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2016-01-19 09:11:32 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

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Reading report

——Suet ball I’m reading a book named Suet ball, which was written by Maupassant, one of the greatest critical realist writers in the world. He created hundreds of short stories and six novels during his short lifetime. As we all know, he is famous for his short stories, especially the story Suet ball which won him great reputation around the world.

Suet ball was based on a true story happened at the war between French and Prussia. This novel tells the sad story of a harlot called suet ball. With several noble French on the carriage, she was on the way leaving her city for her at the point of killing a Prussia soldier. Though she was looked down by these people, she was selfless to share her food with them. Unfortunately, they were detained by a Prussia officer. The officer didn’t let them go unless suet ball agree to sleep with him for one night. At first, she was determined to refuse his unreasonable request. However, these noble people were so selfish that they instigated her to say yes to him, thoroughly giving up their patriotism. So this kind-hearted girl took their advice, selling her body to get in their freedom in return. To our surprise, when the pitiful girl needed food and drink after the torment, nobody among them gave a hand to her and they even

ruthlessly condemned her “shameful” conduct. Suet ball had no choice but to hug herself tightly, sobbing.

There is no doubt that these so-called nobles were selfish and greedy, for they only cared about themselves and wealth. When something or somebody is useless, they will abandon them without hesitation, such as suet ball. On the contrast, suet ball, one of the lower class, behaved like a real noble person. She not only gave food to these ugly people but also sell her body for their freedom. The most important thing was that she refused to sleep with the enemy because she regarded it as a betrayal to her motherland. She kept her conscience all the time while others had lost it in cruel wars. She was born in slush but her heart was pure.

We can see from the story that everyone is stark-naked in front of wars. Don’t judge one person by his or her appearance or position. Cruel wars will strip all the external stuffs. Those so-called noble people were actually mean. However, suet ball, a harlot, showed her patriotism and remained faithful and unyielding.

I think the author wanted to sing the praises of the courage to resist the enemies and the emotion of patriotism through the character-suet ball. And because of his successful describe, suet ball has become an well-known symbol for her faith and patriotism.



Suet ball is a hero to live in the bottom of society, discrimination of prostitutes. Different authors to describe her as a positive character, and with a group of "gentleman" as the person's upper-class bourgeois figures for comparison, which reveals the appearance of pretend, the selfish and hypocritical patriotism even the most basic are certainly No deposit dirty mind. I was particularly impressed that the identity of those with a noble person before and after the interests of the great changes in attitude. When the count of those noble, rich suet ball bosses need help to the detained military officers from Germany, they "amiable.跟她讲calmly reason, touched with the feelings of her, very attentive to compliment her, love her to discuss . praised the sacrifices she will help us all very busy, we would be grateful to her how. "Then, when the ball did not make use of the value of suet, and these people" as if by prior agreement to swap the other way round, it seems like she did not see. "noble Count roll up his wife, "She might be able to avoid much of the" arrogance of the boss's wife to "stare at her," "We all are far away from her, and as her skirts like with any infectious diseases." concise language, a strong contrast to the identity of those with noble benevolence of people pretending to leave, hypocritical affectation and accurate portrait of such a profound manner, the elegance of these people, Yong-rong appearance under cover to expose the ugly face of relentless out so that the reader can not help each of us give a snort of these hypocrites. Maupassant's novel reveals humanity美与丑. When we described that in their世态炎凉, weak social relationships sad at the same time, will naturally think of their own. We are now in the 19th century, social and of course a far cry from the French society, but from those who leave jen Maupassant described the hypocrites who pretend, and that is absolutely merciless, full of bourgeois society hierarchy, made us feeling among people in good faith, how the value of treatment! Full of mutual love and help each other how the social atmosphere of warmth! We are lucky, we do not live in Maupassant described the kind of hierarchy, only the interests of the people are far apart in a sad society. But if we do not know how to treasure them, all to get along with others wearing "masks" of doing things have been wondering whether or not profitable, then surrounded by the Cities around us will also be变淡, in the end we will also live in a cold world. If you planted the seeds of false, it may only be the fruit of薄情寡义. After all, treat people with sincerity is mutual. Will work sincerely to really harvest. I believe in good faith towards each side of the talent will be the happiest, and that you are a small community will be the warmest. Each composed of small community where a large community. Master Maupassant castigate bourgeois hierarchy and cold interpersonal relationships, a correct call on the passion of the society? As long as each of us strive to create a warm small community, it will not even into a bright, beautiful world of passion. Wearing a mask, consisting mainly of a pecuniary interest in interpersonal relationships is suffocating even feel terrible, and we sincerely need to reduce barriers to treatment with the sincerity of friends, such a social environment can people think of warm, like a big family 老人与海英文版读后感

the Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a GREat part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers.

Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I

remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.Pride and Prejudice is a chefdoeuvre.My first impression of this story was from screen.It's long long ago, maybe before I can read english books. I don't remember which movie edition I had seen. But I was impressed by the music, the scenery and the costume.

I was very favor of a section of music in its balls. It's pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. Regarding to the characters, I liked Elizabeth, the he-ro-in-e,though I didn't think she's beautiful. But she's smart. However, I didn't pay much attention to the plot. I thought it's so long that it made me impatient and bored. By now, I haven't read the whole story in English or its Chinese version, either. I owe it to my prejudice. In fact, I didn't understand the story at that time. I didn't know why it called Pride and Prejudice. Of course someone was pride, but I didn't find where' s the prejudice. I thought it's normal, the way people treated each other in that. I considered prejudice would be very disgusting. But to the movie everthing was OK in my minds, except its length. Now, I think I have understood more about it. I'm a prejudiced person so I can't find where's wrong. I merely like to do the things I like. Everytime I meet somebody or something,my thinking about he or it all depends on my foregone experience and my mood of the time.







—— 《羊脂球》

八年级十二班 陈慧 小的时候很喜欢看莫泊桑的短篇,他幽默的批判手法一度让我沉迷于他的作品。然而细细回忆起来,记忆最深的还是首次读的他的作品——《羊脂球》。



当时看到这里,心里对那些资本家以及所谓的上层人士产生了极度的鄙视,甚至于恨他们的所作所为。对羊脂球产生了莫大的同情,一个妓女尚且有爱国心,肯为他人考虑,不惜牺牲自己。这样我纠结有矛盾,到底什么样的人才配拥有瞧不起他人的资格„„仔细想想,这更是与当时的法兰西第三共和国社会背景有关。资本主义法国人与人间的地位隔阂、建立在金钱上的虚伪友谊和亲密,在作者笔下被淋漓尽致地体现出来。 从小说中羊脂球的具体表现来看,首先她是位心地非常善良的姑娘,富有同情心与宽容精神。马车上她对别人的恶意侮辱和蔑视不予计较,反而以德报怨,主动请他们吃东西,这又显露出其可贵的助人为乐的品质。而更重要的则是她身上的那种强烈的爱国情感与民族自尊心。她之所以离开卢昂,是因为抗拒普鲁士士兵的蹂躏时拼死反抗,几乎掐断了那人的脖子,为免遭逮捕而不得已外出躲避的。而她坚持拒绝普鲁士军官逼她“过夜”的无理要求,是因为在她看来,委身于自己民族的敌人,便意味着对祖国的背叛。

《羊脂球》里,无论是前面的羊脂球的食物被掏空,还是后面她被迫去跟敌方军官睡觉换取贵族的继续逃亡。羊脂球被牺牲了。贵族始终看紧他们腰包里的金子,就算是自己的恩人,当威胁到自己的利益时他们都会变成嗜血的恶狼。资本统治下的人,能拥有权力、金钱、地位,都是血腥堆积出来的。他们就像是血吸虫,如马克思所说“上上下下都滴着肮脏的血”,也正是这种丑恶的灵魂给他们带来了财富。 当一个人有利用价值的时候,他们会把你伺候地像皇帝。这就是贵族的价值观,他们自私贪婪的本性只允许他们用金钱去衡量一切。书本的学识未能给他们带来善心。现实中赤裸裸的金钱交易、残酷的争名夺利冲刷了一切形而上的终极关怀。这在后文中显露无疑。










