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导读: 环游世界80天读后感50个英语单词(共4篇)环游世界80天读后感Learn to believe yourself---Review of《Around The World In Eighty Days》This book, Around The World In Eighty Days, mainly describes themaster...



Learn to believe yourself

---Review of《Around The World In Eighty Days》

This book, Around The World In Eighty Days, mainly describes the

master Mr Fogg bet with his friends, he would around the world in eight

days, but his friend didn’t believe. If he lost the wager, he would become

a bankrupt. However, in the pressure, he did’t back down, and he

overcame a lot of difficulties with his firm will, finally he complete the

thing of traveling around the world in eight days.

It seems to me that Mr Fogg’s success because of his confidence. He

believes that he can’t be defeated by difficulties, and certainly complete

this thing. His firm will lets him didn’t give up halfway and hold his on

to the last.

In our life, confidence is the engine, is a kind of power. If you have

the confidence, you can go beyond yourself and take risks. As long as环游世界80天读后感50个英语单词

you have courage to try, and don’t give up, don’t fear the difficulties,

anything can make it.

In the life, everyone will meet difficulties and setbacks, but we can’t be

discouraged. In the face of dangerous and difficult circumstances, we

should keep clam, and calmly trying our best to overcome all kinds of

difficulties, the final victory will belong to us!

In addition, Mr Fogg could around the world in eight days, one of the

important reasons is cherishing the time. Wasting time is as good as

wasting life. Time for everyone is fair. If you want to get more, please

cherish the time.

After reading this book, I think I should try some new things in later环游世界80天读后感50个英语单词

times. Don’t always stay in one place, otherwise we will never get


Nothing in the world is too hard to do if we set our minds on it. As

long as we believe in ourselves and try our best to complete everything,

we will reach the other side of success!


Name:Cai Ruolin Matricola:5262138

Reading Report

Title: Around the World in 80 Days

Author: Jules Verme

Publisher: World Publishing Company


It is a story about Phileas Fogg’s story. Mr. Fogg lived in Saville Street with his

servant. He is a member of the Reform Club, and always plays whist with partners.

Mr. Fogg had lots of money, but he never greed. His lifestyle is to be eccentric ,

because he had a precise life, even to the minute. He had dismissed his servant,

and Passepartout instead of him. One day, Mr. Fogg unusually made a bet with his

partners: Around the world in 80 days.

Mr. Fogg made an estimate:环游世界80天读后感50个英语单词

From London to Suez Canal and Brindisi, by rail and steamboats 7days;

From Suez to Bombay, by steamer 13days;环游世界80天读后感50个英语单词

From Bombay to Calcutta, by rail 3days;

From Calcutta to Hong Kong, by steamer 13days;

From Hong Kong to Yokohama, by steamer 6days;

From Yokohama to San Francisco, by steamer 22days;

From San Francisco to New York, by rail 7days;

From New York to London, by steamer and rail 9days.

Total: 80days.

Then, Mr. Fogg had an adventure with his servant Passepartout. On the way,

Mr. Fogg rescued Aouda, be suspected to a thieve by Fix and so on.

At last, they were late, but only five minutes. But on the tomorrow night,

they knew that they were early for a day! And it was just 10 minutes, and they went to

the club quickly, finally they won the bet! But why did they be wrong? Original they

gone towards the sun, and have gone each degree, they have gotten four minutes!

The story moves along at a comfortable pace and not seems too slow, while the

characters are developed well .As with any book there are things that could be

criticized about it, but all in all, that is wonderful and it doesn’t really seem to have

suffered at all with the passage of more than a century. Perhaps, that’s the reason why

Verne’s novels have won great popularity all over the world ever since they were


Shining points:



lavish avaricious mysterious prediction dismiss omnibus interior

savage constant complexion reflection


The weather is very good, be in smooth water. Phileas Fogg, what are you doing:

walking on the deck? In appreciation of the beauty of the sea? No, he is not in the

least interested in these. He sat in the restaurant to eat, for the wonderful sights along

the way completely indifferent, even want to bother to think about.

If people in this life even if it is odd, it should also be recognized: the wacky but

also has its own interest.

Up to fifty-fifth seconds of time, only to hear the voice of thunderous applause,

outside, cheers, with curses, the noise grew louder, as one falls, continuously. Five

gentleman stood up.

The fifty-seventh second time, the hall door opened, the pendulum had not had

time to ring sixtieth, a group of fanatical masses surrounded by Phileas Fogg rushed

into the hall.

You know, we are the friends is a very strange man. His punctuality, this is be

known to all. He never arrives too soon, it is not too late.

篇三:《Around_the_world_in eighty day环游世界80天【英文读后感】》

Book Report of Around the World in Eighty Days "80 Days Visits World" is a novel which the French writer verne most receives welcome, are also are translated first China's work. Leading character Fogg to win one time to make a bet, namely

surrounds the Earth in 80 days, races against time hurries along. He travels by the train, the steamboat, the elephant and the hot-air balloon, launches a wave another wave risk by the firm will,

overcomes the innumerable natures and the artificial barrier, way Turkey, India, China and the US, returns to London finally as

scheduled.<dnt> the </dnt>80 day visits the world you to believe? Visits the world in the present to be possible not to need for 80 days, but, in the 1870s, might not have at that time such to be now

developed, must visit the world is the matter which simply indulges in fantasy, but leading character Mr. Fogg has actually completed this impossible matter, and has moved me.

when I see here, I was unable to restrain by his that not to attend to oneself, being willing to sacrifice for the companions the together superior quality to move deeply: Mr. Fogg for his companion, is willing to discard his all, he is great how, selflessness how! I and he compare, is really nothing to speak. As soon as usually, I see to have anything delicious, amusing, always snatches in front, simply does not give a thought to others' feeling; Not only so, when I have made the mistake matter's time, but also always wants to go all out to deny, refuses stubbornly to acknowledge, until they have held me “the vulnerable point”, is willing to give up in light of this. The recollection past, was really the regret not and!

in travel round the world, is not difficult to discover that Mr. Fogg is the wisdom, his some strange ideas, helped him to complete the travel, also caused me to understand: No matter does any matter, must be conscientious, be relentless, must have the tenacious will and not fear that the difficult courage, can complete each matter well, splendidly!

insisted that is wins!






























这位英国绅士与朋友打赌,说只要八十天,他就能环游地球,并以自己在巴林氏兄弟 那儿的的两万英镑作为赌注。他在旅行中遇到了许多意想不到的困难:恶劣天气、交通事故、强盗打劫列车等等。面对这些,福格先生镇定自若、应付自如,处处表现出他的绅士风度和坚毅果断、乐于助人的品格。他与仆人路路通冒着生命危险,从狂躁的本得尔坎德士邦人手中救下为土王殉葬的美丽的艾达夫人。艾达夫人到达英国后,深深地爱上了这个外表冷漠、内心善良而富有侠义精神的绅士。后来福格先生以为自己输掉了这场赌注,其实是时差跟他开了一个“玩笑”——在旅途过程中,他们因向东出发而不知不觉为自己赢得了24小时的时间——于是,福格先生赢得了最终的胜利。在获得胜利的同时,他也获得了艾达夫人对他的爱。



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