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导读: have,you,ever,been,to,a,museum,讲课稿(共5篇)人教版七年级英语全英说课稿Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museumUnit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?Good morning, dear teachers I’m NO, 1 May I start now? Thank...


人教版七年级英语全英说课稿Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum

Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?

Good morning, dear teachers. I’m NO, 1. May I start now? Thank you.

It’s my great pleasure to present my lesson plan here. The lesson I’m going to talk about is unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? I’ll interpret my lesson plan from the following aspects:

Firstly, I’d like to analyze the teaching material and learners.

This lesson is chosen from the section A of unit 9, Book 8B, PEP Junior English. The topic of this lesson is fun places. The main task for ss is to talk about past experiences to some places. Even though ss have learned the present perfect tense in last unit, they may still feel hard to talk about what fun places they have ever been to and what they think of these places. Thus, enough practice will be organized to help ss learn some museums, theme parks and the present perfect tense with been, ever and never.

Based on the analysis above and the new curriculum standard, I set the following teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aim. After the class, ss will understand the basic meaning of some museums and theme parks and the function of the present perfect tense with been, ever and never, such as amusement park, science museum, Have you ever been to sp? I’ve never been to sp etc.

2. Ability aim. By the end of this lesson, ss will be better able to talk about past experiences by using the present perfect tense with been, ever and never.

3. Emotional aim. During the class, ss’ interest in learning English will be increased by talking about fun places. Next, let’s focus on the key point and difficult point.

The key point is to talk about past experiences to fun places by using the newly learned vocabulary and sentence structures.

The difficult point is to understand that the present perfect tense is used to express a past event that has present consequences.

To achieve the objectives above, I’ll adopt Audio-lingual Approach, Communicative Approach and Situational Teaching Method. And ss’ll learn through cooperation, communication and discussion.

Now, I’d like to describe my teaching procedure.

Step 1 is leading in.

At the beginning of the class, I’ll present pictures of some super special museums around the world to attract ss’ attention, such as the Tap Water Museum in Bejing, the Currywurst Museum in Berlin, the Instant Ramen Museum in Japan, the Underwater Museum in Mexico, the Museum of Broken Relationships in Croatia[kroʊ'eɪʃə], The Museum of Jurassic[dʒʊˈræsɪk] Technology in California and the International Toilet Museum in India.(选择几个) ss will be encouraged to share their experiences to museums or theme parks. This activity can arouse ss interest and lead them to the topic naturally.

Step 2 is presentation.

First, the museums and theme parks of this lesson will be presented, such as I’ll provide some background information. After that, they will rank these places in 1a from their most favorite to the least favorite.

Next, I’ll ask ss questions like “ and instruct ss to give positive and negative answers. So here, ss will learn the sentence structure.

This activity can help ss smooth the way for listening.

So, next is step 3 listening 1b.

First, I’ll lead ss read the chart for 1b and 2 questions will be asked to help ss understand the chart“Who are

involved in the conversation? What museums are mentioned?” Then ss will listen to the conversation between Claudia and Sarah for the 1st time and find out what museums they have ever been to. As for the 2nd time, there are 3 questions for ss to answer. “When did Sarah go to the science museum? Has Sarah ever been to a history museum? What does Claudia say about the history museum?” So, ss will listen carefully to get some detailed information. Step 4 is speaking. Ss will act as Sarah and Claudia to talk about the museums in 1b.

Step 5 listening 2a and 2b.

First, I’ll guide ss to look at the map in 2b and lead them to 3 short conversations. Ss will circle the places they hear on the map. When they finish, they will share their answers by describing the places on the map. While ss listen for the 2nd time, there are 3 questions for them to answer. 1. Where are they planning to go? 2. Has Tina, Linda or Frank ever been there? 3. How are they going to get there? By answering these 3 questions, ss can fulfill the T or F task easily. At the last time, ss will read after the recording and check their answers.

So, next step is practice.

Ss’ll work in pairs to make conversations about the places on the map.

Next, let’s come to summary.

Ss’ll do a survey in groups of 4. One st will interview the other 3 ss about museums or parks according to a form I give them. This summary activity can help ss recall what they have learned from this lesson.

As for the homework, I’ll ask ss to make up a new conversation with their partners on the topic of fun places. At last, I’d like to introduce my blackboard design.

Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum 教案






Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum知识点梳理及单元复习

1. 单元重点短语归纳:

2. Have you ever been to a science museum? 你曾经去过科学博物馆吗?【重点】

【辨析】have/has been to;have / has gone to ;have/ has been in;

(1). have/ has been to 表示“某人曾经去过某地”强调现在已经回来了,不在那里了。

E.g.: We have been to Qingdao. 我们去过青岛。(现在不在青岛)

(2). have gone to表示“某人到某地去了”,强调现在还没有回来,可能在那里或途中。

E.g.: They have gone to Sydney. 他们去悉尼了。(现在在悉尼或途中)

(3). have been in +地点:表示“某人在某地待了很长时间”,常与时间段搭配。 E.g.: I have been in Nanchang for three years. 我在南昌待了3年了。

How long have you been in China? 你在中国待了多长时间?

3. 一般过去时与现在完成时的用法比较 【重点】&【难点】

(1). 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的事、存在的状态或经常发生的动作。说话的侧重点只是陈述一件过去的事情,不强调对现在产生的影响。

E.g.: He visited Guilin in 1998. 在1998年他参观过桂林。(只说明去桂林的时间)

(2). 现在完成时表示动作发生在过去,对现在造成了影响或产生了结果。不能与确定的过去时间状语连用。

E.g.: Jill has bought a new computer. 吉尔买了一台新电脑。

I have taught here for fifteen years. 我在这儿教学已经15年了。

I have seen the film. 我看过这部电影。(我了解这部电影的内容)

I saw the film last week. 我上周看了这部电影。(只说明上周看了这部电影)


①Julie's father_____ to London last month. He _____ there three times.【2013连云港】

A. went; had gone B. has gone: has been

C. went; has been D. has been; had gone

②--Have you ever ____ Boyang Lake?

-- Yes. I _____ there last month. It’s quite beautiful.

A. gone to;went B.been to;went C.been to; go

③Jackson ___ school two years ago and he ____ for two years. 【2013 乌鲁木齐】

A. leaves; has gone B. left; has been away

C. leaves; has been away D. left; has gone

4. Me neither 我也没有。


主语 + neither

A. 否定句中的“也” neither +助动词/be + 主语


E.g.:--He didn’t go to school. 他没有去上学。

--Me neither. / Neither did I. / I didn’t go to school, either. 我也没有去。

主语 + too

B.肯定句中的“也” so +助动词/be+ 主语


E.g.: --He is a good student. 他是一名好学生。

--Me too. / So am I. / I’m a good student, too. 我也是。

5. It’s really interesting, isn’t it?



(二)、结构: 陈述句 + 附加疑问句? E.g.: It’s hot today ,isn’t it ?

(三)、原则: 1.前肯后否,前否后肯; 2.前名后代;3.时态一致

E.g.: They work hard, don’t they?


(1). 找动词

①如果句中有助动词、情态动词、be动词,反意疑问句中也相应的用助动词、情 态动词、be动词。E.g.: He is a student, isn’t he?



E.g.: She often gets up at 6:30 every morning, doesn’t she?

(2). 判断句子是肯定还是否定,“前肯后否,前否后肯”

The students have planted many trees, haven’t they?


E.g.: The boy can’t swim, can he ?

【注意】(1). Let’s 中的us 包括对方,反意疑问句用 shall we

(2). Let us 不包括对方, 反意疑问句用will you

6. Let’s go somewhere different today. 咱们今天去个不同的地方吧。



【注】somewhere 表达地点时,前面不用介词。 E.g.: Go and paly somewhere else. ②不定副词:somewhere , anywhere, nowhere

不定副词被定语修饰时,定语必须放在其后;e.g.: somewhere warm暖和的地方【have,you,ever,been,to,a,museum,讲课稿】

7. They are going to take the subway. 他们打算乘地铁。

【解析】 take (took , taken) v 乘, 坐, 搭(车,船)

take the/a +交通工具+to +地点“乘坐……” (放于句中) 动词短语在句中做谓语 take the subway 乘地铁 take the train 乘火车

take the bus 乘公共汽车 take the taxi 打的

8.We put up a tent and cooked outside. 我们搭起帐篷,在户外做饭。

【解析】put up 搭起;举起;张贴

【短语】:put away 把…收起来 put on 穿上 put up 张贴,

put out 熄灭 put…into… 把……放进 put down 放下


①— Peter has never been to a water park. — _____. 【2012山东枣庄】

A. I haven’t neither B. I haven’t too C. Me too D. Me neither

②—I have never been to Hawaii. What about Mike? 【2012 达州】

— .

