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2016-01-09 10:00:31 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

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中央电视台《东方时空》栏目在前年重阳节作了一个非常有意义的调查:请问,你知道父母的生日吗?10个小时,有1666人投票,其中回答“知道”的有1274票占69.24% ;“知道父母中一位”的有228票 占12.2%;“都不知道”的有 338票 占18.2% 。看了这些数据,说实话,实在令人担忧。实在是有些刺眼,





也是一年中收获的黄金季节,重阳佳节,寓意深远。1989年,我国把重阳节定为“老人节”,此后每年农历九月初九又成为尊老、敬老、爱老、助老的日子。九九重阳节国旗下讲话中央电视台《东方时空》栏目在去年重阳节作了一个非常有意义的调查:请问,你是否知道父母的生日?在10个小时内,有1840人投票,其中回答“知道”的有1274票 占69.24% ;“都不知道”的有 338票 占18.37% ;“知道父母中一位”的有228票 占12.39% 。说实话,看了这些数据,实在是有些刺眼,实在令人担忧。
















同学们,我们是炎黄子孙,我们中华民族五千年的文明史中含有尊老、敬老、爱老、助老的传统美德。“老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼”,讲的就是这层意思:尊敬、爱护自己家的老人和小孩,同时也要象对待自家人那样去尊敬、爱护别的老人和小孩。最近,从新闻媒体讨论的话题中也可看出一二。如“该不该给老人让座?”“怎样做一个可爱的上海人?”这些活动的核心就是要努力建设和塑造一个具有高度文明、能与国际接轨的国际大都市的形象,而尊老、敬老、爱老、助老就是其中的一项内容。作为生活在这座大城市的我们,更有义务为树立良好的城市形象而作出努力。客观地说,经过改革开放和精神文明建设,良好的社会风气已经逐渐形成,一些不良的行为受到大家的谴责,应该好好的反省我们自己。 我今天的国旗下的讲话就到这里。谢谢大家!
















中央电视台《东方时空》栏目在前年重阳节作了一个非常有意义的调查:请问,你知道父母的生日吗?10个小时,有1666人投票,其中回答“知道”的有1274票占69.24%;“知道父母中一位”的有228票 占12.2%;“都不知道”的有 338票 占18.2% 。看了这些数据,实在令人担忧,担忧那些不知道父母生日的人怎样做到尊老、敬老、爱老。








老师们,同学们,大家好!我今天国旗下发言的题目是《继承中华传统美德,树尊老敬老新风》。再过几天就是中国的又一个传统节日——重阳节。因为与“久久”同音,九九重阳,九在数字中又是最大个位数字,意思是长久长寿,而秋季又是一年中收获的黄金时间,重阳佳节,寓意深远。一九八九年,我国把重阳节定为“老人节”, 此后每年阴历的九月初九又成为爱老、敬老、尊老、助老的时间。 我国同世界上的许多国家一样,慢慢步入老年社会,关爱老年人,关心长辈,已成为整个社会的责任。



中华民族五千年的文明史中含有尊老、敬老、爱老、助老的传统美德。同学们,记住关爱你们的长辈,让老人的笑容绽放,别让自己以后在后悔中度日。 “花无重开日,人无再少年。”总有一天我们也会成为老人。想想那会是什么样子,人生是一面镜子,对照人生,尊重老人,爱护老人是传统的美德,也是社会的责任。让老人笑在重阳,笑在每一天。把最美丽的祝福送给全天下的老人!祝愿他们都能幸福、安康。 愿所有老人都过上和我们一样幸福的生活! 谢谢大家!





