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导读: 云师大教务(共7篇)云南师范大学文理学院教务网入口:http: jwc ysdwl cn 下面中国招生考试网小编给各位考生整理:云南师范大学文理学院教务网入口:http: jwc ysdwl cn 更多校园信息,请关注>>>校园快讯>>> 云南师范大学商学院教务系统入口:http: jw ynnubs com ...












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Situated in Spring City—Kunming, Yunnan Normal University (henceforth YNNU), having a long and glorious history, is the key normal university of Yunnan. Its predecessor is the Teachers’ College of National Southwest United University, which was founded in 1938. In 1946 the three constituent universities of Southwest United University—Peking University, Tsinghua University and Nankai University—returned to their original campuses, while the Teachers College remained in Kunming independently and developed into National Kunming Normal College first, and then changed into Kunming Normal College in 1950, and finally renamed Yunnan Normal University in 1984. In 1999, Yunnan Normal University, Yunnan Education College and Yunnan Training College of Physical Education were merged into the new Yunnan Normal University. Since its establishment more than 70 years ago, YNNU has been sticking to the motto of Southwest United University---“being strong and resolute”, and has formed a style of “profound in learning and upright in character”. The university has established a complete talent cultivating pattern, which includes full-time higher education, adult higher education, higher vocational education and foreign student education. YNNU has a complete degree system offering post doctoral training and PhD, MA and BA programs and has trained more than 200,000 talents, winning the reputation of “teachers’ cradle on the red earth plateau.”

About Yunnan Normal University

Located in Kunming which is called “City of Perennial Spring” and conceived in the Teachers College of the National Southwest Associated University which was established in 1938 from the merger of Peking University, Tsinghua University and Nankai University, Yunnan Normal University is a provincial key university that has a long and fine tradition. In 1946, the three prestigious universities were moved back to their original campuses in the north of China but the Teachers College remained in Kunming. It adopted the name of the National Kunming Normal College in 1946, Kunming Normal College in 1950 and Yunnan Normal University in 1984 respectively. In 1999, Yunnan Education College and Yunnan Sports College merged into Yunnan Normal University. In its development of over seventy years, the university has adhered to its motto of “perseverance in personality; devotion to teaching and learning; pursuit of virtue and wisdom”. It has a fairly complete education system for offering either post-doctoral, doctoral, master’s or bachelor’s degrees to full-time, part-time, vocational, adult and international students. Up to now, it has produced more than 200,000 graduates of different kinds and is rightfully praised as the cradle of qualified teachers on this lateritic plateau.



YNNU takes up an area of 3,330 mu (about 543 acres), and has 23 schools, 2 independent schools and more than 40 research centers. At present, YNNU has more than 25,000 full-time postgraduate and undergraduate students, over 15,000 adult continuing education students. There are over 2.7 million books and reference materials in the university library, which is a part of the Yunnan Document Service Center of China Higher Education Document Guarantee System. The university is equipped with up-to-date information system and “digitalized campus”. YNNU Journal for Social Science is listed as one of the top 30 university journals and a source journal for CSSCI. YNNU Journal for Natural Science is ranked as one of the key science and technology journals of China. The Journal’s TCFL (Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) Edition is the first journal of its kind among university journals in China.

The university covers a total area of 3,330 Mu(about 543 acres). It consists of 23 schools plus two independent schools and more than 40 research institutes. It has now over 25,000 full-time students pursuing different degrees and 15,000 students in the School of Continuing Education. Its library is the provincial center of the data resources of Chinese higher education and houses more than 2,700,000 copies of books of various kinds with a new-generation digitalized service system. The Journal of Yunnan Normal University (social sciences) ranks among the top thirty of its kind(CSSCI) in China, The Journal of Yunnan Normal University (natural sciences) is an acclaimed core journal in China, and The Journal of Yunnan Normal University (Teaching and Research on Chinese as a Foreign Language) is the first one of its kind in China.


In YNNU, there are 10 disciplines which include literature, history, philosophy, law, education, management, science, engineering, economics and arts. The university is characterized by teacher education and emphasizes both liberal arts and science. YNNU pursues a harmonious development of multi-disciplinary structure. Now, YNNU has 70 undergraduate majors and 141 doctorate and master programs, which include 10 professional master programs, such as master of education, master of business administration, etc. YNNU is one of the first 24 universities to establish master program of teaching Chinese as a foreign language in China.

