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导读: 内蒙古自治区中考网上报名系统(共7篇)内蒙古自治区2015-2016届中考数学模拟试卷2015年初中毕业与高中招生模拟试卷(三) 注意事项: 数 学 1 本试题卷1~8页,满分为120分。考试时间为120分钟。 2 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考...


2015年初中毕业与高中招生模拟试卷(三) 注意事项: 数 学 1.本试题卷1~8页,满分为120分。考试时间为120分钟。 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用 2B 铅笔涂写在答题卡上,并将准考证号和姓名填写在试卷相应的位置上。请认真核对条形码上的相关信息后,将条形码粘贴在答题卡的指定位置上。 3. 答选择题时,必须使用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。 4. 答非选择题时,必须使用0.5毫米的黑色字迹签字笔书写,作图题可先用铅笔绘出,确认后再用0.5毫米的黑色字迹签字笔描清楚。要求字体工整,笔迹清晰。严格按题号所示的答题区域作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。 5. 保持答题卡清洁、完整。严禁折叠、破损,严禁在答题卡上做任何标记,严禁使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、单项选择题 ( 本大题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分 ) 1.我们把零上16°记作+16℃,则零下2℃可记作( ) A.+2 B.-2 C.2℃ D.-2℃ 32 2.计算2xx的结果是( ) A.x B.2x C.2x D.2x 3.由四个大小相同的正方体搭成如图所示的几何体,它的左视图是( ) 2 4.若关于x的一元二次方程x2xm0有实数根,则m的取值范围是( ) 56 A.m≥-l B.m<1 C.m≤-l D.m≤1 数学模拟试卷(三) 第1页 共8页



2015年初中毕业与高中招生模拟试卷(三) 注意事项: 数 学 1.本试题卷1~8页,满分为120分。考试时间为120分钟。 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用 2B 铅笔涂写在答题卡上,并将准考证号和姓名填写在试卷相应的位置上。请认真核对条形码上的相关信息后,将条形码粘贴在答题卡的指定位置上。 3. 答选择题时,必须使用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。 4. 答非选择题时,必须使用0.5毫米的黑色字迹签字笔书写,作图题可先用铅笔绘出,确认后再用0.5毫米的黑色字迹签字笔描清楚。要求字体工整,笔迹清晰。严格按题号所示的答题区域作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。 5. 保持答题卡清洁、完整。严禁折叠、破损,严禁在答题卡上做任何标记,严禁使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、单项选择题 ( 本大题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分 ) 1.我们把零上16°记作+16℃,则零下2℃可记作( ) A.+2 B.-2 C.2℃ D.-2℃ 32 2.计算2xx的结果是( ) A.x B.2x C.2x D.2x 3.由四个大小相同的正方体搭成如图所示的几何体,它的左视图是( ) 2 4.若关于x的一元二次方程x2xm0有实数根,则m的取值范围是( ) 56 A.m≥-l B.m<1 C.m≤-l D.m≤1 数学模拟试卷(三) 第1页 共8页

内蒙古07年高考报名方式确定 预报名网上进行

明年高考报名仍采用网上预报名和到旗县区招办确认的方式进行报名,任何考生只有一次报名机会,只能报考一个科类。这是记者昨日从内蒙古自治区招生考试中心得到的消息。 据了解,自治区招考中心日前召开的“2006年全区高校招生网上报名、网上填报志愿总结研讨会”上一致认为,2006年我区成功地进行了高校招生网上报名和网上补报志愿工作.,这是我区考试事业向前迈出的重要一步,认为此举切实体现了“阳光招生”,突破了传统报名和网上填报志愿方式由于信息不对称带来的种种弊端,也减轻了基层招办的工作压力,使考务工作更加科学化。同时内蒙古招考中心还要求各盟市提前做好2007年网报工作的准备,确保网上报名及网上填报志愿工作顺利进行。会上,就从严治理“高考移民”、弄虚作假享受政策性照顾分数的不正之风、区内本科院校完成录取后不再安排补录、网上报名、网上填报志愿与网上补报志愿、录取批次的划分等专题进行了热烈讨论。据了解,明年高考报名仍采用网上报名和到旗县区招办确认的方式。内蒙古自治区招生考试中心提醒考生,一定要通过网上预报名和到旗县区确认的方式进行报名,任何考生只有一次报名机会,并且只能报考一个科类。