Net of business affairs of electron of interview of recreational originality character earns trends of home page news experience of dispatch promotion by-talk shares current position: Information home page > recreational originality > concentration of draft of the speech below ensign of the section that weigh this world speaks below ensign of heavy in relief division draft is handpick on October 16, 2012 16:30:00 origin: 0 people click time money net pay close attention to us: Time money net can offer all sorts of brand designs, VI design, product to pack originality of table of development of construction of design, application design, website, software, article, building to decorate for vast enterprise, businessman, the service such as sale of net inn promotion, network, want to carry the mission that the network can solve only, can be solved through time money net, a task clinchs a deal amount fixes a price freely by you. Needless ask full-time staff technically and need to pay many salary, and this this task is by the network power customer is finished, often a task can collect a lot of work, and the just chooses your satisfaction from inside numerous work work that you should do and pay work author to write cost. Release offer a reward instantly >> honour old love often goodness of tradition of the Chinese nation, pupil should be made as a child, esteem old person, cherish an old person. Speak below ensign of 6 outstanding the section that weigh this world choicely perform draft, consult for classmates. The each commissioner teacher that elementary school weighs in relief section to perform lecture notes to be respected, dear classmates: Everybody is good! Is the title that I make a speech today: ? Two of Luo of shovel of clumsy of ň of ㄅ of  of grave of Cao of poisonous bang fat deficient; Yttrium is fierce handkerchief of  of eddy of male ∮ an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise hangs this Jian much Sou of bulbul of Tun of Su of  of the  that reduce level standing tall and upright retreats cape of バ of ソ of cure of  of   remnant to expose feng4huang2 subject repeatedly move of admire of  of ソ of firewood of バ of Cao of crisp deficient of agitate of  of  of ⅲ of  natrium  ぁ of be good at ぁ ! Excuse me of locust of artful Xi of Luo of Gou of linden of  of Γ of Ji of apology of Nai of value of the  that make V smooth with a rake protects  to invade deficient? “ place of climb a hill of stage a pavilion or house on a terrace, the fruit of medicinal cornal is sweet drop “ , it is the; that weigh this world “ battleground chrysanthemum especially sweet “ also be heavy this world. Message of the holiday that weigh this world is health long, all along of the Chinese nation has again honour the traditional goodness with old old love, accordingly, the section that weigh this world is decided to be old person section again. The old person part this year will come, what can we do for the old person? My feeling is returned gradually go up I answered · of year of · of · of · of autumnal · · that day native place visits grandfather grandma, just entered court, see the grandma stands still in the body of the thin and small in wind. Her the one or two pieces making up the front of a Chinese jacket swings along with autumn wind left and right sides, as if the body also wants subsequently like dump. “Grandma! “ I cry aloud. Grandma face about, I am busy before walking up, go, the hair of grandma grey is in wind more show messy, dark face ases if much a few deep furrow, high zygomatic make the face appears more angular, I have slightly some feel distressed. Follow the grandma entered room, the grandma should wash his hands to cook for me, in my heart easily, grandma wanting a side washs his hands, she is declined a few times, I am determined to want to wash however. I hit Wen Shui, shui Lao the hand to the grandma, touching gently with the hand. The finger of the grandma bends, Hei of the back of hand is black, in a way has some of drape. See the palm of the hand again, the callosity of a few dark yellow greets my eye at a draught, feel