The university offers such branches of learning as literature, history, philosophy, law, education, management, economics, art, science and technology with teacher education as its characteristic feature. Its interdisciplinary orientation helps the students lay a solid foundation for future development. It offers 70 bachelor’s programs, 141 master’s and doctoral programs, of which ten are professional master’s programs like MBA and General Education. It is one of the first 24 universities in China that offer the master’s program for Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages


Through reforms and innovation in teaching content, teaching methods, curriculum systems and talent cultivating models, YNNU has successfully changed from a traditional normal university to a teaching and research university with teacher education as its characteristics. YNNU is equipped with a series of national-level teaching teams and is a national pilot university for talent cultivating model innovation. YNNU has won pilot projects of national educational system reform, national teaching achievement awards and has established a series of national special majors, national quality courses, national demonstration centers of experiment teaching, national bilingual model courses, innovation teams under the Ministry of Education and 20 national “Quality Engineering” projects. YNNU is one of the three pilot local normal universities for free teacher education. It has won many awards in recent years, such as Excellent Teaching Affair Division of Chinese Universities, Advanced Unit of Enrollment of Chinese Universities, Advanced Unit of Adult Higher Education of Chinese Universities etc. YNNU’s undergraduate teaching is ranked “excellent” by Ministry of Education.


Through innovative reforms on teaching methodology, contents, curriculums as well as training models, the university has accomplished the transformation from a traditional teacher-training university to a teaching-research oriented modern university with teacher education as its typical trait. It has some qualified teaching teams, innovative courses, special programs and experimental teaching bases that rank among the best in China in their respective fields. It carries out some key reforms in terms of education system, bilingual teaching and teaching innovation at the national level. It has 20 state-level “Quality Projects” under construction. It is one of the three universities of its kind in China that offer free teacher-training programs. The Education Affairs Department, the Enrolment Department and the Adult Education Department of this university have received state-level honors of different kinds for their respective contribution. Its undergraduate teaching is rated “Excellence” in the teaching-quality assessment by the Ministry of Education of China.


Yunnan Normal University owns a series of research institutes, including National Quality Testing Center for Solar Heater, Chinese Language and Culture Education Base of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, China-UK Solar Energy Research Center, Key Labs of Ministry of Education, Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education,, Athletic Culture Research Base of State Sport General Administration, key labs of Yunnan Province, Creative Talent Base of Yunnan, Platt America Research Center, Rowning Canada Research Center, Chinese Language Teaching College of Yunnan,Strategy Research Institute of China Kunming Pan-Asian Talent Cultivation and Development etc. In recent years, Yunnan Normal University has undertaken more than 100 key projects, which include key national humanities research projects, National Project 973, Project 863, Key Special International Cooperative Projects, key projects of National Natural Science Foundation, key projects of National Social Science Foundation etc. YNNU has also undertaken over 300 projects of various types and the fund of these projects amounts to more than 200 million Yuan. Some original research findings, such as Photocatalytic materials, theories on abstract differential equation, SPT computer color measuring technology, research on the application and development of solar energy, the development of new types of enzyme etc, are advanced at national level.

The university has more than forty research centers or institutes at the national, ministerial or provincial levels, including a national solar-heater quality testing center, a Chinese education base sponsored by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of China, a China-UK solar-energy research center, a research center of sports culture sponsored by the General Administration of Sport of China, Platt American Studies Center, Ronning Canadian Studies Center, Kunming Strategy Research Institute for Pan-Asian Talent Training and Development, some key labs, engineering research centers and talent-training bases sponsored either by the Ministry of Education of China or by the provincial government. In the past five years, the university has taken on some prestigious key research projects like the National Social Science Foundation Major Project, the National Natural Science Foundation Major Project, “973” Project, “863” Project, and some key international joint projects. Its national research projects of natural sciences and social sciences number 100 plus 300 other research projects of various kinds with its research funds totaling about 200,000,000 Yuan(RMB). Some of its research findings rank among the best in China, including photocatalytic materials, studies on abstract differential equations, SPT techniques, solar-energy application and development, and new enzymes.


Yunnan Normal University has a staff of over 2,300, of which more than 1,500 are full-time teachers and 686 are professors and associate professors. Some of the teachers are National Experts with Outstanding Contributions, experts who enjoy State Council allowances, experts who enter “The National Million Talents Project”, experts who enter the “Top 100-Talent Plan of Chinese Academy of Science”, experts who won “Young Teacher Award of Ministry of Education” and experts who enter “The New Century Supporting Plan for Excellent Talents of Ministry of Education”. Yunnan Normal

University also has more than 100 honorary professors, visiting professors or part-time professors from 40 countries or regions, such as Nobel Prize winner Chen-Ning Franklin Yang; academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yang Le, Guo Boling, Dai Ruwei; academician of United Kingdom's Royal Academy of Engineering and Professor Gehan Amaratunga of Cambridge University, Seymour Topping, former editor of New York Times and former Administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, and famous futurist Dr. John Naisbitt, etc.