英 语


第一部分 听力测试(每小题1分,共20分)




6. How much does the computer cost now?

A. $1,000. B. $ 850. C. $ 1,150.

7. What does the woman need?

A. A pen. B. A ruler. C. A pencil.

8. What happened to the man?

A. He had a car accident.

B. He hurt his arms.

C. He broke his leg.

9. What can we know about the man?

A. He didn't enjoy the film.

B. He enjoyed the film very much.

C. He didn't go to see the film last night.

10. Where is Betty from?

A. Japan. B. China. C. Germany.



11. What kind of party will they have?

A. A dancing party. B. A singing party. C. A dinner party.

12. Why does the man want to invite the Browns?

A.Because the Browns can help them clean up.

B. Because the Browns invited them to their party.

C. Because he wants to have a talk with the Browns.


13. What will the boy give a talk about?

A. British history. B. British culture. C. Space science.

14. What kind of books does the boy like?

A. History books. B. Science books. C. Sports books.

15. On which day is the library closed?

A. Sunday. B. Monday. C. Friday.


16. When did the story happen?

A. In the afternoon. B. In the morning. C. In the evening.

17. Why were the two men so poor?

A.They were too lazy.

B. They lost all their money.

C. The passage doesn't mention it.

18. The rich man was A. kind-hearted

B. clever and selfish ( 自私的)

C. polite and clever

19. When the poor men heard what the rich man replied at last, they would

A.be happy and glad to go

B. be disappointed

C. be thankful

20. The story might be

A.a joke to make people laugh

B. a piece of news

C. a true story in the past




21.--How are you?

A. Fine,thanks. B. ttow do you do?

C. You're welcome. D. See you later.

22.--Hi, Mary. You look

--Yeah, I'm going to America with my parents for a vacation.

A. kind B. moved C. excited D. sad

A. do B. to do C. done D. doing

24. --Is it OK if I sit on this chair?

A. Here you are. B. Take it.

C. Not at all. D. It's taken.


A. talk B. require C. hold D. add

26.--Did you call Fred back?

I'll see him tomorrow.

A. because B. unless C. when D. though

A. take away B. close down C. break up D. set off

28.--What do you want for dinner tonight?

We will have whatever you want.

A.It's up to you. B. Help yourself.

C. Never mind. D. You needn't worry.

be a good teacher unless you become more patient.

A. often B. ever C. always D. never

30.--He promised to come to see you.

A. doesn't B. isn't C. hasn't D. won't

31. --Why are you smoking so much these days?

A. you B. them C. it D. one

32.--I don~t care how other people feel?

A. might B. could C. would D. should

33. --It's a top secret.

you and me.

A. between B. around C. among D. ~vith

34. You'd better keep the medicine somewhere safe, out of the children's

A. hand B. reach C. hold D. place

in the center of tile city next year.

A. builds B. will build C. will be built D. is built



Some years ago, on a hot summer day in south Florida, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the river in front of his house.

his shoes and shirt as he went. He dived into the water, as he swam toward the middle of the river, an alligator(鳄鱼 From the bank, the mother caught the boy by the alligator snatched his leg. Then began an unbelievable tug-of-war (拔河比赛) between the two. The alligator was the mother, but the mother wouldn't give up.

scars(伤疤on to the son she loved.

them because my mother wouldn't let go. "

36. A. hurry B. dream C. hungry D. time【内蒙古自治区中考网上报名系统】

37. A. for B. over C. behind D. out

38. A. hearing B. understanding C. feeling D. realizing

39, A. backward B. downward C. toward D. upward

40. A. ran B. walked C. jumped D. moved

41. A. smiling B. shouting C. talking D. nodding

42. A. change B. mistake C. face D. turn

43. A. dangerous B. close C. late D. early

44. A. legs B. arms C. hands D. feet


45. A. faster B. taller C. bigger D. stronger

46. A. happened B. came C. noticed D. stopped

47. A. shape B. health C. look D. build

48. A. followed B. written C. left D. broken

49. A. where B, how C. when D. whether

50. A. sadness B. pride C. purpose D. service

第三部分 阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)


51. All of them are from English--speaking countries except

A. Bob B. Yuki C. Kate D. Dick【内蒙古自治区中考网上报名系统】

52. What do we know about Tatee me home, Country Road ?

A. It's a TV program. B. It's a movie.

C. It's a book by Mark Twain. D. It's an American song.

53. Who of them are of the same age?

A.Bob and Yuki. B. Yuki and Dick.