通河忘川学社 洪超









细细读完《羊脂球》内心无法平静。心里滋生许多感情,对羊脂球的同情、悲哀、肯定,对当时冷漠甚至残忍的社会感到的悲痛 ,还有无奈。种种悲剧情感纠结,很难用言语表达。






莫泊桑是世界著名的短篇小说大师。暑假中,我有幸阅览了莫泊桑的著名作品《羊脂球》。 书中除了《羊脂球》外还有包括我们课本上学习过的《我的叔叔于勒》等三十几篇短篇小说,内容涉及到普法战争;小资产阶级和公务员;农村的生活;怪诞的故事;以及婚姻、家庭生活这几方面。 “艺术是有选择的、有表现力的真实”莫泊桑排除了一切与其主题无关的内容,阐明了本质的、有特点的东西,令其每篇小说都短小精悍又简单易懂。从这一个个平凡的小故事中,作者想要赞美的或是讽刺的,一切想要表达的都传递给了每一位读者。 其中

最盛名的自然是本书的同名作品《羊脂球》。主人公羊脂球是一位生活在社会最底层、受人歧视的妓女。作者与众不同地把她作为正面人物描写,并用其与一群以“正人君子”视人的上流社会资产阶级人物作对比,揭示了后者道貌岸然的外表下,自私虚伪连最基本的爱国情感都荡然无存的肮脏内心。 令我印象特别深刻的是那些拥有高尚身份的人在利益前后那巨大的态度变化。当那些高贵的伯爵、富有的老板们需要羊脂球的帮助才能脱离德国军官的扣留时,他们“和蔼可亲。心平气和地跟她讲道理,用感情打动她,非常殷勤地恭维她,讨她的喜欢。赞扬她的牺牲将帮了大家大忙,大家将对她有多么感激。” 而后,当羊脂球没有利用价值了,这些人“不约而同地掉转头去,好像没看见她一样。”高贵的伯爵挽起他的夫人,“对她避得远远的”老板的妻子傲慢地“瞪了她一眼”,“大家都离她远远的,如同她的裙子里带着什么传染病似的。” 简洁的语言,强烈的对比,把那些拥有高贵身份的人的假仁假意、虚伪做作刻画地如此精准而又深刻,把这些人高贵、雍荣外表遮盖下的丑恶嘴脸毫不留情地揭露了出来,令我们每个读者不禁对这些伪君子嗤之以鼻。 莫泊桑的小说揭示了人性的美与丑。当我们在为其笔下那个世态炎凉、人情淡薄的社会感到悲哀的同时,也会自然地联想到自身。 我们现在身处的社会与19世纪的法国社会当然相差甚远,但是,从莫泊桑笔下那些假仁假意的伪君子身上,以及那个毫无人情味、充满资产阶级等级观念的社会中,更让我们感觉人与人之间真诚地相待是多么的可贵!充满相互关爱、相互帮助氛围的社会是多么温暖! 我们是幸运的,我们没有生活在莫泊桑

笔下那种只有利益与等级观念,人心却相隔万里的可悲社会中。但如果我们不懂得好好珍惜,与人相处都戴着“假面具”,为人处事都盘算着是否有利可图,那么包围在我们身边的浓情也将变淡,到最后我们也将生活在一个冰冷的世界里。 如果你种下虚情假意的种子,也只可能得到薄情寡义的果实。毕竟,以诚待人是相互的。真心地耕耘也将收获到真心。我相信真诚地对待每一个身边的人才会是最快乐的,而你身处的那个小小社会也会是最温暖的。 每个人所在的小社会组成一个大社会。莫泊桑大师鞭挞了资产阶级等级观念以及冰冷的人际关系,不正呼吁了一个充满浓情的社会吗?只要我们每个人努力创建一个温暖的小社会,那么必将连成一个光明、美好的浓情世界。 戴着假面具,以金钱利益为主的人际关系是令人感到可怕甚至令人窒息的,我们需要用诚心消除隔膜,用诚意去对待朋友,这样的社会环境才能令人想到温暖,象一个大家庭。