hard hard, there still is · of · of · of · of · of · of several small crackles on finger this is the hand of my grandma, classics of a pair of all previous the hand of a few years of vicissitudes of life! In the time in the past, the grandma sufferred how many pain tired, and why didn’t I care considerate grandma more before a few? Nose already had some of ache slightly, I wash a hand to the grandma hurriedly. What is the grandma aware of it seems that, full smile is written on the face, the hand that clasping me says: “Do not have thing granddaughter, the grandma does not have a thing, want you to learn well only, the grandma is very glad! “ tearful eyes is hazy in, I bite labium closely, firm firm ground nods, the grandma of the meeting, of regular meeting! I had promoted high school with outstanding achievement now, believing a grandma also is gratified laugh certainly on the face. Remember that to wash one’s hands, I still am deep feeling extremely, it is it makes close affection got raising of things to a higher level. Close affection resembles the seed of a dormancy, offer its warmth when enthusiasm, tear gives his moist, good-tempered when giving its power, it can cherish a heart that be thankful sadly bud, send out a distinctive glamour. Although say, gradually time does not stay, old people often can go after all, but want us to care an old person everyday only, even if just wash his hands, an encouragement speech, smile approvingly, can make old people touchs for a long time, the heart that makes them aged more exultation, the life is more colorful! The setting sun is infinite good, even if close dusk! My speech ends, thank everybody! Ensign of the section that weigh this world plays speech draft teachers, fellow students: Good morning! The theme that I make a speech today is: Heavy this world uses up filial piety heart, maple red love is thicker. Maple when Xie Zhenggong, it is the section that weigh this world. In a few more days arrives weigh in relief happy festival time. May still the classmate does not know to weigh the past history of in relief section? The section that weigh this world is the traditional Chinese calendar at the beginning of September 9, why will you be September first 9? Old “ The Book of Changes “ “ 6 “ count for shade surely, “ 9 “ count for this world surely, at the beginning of September 9, life is in relief, two 9 photographs are heavy, make weigh this world so, also make weigh 9. 99 heavy this world, because of with “ for a long time “ unisonant, 9 it is the largest number again in the number, reason has long, macrobian idea, and the gold that autumn also is the results in a year is seasonal, its implied meaning is far-reaching. Rose 1989, the section that weigh this world was gifted again new meaning, be to respect old division surely by the country, become people honour old, respect old, love old, aid the old, path that use up filial piety to express the filial piety heart, red-letter day that promotes traditional goodness. Teachers, classmates! Each mother severe father of on God’s earth, honorable, be worth to love and esteem. Mount Na Jiao’s beautiful appearance stealthily when the trace of years, when the Wei bank is forceful girth like hill gradually stoop, when once fiery youth leaves them far sadly, they are regretful without a bit however, do not have any complaining. They use that altruistic dedication and deep love, cradling we grow, including our mistake. Our restful, our health, our success, our happiness... the achievement of the dribs and drabs that we obtain on the road in life, including mother severe father the love of that heavy! But, we accord parents what? Our parental lifetime is in be without reservation to pay, never had wanted to want to get any get one’s own back however! In relief section is weighed in this, what should we do for parents? Come, give with the simplest way; of heart of a filial piety takes parents the pen in your hand, write a few speech; that be thankful to raise your hand, beat a back twice for parents, knead the waist, camera that washs one offal; to take you a few times, keep a good memory to parents! Wanted us to be done sincerely only, you can get the money with precious brushstroke! In the life,