The university has a staff of about 2,300, of whom 1,500 are full-time teachers and 686 are professors and associate professors. Some of them are experts with honors from the Central Government, the State Council of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Ministry of Education of China. The university has invited about 100 well-known experts from 40 countries and regions all over the world as its Honorary Professors, Guest Professors or Adjunct Professors, including Professor Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, a Nobel Prize winner, Professor Yang Le, Professor Guo Bailing and Professor Dai Ruwei who are academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Gehan Amaratunga from Cambridge University, an academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering, U.K., Professor Seymour Topping, former Administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, managing editor for the New York Times and president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, and Dr. John Naisbitt, a well-known futurist.

云南师范大学是一所开放的、有着国际化视野的现代大学,先后被教育部和国家汉办确定为支持周边国家汉语教学的10所重点大学之一、中国对东南亚国家进行汉语师资培训的基地、国家首批赴海外承办孔子学院的大学、享受中国政府奖学金和孔子学院奖学金留学生接收院校、国家HSK考试和汉语作为第二外语教学能力资格考点。到目前为止,学校在国外建立了1所孔子学院、3个孔子课堂、5个中国语言文化中心。学校已与英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰以及港澳台等国家和地区近百所国外大学和科研机构建立了合作交流关系,是联合国教科文组织在中国西南地区的中学英语师资培训基地和云南省目前具有对港澳台招生权的两所高校之一。 YNNU is a modern university with open and international vision. It is appointed as one of the ten key universities to support international Chinese teaching in neighboring countries by the Ministry of Education and National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. It is also the training base for Chinese teachers in Southeast Asia and one of the first universities to establish Confucius institutes overseas. YNNU is also one of the universities in China authorized to grant Chinese Government scholarship to foreign students. There are HSK and CFL test centers in YNNU. So far, YNNU has established 1 Confucius Institute, 3 Confucius Classrooms and 5 Chinese Language and Culture Centers overseas. YNNU has established cooperation and exchange relationship with about one hundred universities and research institutions in UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Macau. YNNU has also one UNESCO Training Center for Middle School English Teachers in Southwest China. YNNU is one of the two authorized universities in Yunnan to recruit students from Hong Kong and Macau.

The university boasts of its international vision and modern ideas. It is one of the ten universities selected by the Ministry of Education of China and the Office of Chinese Language Council International that help offer Chinese programs to neighboring countries. It has a training base for the teachers of Chinese in Southeast Asian countries, and a HSK test center and a CFL test center. It is one of the first Chinese universities selected by the Chinese Government to establish Confucius Institute





学号 姓名学院:信息学院 专业、班级:软件工程F班 实验课程名称 计算机网络

教师及职称 袁凌云(讲师)

开课学期2015 至 2016 学年 上 学期




1. 前言



2. 需求分析


建立以主教学楼为网络中心的校园网,连接校园各楼宇的主干网络。 考虑到学校以后对各种网络应用的需求,另外随着技术的逐渐先进,目前各类布线材料在价格方面比较接近,因此对所有信息点都按照五类UTP标准布线,每个信息点可实现不低于100Mb的带宽,这样不仅可支持一般的学校信息管理应用对网络传输带宽的要求,而且还可以使用MPEG-2等格式的多媒体进行信息传输。




图书馆电子阅览室500个信息点(分为2子网),50个图书借阅管理信息点;学校20个学院,每个学院240个信息点,学院楼各自独立;图书馆电子阅览室500个信息点(分为2子网),50个借管信息点; 整个校园网通过DDN(Digital Data Network数字数据网。它是利用数字信道提供永久性连接电路,用来传输数据信号的数字传输网络。)专线接入教育科研网CERNET,开通万维网WWW、电子邮件E-MAIL、文件传送协议FTP、远程TELNET服务、电子公告板BBS(Bulletin Board System)等各种INTERNET服务。号服务,使校区内及家庭用户等零散单机可通过电话拨号连到网络上,形成一个广域的计算机网络。校园网的建立,可以实现全校开通办公自动化系统、视频点播多媒体等教学系统。校园网同时提供PPP点对点协议来实现资源共享,在一定程度上满足学校教育、科研等对各种信息资源的需求。

















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