浦口区第三中学 二(6)班 滕雪

细细读完《羊脂球》内心无法平静。心里滋生许多感情,对羊脂球的同情、悲哀、肯定,对当时冷漠甚至残忍的社会感到的悲痛 ,还有无奈。种种悲剧情感纠结,很难用言语表达。














马车在普军关卡受阻一场是情节发展的关键,也是展现人物性格的重要环节。那些高贵的伯爵、富有的老板们需要羊脂球的帮助才能脱离德国军官的扣留,然而爱国的羊脂球不愿屈服,“高贵的人们”为了迫使这位女同胞屈从普鲁士军官的无耻要求,施展了种种阴谋:暴发户主张把羊脂球捆起来交给敌人;于尔贝伯爵因出身于三代做过大使的贵族之家,且具有外交家的风度,主张用巧妙的手腕使羊脂球就范。修女则引用《圣经》里的故事说明,只要用意正当,动机纯洁,任何行动都可得到上帝的原谅。到了后来,他们和蔼可亲。心平气和地跟她讲道理,用感情打动她,非常殷勤地恭维她,讨她的喜欢。赞扬她的牺牲将帮了大家大忙,大家将对她有多么感激。” 善良的羊脂球为了全车同胞,终于牺牲了自己的贞操„„ 马车又上路了,车上的气氛再次发生了转变。因为羊脂球没有利用价值了,这些人“不约而同地掉转头去,好像没看见她一样。”高贵的伯爵挽起他的夫人,“对她避得远远的”老板的妻子傲慢地“瞪了她一眼”, “大家都离她远远的,如同她的裙子里带着什么传染病似的。” 大家都象是看不见她,认不得她,更没有一个惦记她。他们各自享用着自己的佳肴。而为了这一车人的生命牺牲了贞操,在慌忙中没有准备食物的羊脂球却在挨饿受冻。这与马车上第一个场面形成了鲜明的对照。小说就在羊脂球的哭泣和呜咽声中结束。

莫泊桑运用简洁的语言,强烈的对比,把那些拥有“高贵身份”的人的假仁假意、虚伪做作刻画得如此精准而深刻,把这些人高贵、雍荣外表遮盖下的丑恶嘴脸毫不留情地揭露了出来,令我们每个读者不禁对这些伪君子嗤之以鼻。 莫泊桑的小说揭示了人性的美与丑。当我们在为其笔下那个世态炎凉、人情淡薄的社会感到悲哀的同时,也会自然地联想到自身。 我们现在身处的社会与19世纪的法国社会当然相差甚远,但是,从莫泊桑笔下那些假仁假意的伪君子身上,以及那个毫无人情味、充满资产阶级等级观念的社会中,更让我们感觉人与人之间真诚地相待是多么的可贵!充满相互关爱、相互帮助氛围的社会是多么温暖! 我们是幸运的,我们没有生活在莫泊桑笔下那种只有利益与等级观念,人心却相隔万里的可悲社会中。但如果我们不懂得好好珍惜,与人相处都戴着“假面具”,为人处事都盘算着是否有利可图,那么包围在我们身边的浓情也将变淡,到最后我们也将生活在一个冰冷的世界里。 如果你种下虚情假意的种子,也只可能得到薄情寡义的果实。毕竟,以诚待人是相互的。真心地耕耘也将收获到真心。我相信真诚地对待每一个身边的人才会是最快乐的,而你身处的那个环境也会是最温暖的。 每个人所在的小环境组成一个大社会。莫泊桑大师






A really noble person

Maupassant (1850~1893) was one of the greatest critical realist writers in the world. During his brief life, Maupassant created six novels and more than 350 medium forms. His literary achievement relied heavily on his short stories, such as necklace, suet ball, beautiful friend, etc. As one of three “kings of world short story”, Maupassant produced a great effect on the later word literature. Maupassant won world renown for suet ball, which was his maiden work. Suet ball was created based on a true story happened at the war between French and Prussia.

Suet ball, a humble prostitute, was the heroine of the story. In 1870, several French tried to flee from enemy-occupied area by cottage. Unfortunately, they were detained by a Prussia officer. The officer didn’t let them leave unless suet ball agreed to sleep with him for a night. Out of her patriotism, suet ball gave him a point-blank refusal. However, in order to leave that area, other French, the so-called nobles, flattered suet ball, prayed her to sleep with that officer. Suet ball was so kind that she made a sacrifice for them. Next morning, when suet ball got into the cottage, the nobles, who still smiled at her yesterday, altered their attitudes to suet ball totally. They stayed away from her, cast contemptuous sights at her, and even disdained talking with her. In their eyes, the nasty prostitute wasn’t useful any


Through the sharp comparison between suet ball and the so-called nobles, Maupassant put the evil, shamelessness, greed and hypocrisy of the aristocracy in the spotlight, and paid a tribute to the people of lower class for their goodness and patriotism. The so-called nobles were selfish and greedy; they paid their attention to nothing but wealth. So it was impossible for them to concern about the future of their motherland and national honor. When they can take advantage of you, they flattered you, served you like you were god; when they used up you, they discarded you like rubbish. It was just the evil soul that brought power, wealth and status to the nobles. However, suet ball, the prostitute of the lower class, behaved like a real noble person. She returned good for evil: though the nobles humiliated her, she still shared her food with them. She refused to sleep with that officer, because she thought it was a betrayal of her motherland to sell her body to enemy. At that critical time, suet ball showed her patriotism and national honor. To help her compatriots, she would rather sacrifice herself. Suet ball was humbly born, but her soul was noble.