our hard to avoid is met meet unexpectedly setback and failure. But when the heart when us calm and old person chat, you can feel they are such full classics dark blue (mulberry of C ā Ng) , it is so incisive that they accumulate the experience that come down gradually with the time of own lifetime. As “ a n experienced person “ what they tell us with him experience is the life, the state of mind that they watch with be good at peace and happiness, the spirit of constantly strive to become stronger, consistent quality, detached and free from vulgarity sentiment, firm and indomitable volition, kind-hearted and gentle humanness, not the courage of Wei hardship, economizing goodness, incentive later generations advances ahead. “The home has one old, still have one treasure. “ we should have not made contribution to the motherland for these, familial to our place the old person that has made contribution does some of business, cherish them, help them? “The sheep has the grace that genuflect breeds, crow has the feeling that feed back “ , for person children, the devoir; that give presents parents is us serves as a citizen, helping an old person is our obligation. Also because of such, we just should make greater efforts, make from the a bit, let honour love is old, old, respect old, aid old this baton runs forever. Teachers, classmates! Quick action rises! Care old person, only then at parents of you; give presents, make from me, make as a child, make from the heart! The joyance that the section that weigh this world respects National Day of old speech draft still is continueing, quiet mood is releasing the smile of the heart. Arrive again in an instant at the beginning of September section of ninefold this world. From of old, in September the 9 red-letter days that miss namely, ancient poetry says: Yao knows brotherly uprise to be in, insert the fruit of medicinal cornal little one person. It is archaic person the feeling that misses in the section that weigh this world, the time that this world is reunion is weighed in ancient time, because cannot reunion, the brotherly family member in the home is being longed for in outer poetic popular feeling, wrote down the poetry of be handed down from ancient times. The heart of longing, word word shows the real situation. Our country is endowed with to heavy Yangjie now at new residence justice, this day is senile section surely, a lot of country on bound of our country contemporaneity is same, enter senile society slowly, care old people, care elder, already became the liability of whole society. Let everybody give sufferred, this world can become more beautiful. One day we also are met old, see senile dear one, flash goes down a few years, that perhaps is the portraiture of everybody. Old people also once young over- , had had beautiful youth, had had pursuit, having the contribution to the society, face a pair of grey-haired old people when you, browse young the photograph when, can have in your heart touch! Beautiful appearance is depicted in the sea of days mix palely furrow, each grain, also have love deeply, the old person that in seeing morning when you, helps has gone gently in the scenery, smile blossoms in amiable face, then the portion is touched in the heart cannot the figure that him; still has that pair of old people of year of about 6 a period of ten days to wear bright red kit to run in that, ; of envy letting a person also has of course roam about the old person in street, of one face life agonized, yearn for the key point that helps with that, let a person be overcome, be overcome. Life is the most beautiful the setting sun is red, worldly the most beautiful old age is beautiful, meet without the person forever young, what old people has is wisdom and experience, never mention it Suo of Luo of old people love, there is the real situation in each word, each word also is longing, accompany an old person to say to talk more, can have profit, reasonable be in with self-restraint the sea of days already immerge arrives inside in, not buckish, not false, have longing only, think the time that gets along at many o’clock with descendants generation, many somes of hour that gets together, can know the life of children, the happiness that is the child is

happy, for blessing of pray of each family member. What want children to pass only is good, cared without place in old person heart. This is an old person, let the old person that the person respects. And the youth cannot discover this commonly, the pressure of the life is very great, working pressure and competition, make a person tired with exhaustion, can think to reason does not come home, do not miss an old person, this is a kind of incorrect thought, when you are already grown, parents may be in one every day anile, longing and anxious heart are moved constantly in mind, a word, a greeting, cannot come home, play a phone it may not be a bad idea. That is the person that gives you whole world! Need not not remember. Want to have time only, be about to accompany accompany an old person, give dry spot vivid it may not be a bad idea, accompany mom to have a meal, accompany father to watch TV, visit father and mother smiling face, also be gratified in the heart! Tell a personal experience to listen to you, the time that I live in in grandmother as a child is longer, often play sand on the street, bearer when, in the bosom that hides grandmother, so my constant is visited, often handhold the hand of grandmother bony, the hand that uses me includes her hand, the hand that uses her includes my hand, grandmother says then in my Mom, oneself see big child kiss namely, kiss namely. And the daughter that a bit earnest grandfather likes to hold me in the arms most. My grandmother left this year, I did not grasp the opportunity of her hand, think of this, the tear walks back and forth in my eye, I think of to want to see my grandfather more, make him much laugh, comfort his heart, my mother and maternal aunt are met for company he, I also can use up my filial piety heart. So, young friends, remember loving your elder member of family, accompany more accompany them, can not regret to any moment, regret can be not had in the heart, the smile that can let an old person blossoms. Regular meeting of my in the dream constant remembers the person of a lot of, have dying dear one, have the alone old person on the ave, often awake in the dream, have Gu sometimes, what the family member that feels me sometimes strokes gently is tepid the smiling face with affection. One day you also are met old, missing that meeting is what appearance, life is one side mirror, contrast life, esteem old person, cherishing an old person is traditional goodness. It is social responsibility. Let old person laugh be in heavy this world, laugh in each days. Give the old person of whole the world the most beautiful blessing! Happy, happy, laugh at a mouth to often leave. Elementary school weighs in relief section to perform lecture notes classmates: Everybody is good! Everyday, rising sun of our prep against goes to school, bath is worn the setting sun comes home, already walked into this autumn wind to send bright insensibly, melon and fruit waves sweet day, greet at the beginning of September section of ninefold this world. Our uprise looks far, feel the sky is so blue, hill is so green, the earth is golden bumper harvest picture everywhere. Place oneself in so free from worry environment, call popular feeling Kuang Shenyi really! Can do you know “ the section that weigh this world “ the origin of uprise? Fabulous in ancient time, a place appeared demon of acute communicable diseases, annual of the traditional Chinese calendar at the beginning of September 9 can come out to transmit plague, make common people bitter can’t bear character. One is called Huan Jing’s youth, determination should get rid of demon of acute communicable diseases. He has gone through an innumerable trials and hardships, find the immortal in hill, learn skill in wushu assiduously with the immortal. After a year, the traditional Chinese calendar the 9 eve at the beginning of September, huan Jing is about downhill. Before before leaving, the immortal sends him a Qing Longjian not only, still gave him leaf of a packet of the fruit of medicinal cornal and a bottle of chrysanthemum wine. After coming home, huan Jing gives whole village everybody leaf of a the fruit of medicinal cornal, let everybody drink wine of a chrysanthemum, such everybody

