the world Festivals and celebrations

Good morning, professors, it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lessons with you. The content of the lesson is New Senior English for China Student’s Book 3 Unit 1 festivals around the world . I’ll begin the lesson from the following 5parts, Part 1.My understanding of the lesson Part 2.Analysis of the students

Part 3.The teaching methods ,the studying methods and teaching aids Part 4.The teaching procedure Part 5.Blackboard design

Part 1.My understanding of the lesson

The part includes teaching material , teaching aims , teaching key points and teaching difficult points. Teaching matetial

This unit is about different kinds of festivals around the world, and the reading passage plays an important part in this unit . It not only provides the chance for the students to learn about the culture and festivals in other countries,but also includes many useful words ,expressions and grammar points that students should learn in this unit. Teaching aims

1. Knowledge aims:

(1)To help students to understand the words and some useful expressions (2)To get the students to have a better understanding of the text 2. Ability aims:

(1) To train the students’ reading ability by fast reading and careful reading ,and get them to learn more reading skills. 3. Emotional aims:

(1) To get the students to know about some foreign festivals and learn to respect the culture and customs in foreign countries. Teaching key points

1. To train the students’ reading ability

2. To help the students talk about the festivals all over the world in English. Teaching difficult points

1. To develop the students’ reading ability

2. To help the students grasp the main idea of each paragraph and the whole passage Part 2.Analysis of the students

On the one hand ,they’ve learnt English for years, the students have got the basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, they still need many opportunities to practice what they have learned, to express their ideas, feelings, and experience and to develop their self-dependent learning ability and cooperative learning ability Part 3.The teaching methods ,the studying methods and teaching aids

When I deal with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the methods, such as self-dependent learning method,cooperative learning method, task-based teaching and learning and so on tp make the students the real masters in class while I, the teacher acts as director

And I will adopt fast reading to get a general idea of the text and careful reading to get the detailed information; pair or group work to get every student to be active in class; question-and-answer activity teaching method and free discussion method to make the students smooth away the difficulties, and retelling to sum up the whole period. And I will also make good use of the modern equipment,sch as the multimedie . Part 4.The teaching procedure Step 1 Lead-in

Firstly ,I will lead in the lesson of the unit with a piece of music ----jinglebell, followed by questions :

1.Are you familiar with the music ? 2.When can we often hear it ?

Then I’ll show some beautiful pictures of the festivals all over the world in the screen, meanwhile,lead the students to talk about them.

Purpose: To increase the students’ interest and attract their attention and lean in step 2. Step 2 Fast reading

In this step, the students have to finish two tasks , Task 1 General idea

The students will be asked to just look at the title and the pictures of the passage, and then guess what the text.is about .

Purpose :to develop the students’ reading skills by making prediction and to encourage the students to express their thoughts in English

Task 2 Answer the question and then sort the festivals Question :What festivals are mentioned in the passage?

Methods: self-dependent learning method , Question-and-answer Method, task-based language teaching

Purpose :To train the students’ self-dependent learning ability and have a brief

understanding of the passage. Step 3. Careful Reading

Read the passage carefully, and then finish Exercise 2 and Exercise 3 on page 3. Methods :cooperative learning method , task-based language teaching

Purpose : To train the students to grasp the detailed information and have a better understanding of the text. It can also help the students improve the cooperative learning ability.

Step 4 Discussion 1. Finish Exercise 4

2. Now foreign festivals seem to become more and more popular among young people ,while some Chinese traditional festivals seem less popular than before. Questions:

1. Should we keep our traditional festivals alive ?why?How? 2. Should we celebrate foreign festivals ?

Methods: cooperative learning method , task-based language teaching

Purpose : to train their thinking ,speaking and communication abilities and get the students to have a better understanding of the meaning of the festivals so that they can treat the festival celebrations properly. Step 5 .Summary and homework

1. Get the students to retell the story with the help of the information on the blackboard. 2.Creat a new festival and write a composition about it .

Purpose : To review what the students have learnt ,develop their self-dependent learning ability and creative thinking ability. Part 5.Blackboard design Festivals and celebrations What’s the passage about ?

What festivals are metioned in the passage?Sort them. 1. Festivals of the Dead

2. Festivals to Honour People 3. Harvest Festivals 4. Spring Festivals Discussion Questions:

3.Should we keep our traditional festivals alive ?why?How? 4.Should we celebrate foreign festivals ?

Purpose :to get the students to have a clear idea to get the main content of this lesson.

Unit1 Festivals around the world 说课稿

Unit1 Festivals around the world 说课稿

Unit1 Festivals around the world

Good morning, everyone. I’m very pleased to have the opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is the reading text : Festivals and celebrations in unit 1 Festivals around the world. It is made up of three parts. Part 1 My understanding of this lesson

1. The analysis of the teaching material:

This unit talks about many kinds of festivals in different part of the world. The first reading briefly describes four different kinds of festivals. By studying this unit, students can know that festivals exit everywhere, and many of festivals in different countries celebrate similar ideas .An important element in the unit is the opportunity to compare and contrast cultural practices in China and other countries.

2. Teaching aims:

a. Knowledge aim:

Make students know about the holiday all over the world and the detail of the holiday, such as origin of the holiday, content of the holiday, and the date of the holiday, etc.

b. Ability aim:

▲Make students talk about festivals and celebrations in English.

c. Emotional aim:

▲Make the Ss learn about the significance of festivals.

▲ Make the Ss know about the foreign festivals, and respect other countries’ custom.