In my opinion, the several nobles were disgusting, humble, no matter how much wealth they had, how powerful they were. Suet ball was noble and gracious, though she was a prostitute. Suet ball

helped me to realize that a man with a noble soul is a real noble person.

《羊脂球 英文读后感》

A Real Noble Person —— Suet Ball

Guy de Maupassant(1850~1893), one of the greatest critical realist writers in the world, is considered as one of three “kings of world short story”. Maupassant created six novels and 359 medium forms during his brief lifetime, engendering a momentous effect on the later literature. And it’s his maiden work, Suet Ball that won him world-wide prestige.

In1870, with the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, the real-based story Suet Ball happened. The heroine of the story is a humble harlot called Suet Ball. With a group of French residents of Rouen, recently occupied by the Prussian army, the 11 travelers are on their way fleeing to Le Havre in a stagecoach. In virtue of the appalling weather, the stagecoach moves rather slowly and has just covered a few miles by midday. Initially, those occupants snub Suet Ball whereas their attitudes alters with the emergence of a basket filled with scrumptious food and she caters for those hungry travelers selflessly.

The carriage doesn’t stop until they blunders into a Prussian-held territory called Tôtes. A Prussian officer detains the coach with no definite reasons. In the next two days, the occupants wait with barely concealed impatience and eventually Suet Ball tells that they will be detained perpetually unless she approves of sleeping with the officer. Out of her patriotism, Suet Ball gives him a point-blank refusal. As it should be, those travelers behave furiously to the officer's arrogance while during the next two days, they exemplify logic and morality in diverse ways to convince Suet Ball of its validity. What a kind-hearted girl! Finally Suet Ball gives up and sacrifices her body for everyone’s freedom.

The next morning, they are permitted to leave. But those 'representatives of Virtue' totally neglect Suet Ball, casting scathing sights on the poor young woman while even disdaining talking to her and rejecting sharing their food with her in the same way that she did at the beginning. From their perspectives, Suet Ball turns out to be no more utilizable and should be condemned for her “ashamed” conduct. As the stagecoach travels deeper into the night, she seethes with rage against those hypocrites, and ultimately weeps for her lost dignity.

In this story, Maupassant highlighted the intense comparison between Suet Ball and the so-called nobles. Rapacity, hypocrisy, sexuality and nobility intertwine in the spotlight,eulogizing the underclass’ patriotism and lampooning the sham of the aristocracy. Maupassant portrays the inhabitants of the stagecoach in varied disparaging ways. The most luminous character belongs to the two nuns. At first they are portrayed as tranquil and subservient to Lord and demonstrate their fiery patriotic desire to dedicate to their motherland rather than a sordid intention like the other passengers: the nuns profess to haste to a military hospital to heal the wounded French soldiers, hence presenting the argument towards instigating Suet Ball to abandon her resistance. How absurd it is! Nuns are supposed to take strait vows and treat others benevolently. They fill Suet Ball's head with arguments, arguing that it is not morally wrong to sleep with the officer in order to let the travelers leave, and that the longer she waits, the more

young French soldiers will die as the nuns are not there to look after them. Superficially, they claim that it is for the good of the country but indeed they’re just taking advantage of her. Suet Ball's resistance to the officer's sexual advances again indicate her patriotism. Cruel wars have stripped all the external stuffs. In contrast to all of these is Suet Ball, a prostitute, revealed to be the most fiercely patriotic, virtuous, and morally admirable character, which Maupassant contrasts with the hypocrisy and snobbery of the others.

It is arguably Maupassant’s most famous short story. The carriage constitutes a microcosm of French society as a whole. And the narrative techniques of this story are rather sophisticated and carefully conceived. On balance, a real noble person like Suet Ball can’t be judged by the appearance or the occupation, his/ her moral quality will glitter when confronting the real ordeal. Consequently, I deem that Suet Ball is worth reading lingeringly, savoring every word.

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