are not afraid of demon. At the beginning of September this days 9, demon of acute communicable diseases appeared like in former years again, huan Jing and it fought full a day, throw the head that left demon of acute communicable diseases eventually, from now on, local common people suffers the torment of demon of acute communicable diseases no longer. To commemorate Huan Jing forever, also go up too afresh to celebrate everybody happy and quiet time, annual the traditional Chinese calendar the 9 people at the beginning of September the arm inserts the fruit of medicinal cornal, the shoulder carries chrysanthemum wine on the back, go out uprise. This is fabulous in “ the section that weigh this world “ the antecedents of uprise. The section weighing this world of new period was gifted new meaning, become respect old, love old, aid old “ old person section “ . Of all ages, we have a lot of respecting to often love Lan Daifu of old story; Gu Youmu to enlist, lukewarm banquet of pillow of yellow sweet fan, Wang Xiang lies ice begs carp, meng Zong cries the story that; of a much-told story has mind of person of the be deeply moved such as mother of Chen Yi explore, embellish today. Everybody is met old, domestic home has an old person. Esteem old person, respect ourselves namely actually! Team member people, as the sharp increase of our country old people mouth, safeguard respect old love old this one the Chinese nation has traditional goodness more it is important to show. Let us use a genuine Jing Laozhi heart, aid old travel touchingly to be displayed to old people on a minute of our intention! Elementary school weighs in relief section to respect fellow students of old speech draft: Everybody good morning! My speech is inscribed today eye is “ goodness of successive China tradition is promoted honour old love young new wind “ . Many classmates know, today is the traditional Chinese calendar at the beginning of September 9, it is our the Chinese nation another traditional festival -- the section that weigh this world. The traditional Chinese calendar on September 9, why to make weigh this world? Because old “ The Book of Changes “ in “ 6 “ count for shade surely, “ 9 “ count for this world surely, on September 9, life is in relief, two 9 photographs are heavy, make weigh this world so, also make weigh 9. Because “ 99 “ with “ for a long time “ unisonant, 9 the largest number is in the number, have the implication of long long life, besides autumn also is the gold season that harvests one year, because this weighs in relief happy festival time, the implied meaning is far-reaching, so the ancients thinks this is an auspicious life that is worth to congratulate. Allegedly heavy in relief division had from Han Chaochu. Period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, what folk has uprise again in this day is consuetudinary, so heavy in relief division calls “ uprise section “ again. Tang Chao arrived after, guests of bookman Chinese ink wrote poem of a lot of uprise, among them great majority is those who write the red-letter day that weigh this world is consuetudinary. Those who be like Wang Wei “ will recall Shandong brother on September 9 “ wait for; and Du Fu’s an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme “ uprise “ , the name that keeps the uprise that weigh this world namely piece. The custom that weighs in relief section to insert the fruit of medicinal cornal is in Tang Dynasty already very general. Because the ancients thinks,in the section that weigh this world this day inserts the fruit of medicinal cornal to be able to take refugee disappear calamity. Qing Dynasty is acting, what Beijing weighs in relief section is consuetudinary be stick chrysanthemum branches and leaves on door window, “Remove fierce dirty, with Zhao Jixiang. The today’s section that weigh this world, was gifted again new meaning. 1989, our country annual the traditional Chinese calendar will be old person section surely on September 9, tradition and contemporary and clever ground are united in wedlock, become honour old, respect old, love old, aid old old person division. In the red-letter day that attributes old people in this, we wish all grandfather grandma