A. So has he B. So he does C. Neither he has D. Neither has he ③I don’t want to go ______.

A. somewhere cold B. cold somewhere C. anywhere cold D. cold anywhere ④— Where would you like to go on vacation, Lily?【2012凉山】

— It’s hot here. I’d like to go ____.

A. Anywhere cool B.cool somewhere C.somewhere cool

⑤Your school is very beautiful, _______?【2013永州】

A.isn’t it B.is it C.is your school

⑥--Excuse me, Sir. But smoking is not allowed here. 【2012江苏连云港】 --Sorry, I didn’t see the sign. I’ll my cigarette at once.

A. put out B. put away C. put up D. put off

9. It also encourage governments and social groups to think about ways to improve

toilets in the future.


【解析】 encourage sb. to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

encourage sb. in sth 在某方面鼓励某人

10. It’s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! 真是难以置信,科技发展的竟然如此迅速。

【解析】progress v进步;进展; n(不可数n)

make progress 取得进步 make progress in 在......方面 取得进步 E.g.: I have made much progress in English.

11. 反身代词




enjoy oneself=have fun =have a good time玩得高兴;by oneself =alone独自; teach oneself=learn …by oneself自学;help oneself to随便吃;hurt oneself伤到自己;

introduce oneself to 自我介绍;look after oneself 照顾自己;say to oneself自言自语;

lose oneself in 沉迷于;dress oneself给某人自己穿衣服;

12. And have you ever heard (hear) of a Disney Cruise? 你听说过迪士尼油轮吗?

【解析】hear of 听说

【辨析】listen to/hear

(1)listen/listen to 听,侧重听的“过程”;【have,you,ever,been,to,a,museum,讲课稿】

(2)hear 听,侧重听的“结果”

(3). hear sb. do sth 听见某人做某事 e.g.: I often hear him sing in the room. hear sb. doing sth 听见某人正在做某事 e.g.: I hear him singing in the room

(4). hear of/about 听说; hear from =receive a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信 E.g.: I’m sorry to hear that.听到这件事我很难过(指听到别人不幸的消息时的用语)


①Jessica’s parents always encourage her ___ out her opinions. 【2013辽宁鞍山】

A. speak B. speaking C. to speak D. will speak

②No matter how difficult things seem to be, you should say to _____ “Never mind!”

A positive attitude is the key to success. 【2013黑龙江哈尔滨】

A. themselves B. ourselves

③He _____but could _____ nothing.

A .heard ; listened B. listened; heard C. heard; heard

④How often do you_____ your sister?

A.hear B. hear of C. hear from D .hear about

13. thousands of 数以千记的;许许多多的

用法:(1)当hundred/thousand/million 前面有具体的数字时,用单数形式;

(2)当hundred/thousand/million 后与of 连用时用复数形式。

14. 分数词的表达法 【重点】

(1).结构: ①.分子用基数词,分母用序数词. C. yourselves

新人教版八年级下 unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum 教案

八年级下册Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum要点讲解

八年级下册Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?要点全面讲



1. at night在夜晚

2. in a more natural environment在一个更加自然的环境中

3. all year round一年到头;终年 4. be far from 离……远

5. in the dark 在黑暗中 6. in the past 在过去

7. have been to sp. 去过某地 8.science museum 科学博物馆 9. history museum 历史博物馆 10.amusement park 游乐园 10. go somewhere different 去不同的地方

11. go skating 去滑冰 12.take the subway 坐地铁

13.a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon一个过周六下午的好方法

14.all the old movie cameras所有的古老的电影摄影机

15.learn about sth.了解有关......的情况

16.on the weekend 在周末

17.camp in the mountains 在大山里露营

18.put up a tent搭帐篷

19.in such a rapid way 以如此迅猛的方式

20.different kinds of各种各样的

21.development of toilets 厕所的发展

22.social groups 社会团体

23.the tea art performances茶艺表演

24.make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets


25.a nice place to enjoy tea 一个品茶的好地方

26.thousands of 数以千计的

27.International Museum of Toilets国际厕所博物馆

28.the Terracotta Army 兵马俑

29.Southeast Asia东南亚 30.Night Safari 夜间动物园 31three quarters 四分之三

32.an English-speaking country一个讲英语的国家

33.have problem doing sth. 做某事很困难

34.during the daytime在白天 35.a couple of times 好几次

36.right now 现在;目前

37.an amusement park with a special theme一个有特别的主题的游乐园

38.walk around the park在公园里到处走

39.hear of 听说 40.take a ride兜风

41.another province另一个省 42.the Bird’s Nest鸟巢


1. Have you ever been to... ?

Have you ever been to a science museum? 你曾经去过科学博物馆吗?