C. Bob and Kate. D. Kate and Dick.

54. Where is Kate from?

A. Britain. B. America.

C. Canada. D. New Zealand.


Most of my sweet memories are from my childhood. There are always so many interesting things in the far away village where I grew up. One thing that leaves a deep impression on me is shearing the sheep.

In my village, sheep are washed and sheared (剪毛)

sometime in the month of June. This should be done quite early in

the month, before the hot days begin.

It's best for the sheep to have the wool taken off, or they will be too

hot in the summer time.


When the time comes for washing the sheep, they are driven to a

pond or a little river.

Then they are thrown into the water, one at a time. The men who

are in the water catch them, and wash them to get the dirt all out of the


When the wool is dry, the sheep are taken to the shearer; and he cuts off the wool with a large pair of shears. In a short time, before the cold winter comes, new wool grows out on the sheep. By the coming of spring, there is so much that it must be cut off soon.

55. When are sheep sheared usually?

A. In February. B. In June.

C. In April. D. In August.

56. According to the passage, why do people cut off the wool of sheep?

A. They do that for fun and pleasure.

B. They do that as a sport and exercise.

Co They do that to help sheep spend hot summer.

D. They do that to make sheep look more beautiful.

57. What does the underlined word "shears" in Paragraph 6 mean?

A. Knives B. Scissors. C. Baskets. D. Rivers.

58. How often do people shear their sheep?

A. Several times a year. B. Twice a year.

C. Once a few years. D. Once a year.


A person's nose is important for breathing and smelling. The nose is also used in many popular expressions.

Some people are able to lead other people by the nose. For example, if a wife leads her husband by the nose, she makes him do whatever she wants him to do.

Some people are said to be hard-nosed. They will not change their opinions easily. And many people will never pay through the nose, that is, they will not pay too much money for something.

It is always helpful when people keep their nose out of other people's business.The opposite of this is someone who noses around all the time. This kind of person is interested in other people's private matters. He is

considered nosy.


  中国招生考试网资讯    2016内蒙古中考报名需要吸纳进行网上预报名操作,报名时间为3月21日9:00-3月31日17:00,同学们可在规定时间内登录内蒙古招生考试信息网(http://www.nm.zsks.cn)中考网上报名系统,录入基本信息,进行网上报名工作。
  2016内蒙古中考网上报名入口 点击进入



  中国招生考试网资讯   根据《2016年内蒙古中考报名通知》,2016内蒙古中考报名统一采取网上报名的方式,报名时间:3月21日9:00—3月31日17:00(报名工作结束后不再安排补报名工作)。  报名步骤  1、网上预报名  考生本人登录内蒙古招生考试信息网http://www.nm.zsks.cn中考网上报名系统,录入基本信息,并打印出《考生预报名表》,由所在学校或街道办事处签注“情况属实,同意报考”意见,加盖公章。《考生预报名表》将存入《考生档案袋》。考生在报名期间录入完文字信息后,要牢记预报名号以及自己设置的密码。  2、现场采集指静脉信息、照相、确认考生信息  网上预报名之后,考生必须持二代居民身份证(是否需要其它证件由各盟市确定)、《考生预报名表》及相关证明材料到旗县区教育招生考试机构,进行采集指静脉信息和现场照相。
内蒙古自治区中考网上报名系统相关热词搜索:大连中考网上报名系统 江西中考网上报名系统


3、"内蒙古自治区中考网上报名系统" 地址:http://www.chinazhaokao.com/gaokao/gaokaochengjichaxun/521647.html,复制分享给你身边的朋友!