不少同学都知道,今年的10月5日是农历九月初九,它是我们中华民族又一个传统佳节——重阳节.农历九月九日,为什么叫重阳?因为古老的《易经》中把“六”定为阴数,把“九”定为阳数,九月九日,日月并阳,两九相重,故而叫重阳,也叫重九.又因为“九九”与“久久”同音,九在数字中又是最大数,有长久长寿的含意,况且秋季也是一年收获的黄金季节,因此重阳佳节,寓意深远,所以古人认为这是个值得庆贺的吉利日子. 关于重阳节的故事很多.据说重阳节从汉朝初就有了.那时在皇宫中,每年九月九日,都要佩茱萸,食蓬饵、饮菊花酒,以求长寿.汉高祖刘邦的爱妃戚夫人被吕后馋害后,宫女贾某也被逐出皇宫,贾姓宫女又将此习俗传入到民间.找范文

到了东汉,民间在该日又有登高的习俗,所以重阳节又叫"登高节".以后到了唐朝,文人墨客们写了很多登高诗,其中大多数是写重阳节的习俗.如王维的《九月九日忆山东兄弟》等;而杜甫的七律《登高》,则是写重阳登高的名篇.当然,古人的登高没有划一的规定,一般是登高山、登高塔,同时还有吃"重阳糕"(一种九层糕)、赏菊饮菊花酒的习俗.清代以后,赏菊之俗尤为昌盛,时间也不限于九月九日,但仍然是重阳节前后最为繁盛. 重阳节插茱萸的风俗在唐代已经很普遍.“独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲.遥想兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人.”因为古人认为在重阳节这一天插茱萸可以避难消灾;或佩带于臂,或作香袋把茱萸放在里面佩带,还有插在头上的.这些习俗在晋代葛洪《西经杂记》的中就有记载.

清代,北京重阳节的习俗是把菊花枝叶贴在门窗上,"解除凶秽,以招吉祥.". 在改革开放的今天,重阳节这个传统的节日被赋予了新的含义.1989年,我国把每年农历的九月九日定为老人节,从而将传统与现代巧妙地结合,成为尊老、敬老、爱老、助老的老年人的节日.














































二.如“该不该给老人让座?”“怎样做一个可爱的上海人?”这些活动的核心就是要努力建设和塑造一个具有高度文明、能与国际接轨的国际大都市的形象,而尊老、敬老、爱老、助老就是其中的一项内容.作为生活在这座大城市的我们,更有义务为树立良好的城市形象而作出努力.客观地说,经过改革开放和精神文明建设,良好的社会风气已经逐渐形成,一些不良的行为受到大家的谴责.反省我们自己,在日常生活中我们的学生在尊老、敬老、爱老、助老又做得怎样?我不想对你们的过去予以评价.但是,在重阳节即将到来之际,我们全体同学是否想到,该如何为我们家的老人或者社会上的老人做点什么呢?希望大家考虑一下.当然,学校政教处也有安排,要求各班的班主任在节后作个统计,看看我们的立达学生在老人节里为社会、老年人都做了些什么. 我今天的国旗下的讲话就到这里.谢谢大家。

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