2. Let’s do sth 让我们一起去做某事吧

Let’s go somewhere different today.我们今天去个不同的地方吧。

3. It’s~\~adj. +that...

It’ s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! 科技以如此迅猛的方式发展真是令人难以置信啊!

4. Whether... , you’ll...

Whether you like Indian food,Western food or Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore!


5. One great thing is that.

One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same all year round.新加坡一个很大的特征是它的气温几乎一年到头都是一样的。

6. It is best to do sth..

It is best to visit Singapore...最好……游览新加坡。


Section A

1. — a science museum?你曾经去过科学博物馆吗? — Yes,I have. 是的,去过。

【解析1】ever 曾经 (用于现在完成时。ever用于疑问句、否定句)

—Have you ever seen the film?

— No, never.

【解析2】have/has been to / have / has gone to / have/ has been in 辨析:

⑴ have/ has been to + 地名 “曾经去过某地” , 现在已经回到原地。

He has been to England twice.他曾经去过英国两次。(现在已经不在英国了)

Have you ever been to the Great Wall?你到过长城吗?(现在已经不在长城上)

He has gone to England。他已去英国了。


2. 我也没有。


主语 + neither

A. 否定句中的“也” neither +助动词/be + 主语



— He didn’t go to school. 他没有去上学。

—Me neither.

Neither did I

I didn’t go to school, either.

主语 + too

B.肯定句中的“也” so +助动词/be+ 主语


E.g. : —He is a good student.

— Me too.

So am I

I’m a good student, too.

3. It’s really interesting,



二、结构: 陈述句 + 附加疑问句? It’s hot today ,isn’t it ?

三、原则: 1.前肯后否,前否后肯



They work hard, don’t they?



(1)如果句中有助动词、情态动词、be动词,反意疑问句中也相应的用助动词、情态动词、be动词。 He is a student, _____________?

(2) 如果句中没有助动词、情态动词、be动词,只有实义动词时,就要借助助动词do的形式(do , does ,

did )

She often get up at 6:30 every morning,___________?

(二) 判断句子是肯定还是否定,“前肯后否,前否后肯”

The students have planted many trees,_________?

(三) 反意疑问句的主语必须转换成人称代词主格。

The boy can’t swim,___________?

4. I learned about the that color movies, too.


【解析1】invent v 发明→inventor n 发明家→ invention n 发明

【记】Edison , a great _____________, __________over 1’000__________ all his life.(invent)


Gibert __________electricity, but Edison _________ the electric light bulb.


Section B

5. in China? 在中国多久了。

【解析】how long

【拓展】how far 问路程 多远 how old 问年龄 多少岁

how long 问时间 多久, 多长 how often 问频率 多久一次

6. For tourists from China , this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and place to take a holiday. 对于成千上万的中国游客来说, 这个东南亚的小岛成了美妙又安全的度假胜地。

【解析1】thousands of 数以千记的;许许多多的

thousand n 千 thousands of成千上万的

【注】:(1)当million 前面有具体的数字时,用单数形式

【口诀】:具体的不加s 也不加of,不具体的加s 也加of

7. , more than of the population are Chinese , so you can speak Putonghua a lot of the time, , Singapore is , so it’s also a good place to your English! 一方面,华人占到了人口的四分之三还多,因此,大部分时间里你只要讲普通话就足够了。 另一方面, 新加坡是一个讲英语的国家, 所以这里也是一个你练习英语的好地方。

【解析1】on the one hand … , on the other hand ……

E.g.: On the one hand, parents should take good care of their children; on the other hand,

children should respect their parents.

【解析2】 three quarters 四分之三(分数表达法)


1).结构: a).分子用基数词,分母用序数词.


分母(序数词) 4 = one fourth = one quarter


3).分数词作主语时, 谓语动词根据分数词后面的名词来确定. = three fourths = three quarters 可数名词 +动词单三形式

分数 + of +

可数名词 + 动词变复数形式

E.g.: Two fifths of the milk ______(be ) drunk by Tom . One third of the students _______(be )girls .

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