3. Teaching important points:

How to make the Ss understand the text better.

4. Teaching difficult points:

Enable the Ss grasp the using of Modal Verbs.

Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids

a.Teaching theories

Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director;Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language. b.Teaching method:

According to the modern perception theories and social intercourse teaching theories, I adopts the question-and–answer method, cooperate method and discussion method in my teaching.

First, question-and–answer method, to some degree, it can arouse Ss’ interest and develop their listening and speaking.

Second, cooperate method can cultivate the Ss’s communicate skills and influence efficiency of the class.

Third, discussion can help develop their thinking and communicative ability. c.Teaching aids:

1. a projector

2. a tape recorder

3. a computer multimedia

4. the blackboard

Part 3. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2. Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show them some pictures of many kinds of festivals and let them talk with each other, and then use the pictures about festivals to learn new words, for example, Obon Halloween, Valentine’s Day and so on.

Q1, What kinds of festivals in China do you know about?

Q2, What festivals of foreign countries do you know?

Purpose: ① Open the Ss’ mind.

② Get them to be interested in what is going to learn.


Read the passage as quickly as they can. Then do the Ex .1 in P.3


Read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen.

Qs: Which three times of the year did people celebrate in Ancient Times?

What kind of things are done to celebrate the Obon Festival?

Why does Indian have a national festival on October 2?

How do Europeans celebrate Thanksgiving festivals?

Name three things people do at Spring Festival.

Step 5. Careful reading

It is also called depth reading or study reading. It means reading for detailed information.

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some different sentences and details of the text.

Ex.2 in P.3

Step 6. Learning about language

Deal with the language points and the using of the Modal Verbs in the text. In memory of , dress up , look forward to ,…….

. Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using laguage.

Step 7. Consolidation

1. Find out the topic sentences.

2. Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.

Purpose: I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and if they master what I mean to tell them in this class. What’s more, I want to let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expression. At the same time, I will write down the topic sentences on the blackboard according to what the students find, so they can retell it easily.

Step 8. Discussion

What is your favourite festival?


When is it?

What is the festival about?

How long can we have for holiday?

What do we usually do in the festival? Step 9. Homework

Unit1 Festivals around the world说课

Unit1 Festivals around the world

Good morning, everyone. I’m very pleased to have the opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is the reading text : Festivals and celebrations in unit 1 Festivals around the world. It is made up of three parts.

Part 1 My understanding of this lesson

1. The analysis of the teaching material:

This unit talks about many kinds of festivals in different part of the world. The first reading briefly describes four different kinds of festivals. By studying this unit, students can know that festivals exit everywhere, and many of festivals in different countries celebrate similar ideas .An important element in the unit is the opportunity to compare and contrast cultural practices in China and other countries.

2. Teaching aims:

a. Knowledge aim:

Make students know about the holiday all over the world and the detail of the holiday, such as origin of the holiday, content of the holiday, and the date of the holiday, etc. b. Ability aim:

▲Make students talk about festivals and celebrations in English.

c. Emotional aim:

▲Make the Ss learn about the significance of festivals.

▲ Make the Ss know about the foreign festivals, and respect other countries’ custom.

3. Teaching important points:

How to make the Ss understand the text better.

4. Teaching difficult points:

Enable the Ss grasp the using of Modal Verbs.

Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids

a.Teaching theories

Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director;Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

b.Teaching method:

According to the modern perception theories and social intercourse teaching theories, I adopts the question-and–answer method, cooperate method and discussion method in my teaching.

First, question-and–answer method, to some degree, it can arouse Ss’ interest and develop their listening and speaking.

Second, cooperate method can cultivate the Ss’s communicate skills and influence efficiency of the class.

Third, discussion can help develop their thinking and communicative ability. c.Teaching aids:

1. a projector

2. a tape recorder

3. a computer multimedia

4. the blackboard

Part 3. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2. Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show them some pictures of many kinds of festivals and let them talk with each other, and then use the pictures about festivals to learn new words, for example, Obon Halloween, Valentine’s Day and so on.

Q1, What kinds of festivals in China do you know about?

Q2, What festivals of foreign countries do you know?

Purpose: ① Open the Ss’ mind.

② Get them to be interested in what is going to learn.

Step 3.Skimming

Read the passage as quickly as they can. Then do the Ex .1 in P.3

Step 4.. Scanning

Read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen. Qs: Which three times of the year did people celebrate in Ancient Times?

What kind of things are done to celebrate the Obon Festival?

Why does Indian have a national festival on October 2?

How do Europeans celebrate Thanksgiving festivals?

Name three things people do at Spring Festival.

Step 5. Careful reading

It is also called depth reading or study reading. It means reading for detailed information.

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some different sentences and details of the text.

Ex.2 in P.3

Step 6. Learning about language

Deal with the language points and the using of the Modal Verbs in the text.

In memory of , dress up , look forward to ,…….

. Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using laguage.

Step 7. Consolidation

1. Find out the topic sentences.

2. Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.

Purpose: I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and if they master what I mean to tell them in this class. What’s more, I want to let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expression. At the same time, I will write down the topic sentences on the blackboard according to what the students find, so they can retell it easily.

Step 8. Discussion

What is your favourite festival?


When is it?

What is the festival about?

How long can we have for holiday?

What do we usually do in the festival?

Step 9. Homework

UNIT1,,FESTIVALS,AROUND,THE,WORLD英文说课稿相关热词搜索:around the world all around the world

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